To save the Wind

This was weird. No, scratch that, it was BEYOND weird. This was just plain nuts!

Preventers had gotten some intelligence about possible illegal activity in the form of flesh trade. What was flesh trade? Well, more or less, it was slavery. A group was kidnapping people and selling them to the highest bidder.

So, what did that have to do with the price of tea in China? Not a damn thing! But, the Preventers needed someone that was well known and a wealthy person. And who had they contacted? Well, none other than Quatre Raberba Winner.

"Why me?" Quatre groaned as he looked at an image of Lady Une on the vid-phone screen.

"Because, you're well known, wealthy, and we know without a doubt that you are on our side." Lady Une stated and the blond knew that the woman was all business today.

"Why can't you get someone else? Someone like, I don't know… Milliardo Peacecraft?"

"Ahem…" Une cleared her throat and Quatre raised a brow.

"What, you considered him already and he turned you down?" The blue eyed blond asked with a slight laugh.

"No… he's been kidnapped by this organization."

Quatre stared, shocked, his mouth wide open. "No way." He gasped in disbelief.

Milliardo… Zechs… Wind… Whatever he was going by nowadays, was a very strong and resilient person. The thought of him being… being taken in any way, shape, and or form was incomprehensible. The very idea was baffling.

"Yes, way."

And here Lady Une was telling him that the impossible was, indeed, possible.

'What has the world come to?' The blond wondered as the woman on the vid-screen pinned him with one of her infamous glares.

"We have no doubt that he will be sold for a high price and will, undoubtedly, only be shown to the higher social class."

"And that's why you need me… to get him back." The blond felt like there was something Une left out, but it didn't matter at that moment in time.

"More or less." Une shrugged before her face took up the entire screen. "I'm sending you all the information. We're counting on you, Winner. Over and out."

And with that, the transmission, along with the image, was gone.

"Ugh, why me?" Quatre groaned and put his face in his hands.

It had been a very long and very tiresome week, and this? This was just the icing on the cake. He knew the rule of three and should have seen this one coming. After all, only two small bad things had happened to him this week. The blond should have realized that a third incident was about to occur and prepared himself for one hell of a doozy.

Because, face it, rescuing a Preventer like Wind was going to be tough. Not just to infiltrate and get into the auction… No, that was probably the easy part. And buying him wouldn't be too bad either. It was the fact that he would be buying another person that didn't set well with him… That, and the fact that said person would probably kick his ass if he thought Quatre was into all that stuff.

Yep, one pissed Preventer coming up! Quatre needed that as much as he needed another hole in his head.

"What am I going to do?" The blond asked himself as he rubbed his hands over his face. "After I get him, I can always tell him the truth… Yeah, that's what I'll do!" Decision made, Quatre stood up and happily made his way over to the fax machine, which had just finished printing.

The blond picked up the papers Lady Une had sent him and started reading them. The more information he had going into "battle", the better the chances of survival for him and his comrades. Unfortunately, some of the information he was reading didn't thrill him in the least.

"The organization checks up on, and monitors, the buyer for at least six months after purchase. This can sometimes last up to a year if our data is correct. Our reasoning behind this is they want to be sure that the buyer wont go to the police." Quatre read aloud, his voice soft as he took in the information.

He would be stuck with Zechs for a year.

Quatre decided not to dwell on that thought for a moment and continued reading.

"The buyers don't know about this, of course, save for the occasional visits they get the first months in which a "representative" comes knocking on their door and makes sure everything is alright. The reason we have so little information on them is because they use "scare tactics" to make sure the buyer never says a word. We are unclear if they will use the same with the higher echelon, but it is possible."

The blond sighed. 'Great, I'll be stuck with a grumpy platinum blond for a year, AND have to deal with dimwits.'

Other than the fact that he would be saving a Preventer, and fellow pilot's, life… there was really nothing in it for him except a lot of pain and misery. Honestly, what was Une THINKING when she asked this of him? No one in their right mind would accept this kind of mission except…

'An empathic gundam pilot.' Quatre sighed.

The only persons that would accept such a dangerous mission would be ex-pilots… And the only one who was able to accomplish said mission was him.

"Stuck with Zechs for a year, huh?" He asked aloud with a smile. "I think I can handle that." He chuckled as he imagined the tall blond in a maid's outfit, cleaning up around the house.

Oooh! Or better yet, in a harem outfit used for slaves in the days of old! That would be hilarious. He would so be getting pictures, if for nothing else than blackmail.

Sure, he was the goody-goody of the pilots but… if he was going to go through all the levels of hell to help this guy, he was so going to get SOMETHING in return… even if it was a few laughs.

"Alright…" Quatre walked over to the fireplace and threw the papers into the flames, destroying all evidence that he even knew of the existence of the Preventers.

After all, they wouldn't be of any help to him for at least the next year.

When the scrap of paper had burned to ash, the blond sighed and turned, walking to the door. Quatre grabbed his coat from the coat rack and smiled.

"Let's go save Zechs."

And with that he was off.


A/N: Alright, this is my first fic, as well as the first pairing, in a series of "One-shots" I'm doing for my "Drawn from a Hat Challenge". All submissions must be over 1000 words and this one clocks in at a heaping 1101 XD lol Yeah, usually I write more but… this was really fun. I'll probably do another chapter… what do you think? Should I continue?

I'll see what everyone thinks. Feedback/reviews/comments are much appreciated :3 ~ ((Even if I'm just doing this for fun! *^.^*)) But, for right now, I want to try and get a few more pairings out of the way…

Pairing 1: Quatre x Zechs - Done!Pairing 2: Wufei x HeeroPairing 3: Trowa x QuatrePairing 4: Heero x DuoPairing 5: Trowa x TreizePairing 6: Treize x WufeiPairing 7: Zechs x RelenaPairing 8: Relena x Duo

This is what I've got… Any votes? XD lol What would you like to see next?

Well, I'm done… Laters~