Hey! I'm back!!! Sorry for the long wait but I'm really busy these days…

Well, to compensate for it, I present to you the 6th chapter of "I Like You! Do You Like Me?".

I hope that you'll like it!

Chapter 5

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Man! How boring!

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Hmm… What should I do?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

"Argh! I miss Yuu-chan already!"

"Yuu-chan! Gomen ne!"

Kanda's eyes widened for a bit. Surprised? Ah, maybe.

"Shut up damn rabbit! I thought you were ignoring me?!"

"But Yuu-chan—"

"Don't call me that!"

"Demo, I'm boooored! I don't have anyone to bother!" I complained.

"Then good. Life's better when you're not around," he blurted out. Heck, if I know, you're jumping for joy inside when the Amazing Lavi-sama approached you just now like nothing happened! Yes, I'm still angry at him for what he did but Yuu-chan's still my friend, you know? I just can't abandon him like that. Moreover, he seems really depressed today. I wonder why that is? Is it because of our fight? Nah, I guess not. Well, whatever. I just have to find that one out for myself.

"Aww, that's so mean Yuu-chan—"He twitched at the name but remained calm. "Just now you looked like a depressed puppy and I just want to pet your head to comfort you!"

I lift up my hand to touch Kanda's head when his beloved Mugen's blade got too close to my neck. *gulp* I didn't notice that he brought his Mugen today.

"Do that and I'll cut you freaking head off," Kanda threatened.

I laughed nervously. "Ne, ne, I was just joking you see… Ha-ha. No need to get so riled up… Ha-ha-ha!" I really thought that I'd die at that moment though.

Kanda glared at me.

"Tch. Get lost rabbit."

"Okay. But only if you tell me what's wrong." I insisted.

"There's nothing wrong, baka."

"Liar. Something happened, right? You're not yourself today. Earlier I saw you space out a few times. You can tell me anything. I'm your friend Kanda." My tone is serious. I even used his preferred name to show him that I am really concerned about him.

"It's none of your business, Lavi." He coldly said.

Okay, if he's not willing to tell then I'll guess. Actually, I have a pretty good idea about the reason of his problem.

"It has something to do with Moyashi-chan, right?" He froze. Bingo! I hit the bull's eye. Now, I just have to figure out the exact reason because I can't have Moyashi-chan to be hurt again even if it's Yuu.


"So I'm right? What happened between you and Allen?"

"I told you, it's none of your business."

"Of course it's my business, too! I love Allen and I just can't stand to see him hurting again…"

"Shit Lavi! Don't give me that damn love crap again! I tell you he's not worth it. Why don't you open your eyes?!"

Great. Here we go again. Why can't he accept that I like Allen?

"What does it have to do with you if I love him? I defended. "I love him and nothing will ever change my mind."

"I—Fuck! Do whatever you want!" He grunted. I threw him a big grin before I glance at my watch. Oh, it's time.

"Yosh! Yuu-chan, sorry! I need to go now. He's here already!"


I dashed to the school entrance and looked for a tuft of white hair. Yay! Found him!

"A~llen-chan! How are you today?" I chirped at him. He was surprised at my sudden appearance and he faced me with widened eyes. Uwaa! He's so cute looking like that! I wanna hug him!

"Sorry, did I startle you?"

"Oh, Lavi-kun. Don't worry. I'm fine. Haha. Uhm, what are you doing here anyway?"

"Uh, I was waiting for you!" I answered truthfully.

He furrowed his brows clearly confused." Eh? Why?"

"Nothing. I just want to see you! Oh, where's Lenalee-chan? I don't see her anywhere." We proceeded to walk to the campus while continuing our conversation. Sigh. Talking with Moyashi-chan is really refreshing.

"Lenalee's already inside our classroom. She's on duty today…"

"Aa… can I ask you a question?" I asked. If Yuu wouldn't tell me then I'll just make Allen talk.


"Did something happen between you and Yuu-chan?"

He stopped. I felt the atmosphere tensed. I saw his jaw clenched. Uh-oh. I sense something bad.

"Eh? You want to know what happened?" Allen's voice became deep and scary. It's almost as if an evil aura surrounded him. Is it his dark mode? I gulped and nodded my head.

"Well, here it is," Ahhh!!! I'm getting frightened by this Allen. His voice is getting louder and louder as he speaks. I almost squeaked. "I was supposed to have a normal and carefree time in the café I'm working at when a certain bishounen stepped in and ruined it!"

"He ordered a damn cup of coffee and my co-worker made a little of mistake of tripping and dumping the cup in his white shirt. Oh, that's a horrible thing alright but did he have to be so harsh about it?! Hikari-chan's nervously shaking with fear and he doesn't even stop cursing her. I got really angry and talked back to him. I told him that if he dare hurt my friends again, he'll have a taste of his own medicine. He'll even have a bonus prize—having my fist penetrate his beautiful face!!!" Allen, completely flushed by his outburst, finished with some heavy breathing.

"Okay, Allen-chan, calm down." I'm telling him to calm down but it seems that I'm the one who needs that. That was just sooo hilarious and I can't hold my laughter anymore… Three… Two… One…

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I roared with laughter, Allen glared at me. He looked offended. "That was really fun, Moyashi-chan. I wish I was there to see it! I would even take a video of it. That was a first! Hahaha!"

"What's so funny about it?! Your friend just made a scene at our café that almost chased our customers out. Do you know how scary our manager can be when he gets angry?"

"Gomen gomen. Hahaha. I just can't help myself. It's so like Yuu-chan to fuss over a thing like that so that's not a surprise for me. I'll even apologize to you for what he did. But, you know, what you did to him after was really amazing! Way to go, Moyashi-chan!"


"No one ever dared to confront Yuu-chan head-on, you know? They're too scared of him and his katana, Mugen."

"Mugen? He named his katana Mugen?"

Another round of laughter erupted. This time, it's coming from the both of us.

"Not so loud Allen-chan, Yuu might hear you!"

I really can't stop my laughter.

"Haha. Really. Why would he even name his katana? It's just a sword dammit. What is he—a child? Ahaha! I bet he's talking to it, too!"

I laugh harder at Moyashi-chan's comment but I quickly stopped when I felt a sudden chill in the air. I glance at my little white-haired friend and saw a sharp blade pointed at his neck. Oh shit! Kanda's here. How much have he heard? Fuck. We're, like, so dead right now. On his face is his famous Death Glare and evil spirits are surrounding his perfect body. We really need to escape or else…

"Who are you calling a child, damn brat?" Allen froze and his eyes widened. His eyeballs threatening to come out of their sockets. He held his breath. "And sorry to disappoint you but no, I don't talk to Mugen but I don't mind if you do. Why don't you let Mugen hear your death wish?"

"Uh, hello, M-mugen. N-nice to meet y-you!"

"Hm? Is that all? Now, now, where do you want me to start? Your neck or your fucking arm??"

"Uhm, neither?"

"Get ready, you beansprout! 'Cause no one ever lived uninjured after insulting my Mugen!!" Oh God. Kanda's temper has reached its limit. Allen cried out as Kanda prepared to slash his body. I closed my eyes to prevent seeing the impending murder. Ooh… My eyes. Tainted with blood. I won't be able to live it off.


The School Bell!!! Nice, Moyashi-chan! You've just been saved by the bell! What luck you have! Yuu was startled by it enabling Allen to escape! YAY!

"Lavi! Bye! See you later! Got to go!" Moyashi-chan hurriedly said. The dark-haired samurai seemed to be furious when the prey got away.

Allen was a couple of meters away when he turned around.

"Anou, BaKanda! Forgot to tell you something!" Moyashi-chan said with an evil smirk, "My name is not beansprout. It's Allen! Remember that, idiot. And, oh, you can drop dead!"

"Wish you luck Lavi! You need it!"

Luck? Need it?

Oh. Shit.

"MO-YA-SHI!!! You're so dead when I see you again!!!" Kanda roared with rage followed by a series of curses that even I didn't dare to speak out loud.

Hm, while he's there cursing with all his might, I should prepare myself for an escape! I want to live longer! As I was about to tip-toe away form the battlefield, a strong hand grabbed me by the collar. WAHHH!!! Goodbye to my 17 years of living here in Earth.

An evil voice that sounded like it came directly from hell then said to me, "Now where do you think you're going, you fucking asshole?! I'm gonna. Make. You. Pay. For. Making. Fun. Of. ME!!!!!"

Ahhh!! I'm so dead right now! Huhuhu.

So, wondering what happened next? I don't even want to remember. All I can say I ended up in the school infirmary and stayed there the whole day and I doubt that I'll make it to school tomorrow.

Moyashi-chan's so cruel… Leaving me with the demon himself. But anyway, I'm still glad that I have Kanda back and I think he is, too. Why would he even carry me up to the infirmary after beating me up? That's Yuu-chan for you! He didn't say it out loud but I know that Kanda Yuu cares deeply for his friends…

Kya!!! I updated … hahaha..

Gomen… it's been too long since I last updated. I can finish a chapter quickly but I'm too lazy too type it! Haha! Please bear with me~ T_T

So what do you think? Is it good or bad? Oh my… I'm getting nervous!

Ok, please drop in some reviews! It will really make me happy!

Till next time!