Hey Dannyrules96 here, i've had the idea for this story for a while but i finally got down. hope you enjoy!

Normal- just talking

Slated- thinking

Bold- Japanese

I looked out the window just as we drove past a sign. "Welcome to SingleTown." I read sadly. "Don't worry Cammy, your make tons of friends." My mom said from the front seat. "Mom, it's called SingleTown for a reason."

"Don't be so down, I'm sure your stalker will come soon enough." Said my obnoxious brother, Zac from the seat in front of me. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as my mom pulled up to a school.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as my mom climbed out the car. "I'm enrolling you in school." She opened my door and I climbed out. The school bell rand and all the kids came running out.

A boy wearing a purple sweater and orange pants speed by on a skateboard; I glanced back as a guy in a read sweater and jeans speed by. Are they racing? I was snapped out my thoughts by my mom pulling me up the steps.

"Do you think those kids were racing?"

"They shouldn't have been!" Yelled the principle as we entered the school. "You must be Mrs. Sachs, pleased to meet you soldier, I mean parent." She said shaking my mom's hand roughly. "And you must be Camilla!" She grabbed my hand and shook it roughly.

"It's Cammy." I said taking my hand away. "This way you two!" She walked to her office screaming "Left, Left!" This will be fun.

Once my mom enrolled me; we got back in the car. "Did you see those two kids?" Zac asked playing his PSP. "Yeah, who won?"

"The kid in the purple." We pulled up to our house; I grabbed my backpack and jumped out. "Here, hold this." Zac threw his backpack and PSP at me.

"Zac, you're a fourteen your old boy, carry your own things." My mom unpacked the trunk and headed towards the door. "Don't-" I immediately dropped Zac's stuff on the floor.

"I said, don't." Zac picked his stuff off the ground and went into the house. "You must be my new neighbor." I turned to see a blond haired girl wearing pink, and a little bit of green, standing in front of me. "Yeah, I'm Cammy."

"Well, I'm Cathy." She started to shake my hand, but there was a faint beep and she quickly left. I shut the trunk and car door and walked inside.

To my right was the kitchen and to my left was stairs. "Put your stuff away then you can look at your new home." My mom said unpacking boxes in the kitchen.

"It's a house but it'll never be home." I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked up stairs. I turned left and opened my door.

To the left was a full sized bed, with a rainbow patterned bed spread. The walls were purple with lilac and white flowers and swirls. I set my backpack on the floor, and pulled out a poster.

I walked to the far wall and hung it up. It took up most of the right side of the wall, length wise, which worked because the window was on the left side; and the closet door was on the other wall.

The poster said 'Live Life Full' in Japanese. I pulled out another poster which filled the rest of the wall, length wise, with my closet. It was of my favorite band the Jonas Brothers, I don't really like music so ther are a big deal for me.

"Honey, I told you not to clutter your room. I turned to see my mom. "It's not clutter it's decorating"

"You're covering up the pretty designs."

"Because there 'pretty' "

"Honey." She pleaded. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so, "I'll leave those walls free." I pointed at the wall that had the bed and the wall with my door. "Thank you, honey." She kissed my forehead and walked out. "If only she would agree on moving back home."

I walked down stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and headed out the door. "Were are you going?" My mom asked.



"I'm twelve, I can manage." I walked down the street observing everyone. Just then the boy and passed by. "Hey!"

"Wh- oh, hey." He turned around and smiled his green eyes sparkling. "Um, my brother told me you won that race, good job."

"Against Mark, barley a challenge!"


"Hey, didn't I see you at school?"

"Yeah, I'm going there now. I'm Cammy."

"I'm Danny," There was another faint beep and her quickly left. What's up with that?

"Cammy! Come inside for dinner please!" I raced back to the house awaiting a delicious meal.

Sorry it just ended like that. So what do you think? i won't know if you don't reveiw ^_^ so click the button with the green letters on it. please!! please please!!! ^_^!