~*~Purely Sadistic~*~


It was pure sadism. What made the Noah feel this way was beyond anyone. It simply happened.

Tyki Mikk was simply walking through the streets. He heard the fights of a samurai with the Walker boy about something on top. He went in to watch if they perhaps would kill each other, and save him so time in the future. He was distracted from the perch he had chosen to look through the window by a small yelp of pain. Looking through the next window he saw the red-headed eye patch fisting his sheets in a horrible dream. Tyki's lips curled into a sneer and hopped into the room, fazing through the window effortlessly. He looked down at the exorcist whose brow was slick with sweat. 'Does he always wear his eye patch, even when he sleeps?' thought Tyki, scowling slightly. He bent down to look. With an un-gloved finger, Tyki gently started to peel away the patch, when Lavi woke up with a start. And Tyki was about five inches from his face… The result of which brought both men in an unintended lip lock.

Lavi's green eye widened in surprise. Twenty seconds, thirty seconds, a minute… they merely stared at each other as their lips were closed around each other. "What the-?" shouted Lavi, regaining his senses from lack of oxygen and pulled away as if he had been burned. He jumped out of his bed revealing he had not been wearing anything save for a pair of boxers with rabbits printed on them. Tyki merely stood there until a thought came to his mind. 'Ah…well…what the heck?" he thought with a sadistic smirk and advanced on the usagi. "Hey-!" shouted Lavi before Tyki's lips pressed into his again. Lavi tried backing away except a wall closed on his back. He shivered from the coolness of the stones. "Hm?" Tyki looked at him. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Lavi shouted. Tyki smirked again. "Well… what does it look like?" Tyki asked. He checked his watch. "Oops… this little encounter has made me late…well I certainly enjoyed this experience," said Tyki, unexpectedly pulling away and gliding towards the window. "Ciao, Lavi. And be sure that I would love to continue this little session sometime," the Noah of pleasure said before jumping out of site.

There was a crash and the door banged open. Kanda and Allen rushed into the room with flushed faces. "What? What's going on?" asked Allen, his weapon activated. "What the hell? You could have been here earlier!" said Lavi, using the back of his hands to try and remove the feeling of the Noah's lips. "We were busy," griped Kanda, sheathing Mugen. "Well while you two weren't here, a Noah assaulted me!" said Lavi, taking care to leave out the "sexual" part of the assault. "What, you couldn't have dealt with it?" Allen and Kanda said in unison. Lavi grumbled. He was, after all, taken by surprise. It's not like he slept with his hammer.

Lavi went back to his bed and slid under his covers when the other two exorcists left. The remainder of the night his dreams were plagued by a certain man, who just so happened to be a Noah…