This is it everyone… the final chapter to my tale. It's a bit graphic at the beginning… just to warn ya.

Please enjoy!

The Dark Mistress

Chapter 11: The outcome…

Dragons could be heard speaking, some sounded distressed, and others in hurry, but what they said exactly could not be made out. The sound of claws against stone and wings beating the air also joined them. Dragons, moles, and cheetahs rushed this way and that, gathering up the wounded and looking for their loved ones. Debris was everywhere, littering the streets and filling the air with dust. If one were to approach Warfang at this time, they would be able to tell from a far distance that chaos had erupted in the city…

- - - - - - - -

Two weeks passed since the second battle for Warfang, and they were still doing their best to care for the wounded. There were many medical tents set up where dragons worked around the clock to heal their brothers and sisters. Kain was among these medical dragons. He had known about these serious situations, but had never experienced one; the sights he saw made him nauseous. Dragons with limbs torn right from the socket, deep gashes lining their bodies. He would have fainted from the sight, but he knew he had a task at hand and focused on it.

As he walked through the streets, mindful of the remaining debris, he passed several tents, but one in particular filled his heart with sorrow. In this tent was his mate, Synthie. After the battle, he, along with other medical dragons, had found her and her parents just outside the city. All three of them were unconscious and fatally wounded, no one believed that they could be saved, but Kain would not hear of it. This was his family and he would be damned if they didn't at least try to save them. They quickly brought them back into the city where they immediately began to clean their wounds, bandage them up, and so forth. It was only three days after this that both Spyro and Cynder had regained their consciousness. However, Synthie still did not wake, she was in a coma. That single word always sent shivers down Kain's spine. He knew that those in a coma were at a greater risk of being lost and it frightened him to no end that he could very well lose the love of his life. "Please Ancestors," he prayed as tears began to flow from his eyes, "heal her… please! Allow her to live! I can't take another step without her by my side!"

As if to answer his prayer, a dragon quickly emerged from the same tent. He too had dark-blue scales, but instead of having maroon chest-scales like Kain, his were sky-blue. "Kain!" he called out to him.

Kain looked up, broken out of his trance, and wiped his tears away, though he still sniffled a little bit. "Yes…? What… is it?"

"We need you in here!" replied the other dragon before disappearing into the tent once more. Kain felt his heart drop like a ton of steel.

Oh no…

- - - - - - - -

Synthie felt her head swimming. She was, once again, surrounded by darkness, but this darkness felt different than before. It didn't feel scary or threatening, in fact, it felt comforting. Where am I now? She thought.

Open your eyes young one, another voice suddenly said. The voice was very soothing to the ears and could easily quell any anger or rage. However, this didn't comfort Synthie, it made her tense up.

Who's there?! Show yourself! She demanded.

The voice then giggled very softly. There is no need to fear young Synthie, I have not come to harm you. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the darkness and began to grow larger and brighter. It became so bright that Synthie had to cover her eyes. Once they had adjusted to the brightness, she saw a dragoness with white scales, a golden yellow underbelly and wings. Five horns stuck out from her head, two on either side of her head and one in the middle. Furthest two were the smallest, the two next to them were the longest, and the middle horn is slightly smaller that those. Her bright and beautiful green eyes were fixated on Synthie. I've come to answer a prayer and bring you back to where you belong. She extended a paw towards Synthie, waiting for her to accept it.

And where would that be?

The white dragoness giggled again, Why, in the world of the living, next o your loving family of course. Where else would it be silly? Synthie didn't know what to do at first. Her experience with Mistress was telling her not to trust this dragoness, however, something in her voice told her that she was a very trustworthy dragoness. After a moment, Synthie nodded and extended her own paw, accepting the dragoness's words. By the way, who are you?

You can call me Angel, and I am one of your ancestors. Your loving mate, Kain, asked us for your safe return. Before Synthie could respond, her world became white as she left the darkness of slumber.

Her eyes slowly opened and she looked around at where she was through half-opened eyes. Her vision was very blurry and she could not make out many details. As her amethyst purple and sapphire green eyes shifted left and right, they landed on a dark blue blur. It shifted a little to the right and she knew it was a dragon. "K-Kain…" she said in a whisper, trying to get the dragon's attention. However, she had confused this dragon for another. When the dragon heard her voice, he ran out of her line of sight, confusing her. That was Kain… wasn't it? She asked herself. She tried to move her paws up to clear her vision but found that impossible as a sharp pain quickly shot through her. He yelped softly and instead decided to blink a few times to clear the blur, which worked. No sooner had she done this, the dark blue dragon returned with another who had scales just as dark as his own. Synthie took one look at the new dragon… "Kain!"

The dragon's mouth hung agape and his eyes began to fill with tears of joy. "Synthie! You're alive!" he said and he came up to the side of the bed and rubbed his cheek against hers. Both dragons cried, happy to be together after such a tragedy.

The other dragon in the room smiled widely, happy to see the two lovers united again. After a moment, he shook his head as he realized he was an intruder to this special time between them. "If you'll excuse me, I believe I hear someone calling out for me," he lied. He left the en and gave Synthie and Kain the privacy they wanted, though neither of them had noticed his absence.

Kain took this time to fill Synthie in on what has been happening since she had lost consciousness. He explained how they were cleaning up the mess, looking for missing loved ones, and so on. By the end of his tale, Synthie was crying even harder, but this time out of grief and sorrow. Through her sniffles and sobs, she managed to say, "I'm… so… sorry…!"

The midnight-blue dragon was both confused and hurt as he noticed her emotional state. "Why are you sorry? You did nothing-"

"This destruction! This pain and misery! It's all my fault!" she interrupted him.


"I couldn't stop it! I killed so many!"


"I won't be able to show my face ever again! No one will ever forgive me for this! I wouldn't blame you if you decided to leave me…"

That last comment pushed Kain over the edge. "Synthie!" he said very sternly while stomping his paw on the ground, getting her attention. "Don't ever say that! Have you forgotten that I love you no matter what? How could you doubt my love for you?" He looked up at her and saw that he had taken it too far, he had hurt her more than comforted her. "I'm sorry… it's just that… hearing that coming from your mouth really hurts me…" He brought his paws up and gently grabbed one of hers, "I'll always love you Synthie, no matter what you do. And I do forgive you, everyone does. They all understand that what you did was not you, but the darkness that controlled you. You need to understand that too. You were not in control of your actions therefore, no one can blame you for what happened."

Synthie smiled and nodded. She was glad that no one accused her for all of Mistress' heinous crimes. Her heart however, was still heavy with burden, "Even if no one blames me, that can't bring back all the lives that were taken… so many young and promising lives… gone… and…" That's when she remembered the battle between her parents and the darkness. "Mom! Dad! Where are they?! Are they-"

"They're doing fine babe" Kain said before Synthie got too worked up and accidentally reopen some of her wounds. "In fact, they're in the other room of this tent, behind this curtain. They're sleeping now though."

Synthie breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good," she said. She suddenly felt very tired and wanted to go back to sleep. She had used the little energy she had staying awake and getting all worked up over the events that had taken place. "Kain… I want to go back to sleep now…"

Kain nodded, "Of course Syn. You need your rest like your parents. By the time you wake up again, I'll be back with some food for you."

Synthie smiled and rested her head on the soft, feathery pillow, drifting into her wonderful world of dreams, looking forward to the rest of her life.

- - - - - - - -

And they all lived happily ever after!

Hehe… couldn't resist saying that. Anyways, that is it! The end of my very first idea! I still can't believe it! Not only was I able to finish it BUT ALSO it turned into two stories to tell one tale!

In all honesty, if it weren't for you guys, my fans, there would be no way I could have finished this! You all deserve a gigantic cookie! *Gives every reader and fan a gigantic cookie* Hope you enjoy that!

But now it's time for some news... on the bad side (kinda). I've decided that, for the time being, I am NOT going to write anymore. Reason being: I really to maintain all of my focus on my studies now. Things have okay so far, but it's only gonna get harder from here and I need as little distraction as possible. I will still be here, reading and reviewing when I get the chance… but don't expect anything new from me for a long while (unless a miracle happens and I get a weekend 100% free of school and work). I'm truly sorry, but this must be done.

There is some good news however. I already have an idea for my next epic tale! It may even become a trilogy! So now, the next time I'm able to catch a break, the first thing I'll do is start it! And just to give you a tiny peek at it, it will star a certain Riptoc from the older Spyro games… I'm sure you can guess who =P

Anyways, it's time for me to get going. I love you guys! You're all awesome!

Till next time!!!