Well this is it! I hope you have all enjoyed this story and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your kind reviews. As always all characters belong to Stephanie Meyers.
"Alice! Jasper! Stop making out and get down here! We're going to be late!" Emmett bellowed from downstairs. I giggled as Jasper pulled away from our kiss and looked down at me smirking.
"He is such a pain." He said.
"True! But he is also right. I don't want to be late for my first day of my junior year. Especially when I am wearing such a cute outfit." I said spinning around to show off my dark skinny jeans, black, ribbed, round neck top, and gray tweed vest. I smiled as Jasper looked me up and down and growled. I shook my head and walked over to the bureau grabbing my vintage, green turquoise bangle and my choker and putting them on. A quick glance in the mirror and I knew we were ready. "Lets go!" We grabbed our bags and ran to meet the others who were waiting for us in Edward's Volvo.
"Its about time you two." Emmett said as I climbed in the back with him and Rosalie. I stuck my tongue out at him as we sped out of the garage and then sat back and enjoyed the ride. After the Volturi left us that day we had moved on, leaving Forks and traveling to many different places including staying with the Denali's for a few years. We had just moved back to Forks about two years ago and as usual we were doing the whole school thing, so that we could fit in and look like your average, normal, everyday teenagers. I didn't mind being around the humans, their smell really didn't bother me, it was Jazz that I had to look out for though. Even after all these years he was still having difficulty with our diet but I knew it was going to take time for him to be in complete control of his thirst and until then I would be there searching his future to stop any slip ups.
"We're here!" Rosalie sighed, as she grabbed her compact out of her bag and did a last minute beauty check. I giggled to myself. Thats our Rose, as vain as vain could be. "Knock it off Emmett!" Every time Rose fixed her hair he would blow at it, messing it up again.
"Come on babe you know you look gorgeous. Besides who are you trying to impress, I mean you already have the greatest guy in the universe." I laughed as Rose hit scowled at him and slapped him up the back side of his head.
"Lets go you guys!" Edward said opening his door and getting out. We all followed, Emmett wrapping his arm protectively around Rose, and Jasper grabbing my hand in his. Edward shifted his bag and started walking with us, his head looking down. I felt bad for my brother, he was all alone in our world, and I wished more then anything that he could find someone. I stopped walking feeling myself being overcome with a vision. The vision was clouded but I could see all eight of us standing together, Esme and Carlisle, Rosalie and Emmett, Jasper and myself, and Edward and someone. Then the vision was gone. "Alice! What was that about?" Edward asked staring at me. I looked up at them all, concern covering their faces.
"Alice. What is it? What did you see honey?" Jasper asked again, waiting for my answer.
"I don't know you guys, it was way to clouded to really see, but...." I stammered off.
"But what Alice?" Edward pleaded with me for an answer. I looked at him and smiled.
"Somethings coming and what ever it is, its going to change everything Edward. Its going to change you."