
Coming real soon! This isn't a chapter. It's actually an ANNOUNCEMENT. Plus, an OMAKE FEATURE for this story.

I've finally decided to work on the epilogue of this one. This story was requested by Kitiara-chaa. One of my two reviewers on this fic. I've gotten a minimal (as in minimal, minimal) amount of reviews on that story and I'm starting to think that I'm not being appreciated. /sulks on a dark corner/

ANYWAY. On with my purpose here:

Title: Shattered

Rating: T

Characters: Hikaru, Amaya (OC), Kyouya

Warning: Slight OOC Kyouya for being broken

Summary: He fell out of love. And then, he was falling all over again. "If you would have asked me why, if you would have told me that my proposal for divorce was ridiculous, I would have all what I could to have it cancelled so I can hold you for an eternity. But I was wrong to think that you'd actually do that. It was foolish."

I'm also doing a Death Note Father's Day Special. Apparently, it's a late late, way late Father's Day Special. It's a oneshot, "L, Change the Diapers!" Hopefully, I'd be able to finish it soon enough. School is making me quite busy.


OMAKE: Falling After Marriage


"Go get dressed."

Kyouya barged into her room. It was seven in the morning and he had a great sleep--eight hours straight without any interruptions. He plopped himself on her bed as she pushed the blankets off and eyed her husband suspiciously. It's not everyday that you see an Ootori Kyouya in a good mood on an early morning after all.

"Why so?" Aya raised her eyebrow questioningly as Kyouya merely smiled.

"We'll go shopping."

"Shopping? Kyouya, are you sick?"

"I'm feeling quite well, thanks."

Unusual indeed. And it was creeping the hell out of her. A Kyouya Ootori awake in early morning is rather scary.

A few minutes later, Aya found herself browsing over the magazines on the book stall of a certain commoner's shop as her husband went to look for something he didn't want her to know, saying that it would be a surprise.

"Aya?" she looked up from the official Hitachiin magazine that perched carefully on her arms and smiled. It was Haruhi Suou, her hair elegantly put down on a neat mess of brown hair. She was rubbing her rounded belly up and down, as if reassuring.

"Haruhi!" She tossed the magazine back on the stand and went over to where she was standing. "It's baby's eighth month right now, no?"

The pregnant woman smiled happily, gently tapping her stomach. "Yep. Touya would be going out to meet us in a couple of weeks."

"That's great then!"

They were suddenly interrupted when Kyouya came with a large plastic bag on hand. For a moment, they stood there in silence with Kyouya staring at Haruhi's stomach and Haruhi staring back. Aya simply stood frozen between the two, her cheeks blushing red and her heart burning quite painfully as she casually stepped aside.

"I'll go get some ice cream," was the first thing that came up to her as she started to walk away. "You two should talk for a bit."

It was a little awkward, somehow and she wanted to get away. After all, she was merely a girl who came to Kyouya's life and took him away from her.

"No," Kyouya stated firmly as he got hold of her wrist to stop her from leaving. He didn't want her to leave. And he wanted Haruhi to know that he had moved on. "We'll go get ice cream together."

Aya stood there while looking up at her husband who was smiling down on her with warmth. Without warning, he bent down and positioned his lips on hers in one swift gesture. She was left breathless and dazed as they both stood there, exceptionally close, sharing a chaste kiss in front of everybody else. Kyouya pulled away with a smile as he pecked her forehead for the last time and she had to catch her breath. He sought her hand and wove his fingers on hers when he turned to Haruhi, "Excuse us."

With their hands together, they both left the store to buy some ice cream.



Cute? No? Like it? Please do tell. And I want to know your opinions about the epilogue. You can PM me if you want. Don't worry, I don't bite.

Till then!