Sorry for the hiatus…I saw the season finale and I got inspired, so here is my story!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1: The Recap

"Wait…I want him to watch!"

Olivia Benson was surprised herself as the words rang through her mouth. Olivia was trying to quickly think of something else to stall Dale Stukey from shooting her tied up wounded partner, Elliot Stabler. Stukey and Elliot had the same shocked expression of what Elliot should see before he receives his ultimate punishment. Olivia and Elliot's eyes connected, but this was one game plan that he could not read. As much as Elliot tried, he could not figure out what Olivia would do next.

Olivia's eyes left Elliot's, she focused on Stukey who was trying to gather his psycho-thoughts. Stukey finally spoke and said, "Watch what?"

Olivia held his hand with random strokes of her thumb over his palm. She said in the sultriest seductive voice, almost like a faint whisper, "Watch this." Olivia slowly moved to Stukey, while her eyes where focused on his lips with the need to rescue her partner from danger.

Olivia was moving closer and closer to Stukey, that's when Elliot knew what was about to happen. When Olivia started to kiss Stukey, Elliot's heart broke into a trillion pieces, because he knew deep down inside that he loves her more than any other woman he has ever met, including Kathy. Elliot was enraged with so much anger and hurt for Olivia to kiss another man. His insides warped and screamed, honestly he would rather be shot, at least that does not hurt forever.

To Elliot, this kiss feels like it lasted forever. As Olivia was kissing Stukey, she turned him so where Elliot faced Stuckey's back. Olivia had Stuckey lost in her kiss that he did not even realize that he was being played. When Olivia opened her eyes to glance at Elliot, she saw a furious side that scared her. Elliot took that as a hint to strike, therefore he did. All of his madness was put into a kick that struck Stukey in the sack. Olivia disarmed him after Elliot kicked him. Stuckey was unconscious as Olivia set Elliot free.

Elliot struggled to get up from the duck tape and slash wounds. He finally looked up and saw Olivia's gentle face and said, "How'd you know?"

Olivia helped Elliot get his coat fully on and said, "Stukey said you went out for sushi…you and raw fish?"

Elliot chuckled briefly and then looked at the chaos that Stukey had caused and said, "When will it end?"

"When the world stops turning…Hey I am gonna call Cragen and the coroner. Are you okay El?" Olivia knelt down and slightly opened his jacket so she could take a look at Elliot's knife wounds. He was focused on her, as she was concerned with his injuries. Elliot's mind drifted to the past events of her kissing Stukey. He shook his head violently to get rid of the memory, gently grabbed Olivia hands and said, "Liv, I think I need a doctor."

Their eyes connected from the unusual contact, and stayed that way until after Olivia said, "They're on the way, I called them before I came."

"Okay." Elliot was still stuck on Olivia's beautiful face, and yet he started to wonder 'why in the world did she kiss him'. As Olivia left the room to call Cragen, his eyes was still focused on her. Elliot was still in the room with O'Halleran's body and unconscious Stukey. He sat back down in the chair he was in, his mind was running all over the place so he began to get upset.

Olivia got finished making the calls to Cragen and the coroner. She still stayed outside so she could gather her thoughts of what just happened in the lab. The coroner, ambulance, fellow police officers, Medical Examiner Warner, Munch, Fin and Cragen showed up at the crime scene. Elliot was in the ambulance getting check out, while Fin, Munch and Cragen were talking amongst themselves. Cragen left the male group and went to Olivia who was leaning against the hood of her car.

Cragen was saddened and said, "I want every piece of information you have on this, I expect you and your partners statements on my desk by the end of this week. Understood?"

"Yeah Cap...How is Elliot?" Olivia stated. She tried to look over in his direction but she could clearly see that Elliot was not trying to make eye contact with her.

Cragen caught the small scene between the two and said, "He will be fine, but how are you?"

Olivia lied, "I am okay."

M.E. Warner walked up to Olivia and the Captain and said, "What the hell happened here?"

Olivia sighed and said, "It was Stukey. He killed O'Halleran and knifed up Elliot."

"My goodness, it never ends!" Warner walked away to examine her friend.

Cragen looked back at Olivia and said, "I am going to schedule Elliot to have a couple days off, but I wanna speak with you and him tomorrow in my office. Okay?"

"Yes sir."

Olivia went home and decided not to go see Elliot at the hospital because she knew that his wife, Kathy, would be there. So she sent him a text message. Elliot's phone rings through the hospital. He flips it open and he reads it to himself.

Benson: Hey El, I hope you are okay? Cragen wants to speak with us tomorrow in his office. Text me back to let me know that you received this message.

He replied quickly and said:

Stabler: Okay…Goodnight

Elliot was happy that Olivia checked on him, but he was mad that she kissed Stukey. Of all people Stukey. He kept looking at his phone like another message was going to pop up, but the reality is that he cannot get the image of them out of his head. Elliot was not trying to ignore Olivia but he figured, 'if I don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.' He knew that eventually they will have to talk about it all. Elliot looked up to find his Kathy's questioning eyes on him.

Kathy's arms were folded across her chest, "Who could possibly be calling you at this hour Elliot?"

"It's Liv." Elliot said quickly.

Kathy watched Elliot for a minute, she was studying his facial expressions. It looked like he had lost his puppy, so she decided speak, "What does she want?"

Elliot was adjusting his bandages and said, "Cragen wants to speak with us tomorrow about tonight."

"Alright. Hey, what happened tonight? I know you are hurting its written all over your face." Kathy said worried.

"Nothing happened everything is fine." he lied.

Kathy's feelings started to get hurt. She started to get loud with Elliot in the hospital room. "Why do you continue to let shut me out but let Olivia in?"

"What?! Do not start with that shit tonight Kathy. I am not in the mood." Elliot's face began to get tensed up as he was speaking.

The doctor came in the room to discharge Elliot so he could go home. Kathy was standing in front of the doctor talking to Elliot and said, "I am your wife Elliot not her."

The doctor walked and stood between the two and notice that their gaze between each other could cut glass. He said in a low tone, "Is everything okay here?"

Elliot said irritated, "Fine. Can I go yet?"

"Yeah, Uh…just take these papers to the front and give them your signature, and you will be out of here", said the doctor.

"Thank you" Kathy and Elliot walked out the hospital and headed home. Lately, Kathy has been accusing Olivia of trying to come in between their marriage. What Kathy does not realize is that Olivia is the one trying to save their marriage. There has been countless times when she has covered or lied for Elliot to keep the peace at his home.

Meanwhile, Olivia has just now hit the sheets from the shower. She has let the events from the day soak in her mind and lay heavily on her heart. She kissed a co-worker, lost a co-worker and her partner is ignoring her. Olivia sighed and decided that if she got some sleep, then by morning she would feel somewhat better.


It was going on 9:00am and everyone was bright and early, Fin and Munch were already at their desk working, Olivia was getting settled in at her desk, and Cragen was just opening his door prepared for another day. An hour passed and Elliot showed up in jeans and a blue polo shirt that showed his muscles rather well. Olivia's eyes darted to him when he knocked on Cragen's door.

Cragen came to his door and signaled for Olivia to come in his office with him and Elliot. As she was walking to the door, she was wondering why Elliot was ignoring her. She is still confused of what she did to make him so mad.

When she came in to Cragens office, Elliot kept his eyes straight ahead until she sat down. Cragen catches the glances and eye stares but he knows that there is some tension between them. So he has made a decision to follow a department rule he has failed to comply with. Cragen sat on his desk and watched them both.

"So…how are we?" Cragen looked back and forth at Olivia and Elliot set for any answer.

Elliot nodded back and forth and said, "Good." Olivia stayed silent but nodding her head in agreement.

Cragen got up and sat in his seat and smiled but said, "I fail to believe that Stabler. I just don't believe that is true."

Olivia squint her eyes and asked, "Why what's wrong?"

Cragen said, "I know that there has been some stress between you guys and considering what your partnership has been through I can kinda understand. Your partnership has hit some bumps that have not been look at, first Gitano, then Bushido and now this with Stukey. You two have been partners for almost eleven years, and you guys have never attended the CPU program."

"What the hell is the CPU program?" Elliot said.

Cragen continued and said, "CPU means 'Counseling Partners for Understanding'. It is my understanding that you guys have never gone. Correct..." he waited for an answer but neither said anything. "…Therefore, you will attend duo sessions with a therapist every weekday for the next 4 weeks from noon until 1:30 p.m."

Olivia started to get mad and said, "Why do you think we need a therapist?"

"You two shall find out why you need a therapist. What ever is said in those sessions will not be reported to me because it's kept confidential between you…" then Cragen pointed at Elliot. "… and you and your therapist. I will not get a report of anything and you will start Monday with your therapy sessions."

Elliot nervously said, "So Liv and I will be in the same room, at the same time talking to the same therapist?"

"Yes! He or she will help you out at the same time so you two can understand and appreciate the other. Understood?" Cragen said as he waits for an answer.

The duo just nodded and exited the office. Olivia went back to her desk and got back to work. She looked up and saw Elliot watching her, but then he stopped and exited the precinct to go back home.