Title: Baby Blues

Author: Kravitzkid

Summary: Isshin and Masaki, just before Ichigo's birth.

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. It belongs to Kubo-sensei.

"Isshin, honey, I really don't feel like walking." Masaki Kurosaki moaned. "It's so humid outside, my feet are swelling at the thought." She rubbed her swollen belly absently.

Isshin pouted. "We won't walk for long. It's just so lovely outside." He motioned toward the window. "The sun's rays only make your motherly glow that much brighter."

"It's called sweat, love." Masaki glowered. "You've seen it hundreds of times."

"Okay, but walking could set off your labor. I know how sick you are of being pregnant." Isshin smirked his victory smirk.

Masaki sighed. "That may be so, but I believe Ichigo won't come one minute before he's good and ready to." The child within her abdomen stretched. Masaki winced. "Yes, I'm talking about you."

Isshin scowled but persisted. "Please, Masaki. If you come with me, we can get some of those eel and lemon candies you like so much and I'll rub your feet for as long as you want when we get back."

The largely pregnant woman signed. "So its bribery now, is it?"

"If it works, then yes."

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Help me up."

Isshin aided his wife while she stood up and put on her shoes. "Have I mentioned how lovely you look today? You really are glowing."

Masaki waddled toward the door and scoffed. "Stop it. I'm already going so give it a rest."


A/N: This is my first Bleach story after a long hiatus from writing. There's a part two but it isn't quite ready yet. Reviews are greatly appreciated.