A/N: Okay, I so I heard this from Halloween (2007) and I thought, "Oh my gosh does this fit Sweeney Todd or what?" So I promptly memorized this and typed it down to create this fanfic. I also am grumpy and in the mood for something dark. And no, I have not forgotten Beetlejuice: A Sweeney Todd Story, I mean, I updated it last night for Pete's sake! If you haven't read that yet, go and read it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. At all. And neither do you, so don't get all snotty about it!

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These eyes will deceive you

They will destroy you

They will take from you your innocence

Your pride

And eventually your soul

These eyes do not see what you and I see

Behind these eyes one finds only blackness

The absence of light

These are the eyes of a psychopath

One of the many changes Mrs. Lovett noticed in Mr. Todd once he returned was his eyes. No longer were they the soft, light brown eyes of Benjamin Barker. No, Sweeney Todd's eyes were dark, almost pitch black. She could almost see the hate stirring behind them.

And she fell in love with those eyes.

Mrs. Lovett did not know what drew her to his eyes. Maybe it was the hate and hurt they held. Maybe it was the ambiguity in them. Whatever it was, she was hopelessly infatuated with his eyes.

When she abandoned all morality by suggesting they bake people into pies, she thought she would never be happier, from the admiration in those eyes.

When she swallowed all pride and faithfully butchered corpses deep into the night, all that she thought about was how maybe one day, those eyes would no longer be focused on that silly little nit, but on her.

When she locked the boy in the bakehouse and hunted for him in the sewers, she reminded herself of how wonderfully beautiful those eyes would be when he would finally realize that he did indeed love her.

She knew that those eyes saw things differently than she. Those eyes only saw the judge, blood spurting from his throat, and that foolish blonde haired girl. Those eyes viewed the world with disgust and distaste seeing every man as one who deserved to die. Those eyes could not- no, would not look forward, only backward, to the past.

Those eyes held a blackness that she had never seen before in any other human being. That blackness was chilling to everyone, but to Mrs. Lovett, it was alluring as well. That blackness served as a constant reminder that he was not the same man as he once was. And Mrs. Lovett loved that.

When those eyes saw what they had done that fateful night, Mrs. Lovett could practically feel the anger and pain radiating off of them. When those eyes turned from the loony creature his wife had become to her, fear shot through her, but so did hope.

When those eyes promised a life together, she could do nothing but lose herself in them. As her eyes locked with them, she could not see the darkness behind those eyes any more.

When the mask of love fell from those eyes, and was replaced by hate, she knew that by losing herself in those eyes, by being deceived by those eyes, she had lost her soul. She finally realized that she was in love with the eyes of a psychopath.

How sardonic that the last things she ever saw were those eyes.

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A/N: Wow. That's the first thing I've ever written that isn't happy. This is definitely not happy. But I still like it, and I feel a little less grumpy now that I've vented. Leave a review and tell me what you think!