Hey guys it's De Ann. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever. But I took a break from fanfiction a while ago… you know, trying to get back into my mojo. :D but anyways now that its summer break ill have more time to think and get stories out in my head. I always have ideas floating around in my head, and occasionally I write out the first chapter just to get it out there and started. I think now that I have more time on my hands ill get more chapters out but I don't think ill post them when I'm done with them… no I think I'll keep on writing chapter after chapter until im on a roll here. You know? :D lol so anyways ill try and check me out on FictionPress. Even though I haven't started any stories up there yet, I'm wanting to. My profile name is "WhoDoesn'tLoveAWriterLikeMe". So make sure to check that out and the stories that are under my "favorite stories". I love them. :D keep on reading!

Love De Ann!