
"So these Genii are a bust?"

Ian nodded, looking at both Jack and his father, who were sitting across from him at the briefing table back in Atlantis.

"They're not someone I'm comfortable spending time with. Especially since I can't trust them further than I can throw Teal'c."

"Sounds like it," Nathan said.

The two had come to Atlantis for a conference – at least that was what was officially on the agenda – but everyone knew it was to see the babies. They had also brought Maggie and the twins back, although they weren't going to be staying since Maggie was planning to take them to Disney Land and they didn't want to miss it. She'd wanted to meet her newest grandson, though, and that was worth the trip right there.

At the moment, however, Ian knew he needed to fill Jack and his dad in on what was happening. Not that Sam wouldn't tell Jack anyway, but this way they could also get the official briefing and all the information they'd gathered on the Genii – and on Eriek's people as well.

"Are you sending anyone back to B-210?" Nathan asked. "To see if you can get back in that underwater cave?"

Ian snorted.

"McKay's driving me crazy asking the same question. I told him that if he can convince Sheppard to take him they're welcomed to try."


"Sheppard's already setting up the mission with his team."

"Well, keep an eye on the Genii," Jack said, standing up and stretching a bit. "They're probably going to cause trouble."

Murray came out from under the table where he'd been keeping an eye on Jack, and O'Neill slapped his side affectionately. Jim and his secret service agents were hovering outside the door of the briefing room, but Murray went everywhere Jack did – just like his grandpa had.

"You should have taken their nuke from them," Nathan told his son. "That's just an accident waiting to happen."

"It's not our job to police the entire system, dad," Ian replied. "We can't be interfering in what people do – but we won't let them get out of hand. And they'll never be allowed to decimate an entire population again."

"Are you guys going to adopt the baby girl?" Nathan asked, kind of liking the idea of having a granddaughter added to his little family.

Ian smiled.

"We wanted to."


"Someone else has a claim to her, as well, and I'm not inclined to fight him for her."

Jack and Nathan both looked confused.

"What are you talking about? Did some Ancients come forward to claim her?"

"Not exactly."


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Cassandra asked.

River Hayden grinned down at the baby he was holding.


"It's a lot of responsibility."

"I know."

He did know, too. He wasn't worried, though, and he didn't even look worried. Of course, he had a huge network of support behind him if he needed help, and he knew that as well.

"We wouldn't mind taking her. You could be Godfather."

River shook his head.

"I've been thinking about it, Cass. The twins are brilliant – probably they get that from you, but Ian might have had something to do with it, I suppose. There's every chance that Alex is going to be just as smart, since he's got the same genes, after all. What about her? The only girl in a family of boys, and every chance she's just going to be a normal kid? Better that she's with me, where she'll have every chance to become brilliant, but won't have as many expectations if she isn't."

Cassie smiled, realizing he'd thought it through and wasn't making the suggestion spontaneously.

"She's a lucky kid to have someone like you."

The Californian might have blushed at the compliment, but Cassandra couldn't see it under his tan.

"You guys are always telling me to find a nice girl and settle down, after all."

That produced a wry chuckle, and Cassie reached down and touched the infant's little nose gently.

"So, what are you going to name her?"



The twins nodded, looking eagerly up at their father.


"Aw, dad…"

"You like that name, though…" Carter added.

"No." Ian looked over at Cassie, who had covered her smile with her hand. "Are you listening to this?"

She nodded.

"I heard. You said they could pick the name…"

Ian scowled, not impressed with her lack of assistance. He leaned over to get to eye level with his sons.

"We are not naming your little brother Alexander Bubba Brooks. What's your second choice?"


Cassie snorted, and Ian groaned.

"Bubba it is."


He sighed.

"Fine. Okay. Rodney. Alexander Rodney Brooks."

He shook his head, but the boys had already run off, cheering.

"Rodney is going to be pleased," Cassandra told him.

"I must be out of my mind."

"You're the one said they could choose."

"He probably paid them."

"Maybe. Since River wouldn't name his girl Meredith."

Now Ian smiled, and put his arm around her, turning her so he could walk with her back to the infirmary where a large crowd of people were enjoying a little down time with two babies to ooh and aww over.

"Jessica is a pretty name."

"Yeah. I'm surprised he didn't name her Lake, or Stream or something, though."

Cassie laughed and hugged him close as they walked.

"His mother would have killed him."

"Or Bubba…"

Another laugh trailed down the corridor after them, but the door closed and cut it off.


The End

Author's note: So, I'm sorry it took me so long to get this one out, but I hope you guys liked it. We got River settled down finally, and who'd have thunk it ever would have happened?