Finally its here I'm sorry sorry for the delay. The poem is 'Come Little Children' by the great Edgar Allen Poe

I dont own shit.

"Baby Boy? Baby Girl?" We were so fucked. Pulling away from Tyler I looked towards Pogue.

"Ugh. Hey" I forced a smile. He looked at us with wide green eyes as if we were zombies or something. Tyler was blushing a bright red, clearly embarrassed of being caught.

"Shit man. You two? How? I mean when?" he shook his head, looking as if trying to fight off a headache.

"don't hurt your self babe" I giggled. A wide almost evil grin spread across his face.

"Seriously Reid is gonna shit himself. This is gonna be so excellent" I almost expected him to start rubbing his hands together and laughing like a bad villain in a cartoon.

"No!" both Tyler and I yelled. We still clung to one another, my arms around his neck his wrapped around my waist. Maybe putting an inch at most between our bodies.

"Come on! You hate Reid, Ri. The look on his face will be priceless but he'll mope around like a chick." he pleaded "No offense"

"Thanks" I rolled my eyes. "But Pogue this" I removed my hand from Tyler to indicate between him and I. "We don't even know what this is"

"Might wanna let go of Baby Boy" I felt Tyler's arms tighten.

"I just got you back you ain't leaving again" he pouted making me laugh. Pogue watched us carefully, studying us.

"Bell's gonna ring for next period Ty, she's got class with Nate." he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You better let go of her before Reid finds out" Tyler let go slowly as the bell rang.

"I'll see you after next" he kissed my forehead before making his way back into the swarming halls.

"He's always had a thing for you, broke his heart when Reid got you first." Pogue wrapped his arm around my waist form behind. "Wont have to worry about that again though. Well see you later Ri" with that he left me.

I walked the crowded halls making my way to my next period, trying to process what the hell just happened. I kissed my best friend my Tyler.

"Ri earth to Rion. Hello Orion Esme, in there sis?"

"Huh? I snapped out of my trance. A smirking Nate stood in front of me

"Went on vacay Ri?" he laughed ushering me into music.

Our teacher was franticly running about the room in the manor of chicken with his head cut of. Nate and him almost collided when he noticed us. "Or dear. I'm so sorry. You must be James O'Hare's children yes? " I swear my eyebrow's had to be in my hair line.

"Umm yeah." I scooted behind Nate.

"great sit where ever and yeah." seriously this guy was mad creepy.

"Hey Nate." I said once sitting down in a seat in the back "what?"

"Come little children
I'll take thee away, into a land
of Enchantment

Come little children
the time's come to play
here in my garden
of Shadows

Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way
through all the pain and
the Sorrows

Weep not poor children
for life is this way
murdering beauty and

Hush now dear children
it must be this way
to weary of life and

Rest now my children
for soon we'll away
into the calm and
the Quiet

Come little children
I'll take thee away, into a land
of Enchantment

Come little children
the time's come to play
here in my garden
of Shadows "

I sang laughing slightly, emitting an chuckle form my twin. "I was thinking the same."

"Hey sexy" I cringed knowing that voice anywhere. I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Ugh" I responded as said offender slipped into the seat on my right. "Never seen you before ,new?" he asked. Seriously he didn't see my twin on the left, trying to kill him with his glare?

"Trust me you've seen me before?" I grumbled moving over more towards Nate.

"Really? Whats your name?" I died a little at the thought of having to tell him.

"Orion O'Hare and this is Nathaniel" a look of pure shock come on his face. Seriously I think I just broke Arron Abbott.

Abbott shut his gob the rest of the period. I was walking down the hall with Nate when I ran into Kate and Sarah. "Rion hey" Kate looped her arm through mine. " So where are you and Nate heading?"

"American History." I smiled. I was truly happy to be speaking to Kate. Shes scuffed. "Boo. Sarah and I have gym. I'll see you later though yes?" I nodded.

Reviews are cupcakes.