Here you go.

Normal- just talking

Slated- thinking

Bold- Japanese

Zac P.O.V
{30 minutes earlier}

I stared at the communicator in my hands watching it blink repeatedly; I was running out of time, Cammy's excuse was running out of time, Cammy was running out of time, the earth was running out of time.

"Why couldn't you just have left her alone, taken me instead."


8 year old Zac stands alone in a room struggling to lift a chair with telekinesis. It lifts off the ground slightly before falling back down and tumbling over.

"Don't bother Zac," The young boy turns to see his father walk in his 3 year old sister waddling behind him drinking from her sippie cup. "I told you, I found someone who is better qualified." He ruffles the young girl's hair and she smiles at him before waddling past the young boy.

"No!" Zac shouts balling his small hands into fists "That's not fair! She's little and stupid, I'm better daddy!" His father shakes his head walking closer to the angry boy. He places his hand on the boys shoulder and then looks past him, young Zac looks behind him watching his younger sister playing with the chair he had struggled to lift earlier. Hishead shoots back towards his father eyes filling with tears.

"B-but, I've been practicing!" He shouts but his father only closes his eyes and stands; walking past him and scooping the young girl into his arms as she laughs joyfully. "Your little sister has more raw power then you could ever imagine having, even with years of training." He turns and starts to walk out the room.

"I'll show you that I'm better!" Zac calls after him, "I'm better!" but his father continues walking leaving the room as the young boy continues to cry, the furniture around him floating in the sky as he sobs. He lets out a cry of desperation dropping to the floor and the furniture follows suite hitting the ground and vaporizing.

There's a knock on the door and I throw the communicator in the box kicking it back under the bed. "Uh, come in." I look over to my mother as she enters the room, "What do you want?" I ask

"I was going to go get you're sister but, you never said whose house she was over. I've tried to be kind about this but it seems like you're hiding things."

"I'm not hiding things!" I shouted defensively and she sighed, "Go get your sister." she pulled the door closed and I reached under the bed pulling back out the communicator dialing the number.

No answer.

I threw it angrily against the wall before pulling on my shoes and walking down the stairs and out the front door. I paused at the neighbor's house knocking on the door. I waited there for a bit running what to say in my head but no one came to greet me anyway. I jumped off the porch and entered the back yard; there was one way I could get their attention.

I walked over to the shed in the back standing in from of the entrance, I toke a deep breath before releasing my morph and transforming into my alien form. I stood still as the alarms went off alerting the others.

After about 30 seconds I was surrounded by the MBC and I'm assuming their guardian. When every one finished shouting there 'Who are you, where'd you come from, ect.' I morphed back to human form.

"Zac!?" They all gasped and I nodded pushing past Chris and entering the clubhouse.

"Uh-what are you doing here?" Chris asked

"I think the better question is, what was that back there, and why don't you show up anymore" Sam interrupted waving an A-scanner in my direction.

"That was me asking for help and the reason I don't show up," I swatted the scanner away with my hand annoyed, "Is because I'm a Moonizite." As expected they all stared blankly.

"Uh yeah I've read just about every file on ever alien and I've never heard of your kind." Chris said

"That's because we don't exist."

"What do you mean you don't exist?" I sighed sitting in one of the chairs,

"Back when our race first evolved we were viewed as just objects to other aliens. Tools with skills they could exploit and use for themselves and that's all we would ever be. Eventually we rallied back and made sure no one would ever think of us as just objects-history lessons didn't go much into it but it was pretty gruesome- anyway problem was most aliens were afraid now so we disappeared and became non existent to everyone. So yeah, Little Moonizite history lesson for you." I turned around accessing the computer,

"But that's not why I'm here."

"Why exactly did you come here then?" Sam asked with an attitude.

"I need you guys to help me find Cammy."

"You think I-we haven't been looking for her." Danny snapped

"Noo,' I said swerving back around, "but I do know you guys won't be able to find her without me, just like I can't without the MBC."

"So you help us find her and we go get her?" Chris asked

"No. You help me find her and I go get her."

"We're coming with you!" Danny said.

"No you're not, it's dangerous."

"We take on danger all the time." Danny scoffed, naive, too confident, reckless.

"Not danger like my father."

"How dangerous could he be?" Chris asked

"He's been imprisoned multiple times."

"For what?" Sam asked, and my mind began to reel back.


9 year old Zac runs down the hall trying to catch his father, he hollers out and his father paused briefly giving the boy time to catch up. "What do you want Zac?" Zac grips his fathers arm tightly hair and eyes already glowing vibrate red.

"Kill them!"

"K-kill them?"

"Kill everyone you can until the police show up, then surrender."

"Kill them all, surrender."

"After I'm gone."

"Yes." His father utters, "I kill them all." The young boy lets go of his father and turns running back down the hall.

{end Flashback}

"He almost wiped out the half planet." I said turning back around pulling up a video file. No one said anything and I couldn't say I was surprised I had seen this footage countless times before and I was still disturbed by it.

The footage ended and no one said a word an after a pause I started using the computer to search for Cammy and My father.

"W-why." Cathy chocked out and my fingers froze hovering above the keys.

"It was after I-my mother toke us and left.. I guess he snapped." Silence, long silence.

"I uh, so your father," I looked over my shoulder at Sam, the usually composed girl was in bits. "He's the one who has Cammy."

"I believe so."

"Then we find him and go get her." Danny said stepping forward, only a few months we been here, winter just now approaching and he was already in love.

"Not that easy." I said turning around.

"Why not!?" He shouted back, "He can hurt a lot of people, you saw that."

"That's even more reason we have to get Cammy!"

"He's going to use Cammy to do it!"

"Cammy wouldn't hurt us." Chris said

"Cammy wouldn't hurt anyone," Danny added defensively.

"It's not the simple; it's not whether Cammy would do it. She's a-" I turned around typing at the computer, "a power house."

"Does that help us?" Chris said stepping closer to the computer screen. "We might be able to find her triggered-"

"Triggered?" I waved my hand at him not wanting to explain. "Point is we might be able to find her."

"So if Cammy's this powerhouse," Sam crossed her arms, "What exactly are his plans with her. He toke her for something right?"

I turned around and sighed slumping in the chair slightly, "He plans to do the that," I gestured to the frozen video, "Here, on earth."

More silence, long silence, deafening silence, someone speak!

They spoke over each other, everyone in the room. Why's, what's, gasps, frantic.

"Why would he want to destroy Earth!" Cathy howled, heartbroken, I can feel it. She's loves this planet, earth. I closed my eyes sighing deeply, Why Earth?


-2 years ago-

"I'm sorry son, your father is too dangerous to have visitors." I placed my hand on the mans crossed arms, "Let me see him." I demanded.

"- -Right, this way." I nodded to the man walking past him and down the long corridor to the visitors section where another guard tried to stop me. "Last time this man got out he went on another killing spree it's to dange-"

"Wait outside." The man nodded stepping out the way and letting me through the doors locking them behind me. I walked to the single table in the middle of the room sitting across from my father. "Why did you do it?" His head shot up and his pupils dilated quickly covering is iris.

"Kill them all." I leaned forward placing my hand on his chained arm, "Only until the police show up."

"Kill them all. Surrender. Kill them all." I blinked letting it sink in before placing my hand on his arm again. "No. You wanted to destroy earth, but your plan failed, you didn't have the power."

"Not enough power."

"That's right, you don't have enough power." I gripped his arm tighter as I echoed his words, "You're not qualified.

"Not enough power."

"Which is why you'll rot here." I let go of his arm watching is eyes turn back to normal. "Zac, you're here, I've missed you."

"I smiled, "Yeah dad, we've missed you too."

"We! Is your sister here!?" My smile faded as he strained himself to look behind me, past me, through me. "No," I said standing up, "She didn't want to come." I walked back to the door yanking it open. "I shouldn't have bothered either." I taped the guards arm as I closed the door, "release"


"Not anymore."

{end Flashback}

"I-" I stared down at my hands digging my thumb nail into the palm of my right hand. "He's insane, mans has serious issues. Probably from childhood or something, his head just isn't right..he needs to be stopped." My muscles stiffened when I realized I was no longer talking about my dad, because I knew he wasn't the real problem…I was.


Our heads turn toward the screen, the little indicator blinking telling us it's completed its job. It found Cammy.

I stood up shoving my hands deep in my pockets. "It's time to end this."

So there it is Chapter 14, Figured if I'm gonna take so long to come back I better come back HARD. And there you have it Game changer! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! I wanna know what you think!