Meet the Organization XIII

Hello, this is organization MA, here to announce that I will be receiving auditions from the Organization. I will be asking some rumors and questions to them. Add your question to the pile to be involved, and I will credit you for the question/rumor. We will go I order from 1 to 13. We will not ask Xion any questions. Period.

So next is Xemnas.

Xion: why can't I be in here?!

Teddie: :P 'cause I have no idea who you are.

Xion: I'm Sora, duh.

Teddie: shut it.

Demyx: oh cool! This is so awesome! I get to spread my fandom! *parties*

Axel: Nuh-uh. I'm the one that will expand; I'm the sexy one. Got it memorized?

Demyx: *cries*

Teddie: quiet Axel! You made Demmy cry!

Axel: …and your point?

Teddie: it's mean! *starts playfully slapping Axel*

Axel: stop or earn a chakram in your head.

Teddie: *stops immediately*

Vexen: and I know that hurts!

Teddie: oh, you just died because you're old, Vexxy.

Vexen: I'm not old, I'm dignified! DX

Teddie: sure. *coughnoyouarenotbecauseyouaretotallyoldcough*

Vexen: hey!

Teddie: XD send in question and rumors for Xemnas!

Xemnas: *evil chuckle* yes, my minions. Go forth and give me questions! I shall have the longest one! MUHAHAHA!!! *coughpleasenosaixxxemnaspleasebecauseitisnotcoolcough*

Teddie: ..ok. Too bad.