Hello everybody!

I brought you a new fic, for make me forgive for the lateness on my other fic, 'The White Castle'.

Thanks to my beta, Flattered by Mockery, for have the patience of dealing with my bad English.

Disclaimer: thank God I don't own DGM: I would be on a permanent hiatus…

Warning: this fic is a Shounei-ai and OC. The slogan is: Don't like, don't read.


+†+Return to Wonderland +†+

Chapter 1

The battle had gone on for ten minutes already. And what a battle.

On one side, there were four Exorcists, sent on a mission together.

Their task was to save some finders who were blocked in a little town where all the inhabitants had already become akuma, or had been killed by them. So Allen Walker, Lenalee Lee, Yuu Kanda and Lavi left to avoid losing more time, trying to help their comrades. There were four Exorcists sent; four of the better, because Komui had the feeling that the mission could become unexpectedly more complicated, and he couldn't send his beloved little sister all alone!

Damn Komui, why did he always have to be right?!

They succeeded in entering the town and helping the finders to escape while they faced the akuma, (the most of them were Level Two, dammit!) when suddenly, who appeared, if not two Noah?

And not just two 'any' Noah. Their names were Road Camelot and Tyki Mikk, probably the two most notorious and feared enemies of the Black Order (well, after the Earl, obviously). How lucky!

If before, the goal of battle was to destroy as many akuma as possible, now, with the entrance of the two Noah, things had become really complicated. The Exorcists were fighting well, but they couldn't last forever, and their lives were on the game.

"I preferred you when you acted like a good and obedient doll, you know?" said Road to the only other girl that was there.

"Well, Road, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't intend to play with you this time." Lenalee answered, dodging the little girl's mortal candles with an agile somersault, dancing with her boots that let her fly on air.

"Uhm, I don't mind, because I only want to play with my cute Allen." said the little one, clapping her hands, her eyes gleaming with malice.

The mentioned boy, hearing this, turned his head toward her. "Hell no, Road, don't start with this story again, understand?!"

"Baka Moyashi, look out!" burst out another guy suddenly; the Japanese one, who, with his long raven hair tied up in a ponytail, moved fast. The boy, with a quick movement, appeared before the white-haired Exorcist and blocked the attack of an akuma which had been directed toward him.

"It's possible that you don't even notice when you're attacked, stupid!" he cried out to the other, while he cut the akuma before him in half with a slash of his katana.

"My name is Allen, BaKanda!" was the only answer for his words, followed by "Anyway, thanks," that was barely a whisper.

"Sometimes, I think that those two will kill each other before being killed by an enemy," sighed a red-haired boy, looking at the pair.

"It's possible, but if I were in your place, I wouldn't preoccupy myself with this now, Bunny-chan," said a voice on his right. The boy turned his large hammer onto his side, just in time to block the attack that he received from the dark-haired man with golden eyes.

The impact made him take some steps backward, but he regained his position. "You have to stop calling me like that, bastard!" the red-hair scolded.

"But I can't do anything about it if you seem like a rabbit to me, boy." answered the other with a smirk.

"Shut up!"

But the older one only chuckled.

"It seems that Uncle Tyki is enjoying himself. Good for him, but I want to play too!" said Road, pouting her lips like a capricious child. And in truth, she really was just this—a spoiled girl who took lives like a game, lost in her dream world and indifferent to the pain that she brought on other humans.

The fight continued in the same way, with the Exorcists who sometimes succeeded in destroying another akuma (there were only two left now), and with the Noah that sometimes succeeded on hitting their opponents, even if not in a injurious way. It was difficult, because the Exorcists fought together, helping one other (even Kanda), and this made it more difficult to take them by surprise.

They were all reunited where once before, there had been the town square, but now, that was only the ruined set of a battle.

When finally, one of Lenalee's accurate attacks and Allen's Cross Grave killed the two last akuma, the fight stopped for a moment, while the opponents took a little rest.

"It seems that we're left in numerical disadvantage, Road," said Tyki, picking up his hat that had fallen during the fight.

"I don't think it's a big problem, Tyki." answered the girl. "We can stay and play some more, right?"

The Exorcists were in a firm defensive position, observing the Noahs' movements and breathing heavily from fatigue.

"Yes, Road, I think so."

They were ready to start the fight again, when something happened. In the middle of the square, between the fighters appeared a strange symbol which shone of a bright, green light. It was a circle, two meters in diameter, inside a complicated drawing of branch and leaves inside of it.

All of the people present remained still, looking at it, their expression astonished. They looked at each other, everyone thinking that it was the work of another, but seeing the surprise written on all faces, their confusion increased even more.

Suddenly, in the middle of the circle appeared a girl.

She was tall, approximately Lenalee's height, with very long, light-violet hair, a shade similar to lilies, that nearly touched her feet, and was tied up on two low pigtails with light blue ribbons. She wore a white shirt, long enough, and a violet gilet without sleeves on it. Her legs were partially covered by a pair of shorts and low boots, both of them coloured dark-green. She held a large book in her hands, and her eyes were closed. When she opened them, they all could see that the eyes were a dark shade of violet.

She looked around her for a moment, confused, then she noticed the people who were staring at her like she was a ghost. So she blushed a little, "Ah, s-sorry for the sudden entrance, well, I'm-" suddenly she stopped, observing the others better.

Then she smiled. "I found them!" she said, starting to jump in her happiness. "Fantastic! Master will be so proud of me."

Both the Exorcists and the Noahs stared at her with wide eyes.

"Am I the only idiot here that doesn't understand anything?" asked Lavi.

"You're probably the only idiot here, but you aren't the only one that doesn't understand anything." Kanda answered him with his usually 'polite' voice.

"Thanks Yuu-chan, now I'm feeling better. But you could have saved that comment." said the red-head with a mock hurt expression.

"Don't call me that, Baka Usagi!"

That familiar sketch, even if a little out of place at the time, woke all of them up from the state of confusion they had fallen into.

Tyki raised an eyebrow. "Who is she, a new comrade of yours?" he asked with irony.

Allen looked at him. "Do you see our uniform on her, maybe?"

"If she's not with you, and we can be absolutely assured that we don't know her, then who is she?" said Road, asking the question that they were all thinking in that moment.

The girl, meanwhile, was still jumping and bubbling about something, lost in her own world. Listening to those words, she woke up. "Oh, it's true, I didn't introduce myself. How careless!" she said laughing and slapping her forehead. "My name is Artemis. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, but the name alone is not very helpful…" said Lenalee, uncertain.

"I came here to find some…ehm…people. My Master gave me this task. You know, he's a bit too old to go around now—his back hurts—so he sent me in his place. It's my first important commission," she said with a bright smile, and eyes shining with pride.

"Oh, that makes it all clear, thanks," murmured Kanda with sarcasm.

Lenalee shot him a glare, then she went on. "And…ehm…so, you said that you found them?"

"Sure, they are here."

"And where are they, precisely?" asked Road looking around. They were the only people here.

The girl raised her finger "One, two, three and four." She said, pointing progressively at Kanda, Allen, Lavi and Tyki. "How lucky I am to find you all! Usually it's impossible to see all of them together."

The eyes of the unlucky four widened even more, didn't understanding a word.

"Tyki, you know her?" asked Road.

"Never seen her before in all my life," he said, shaking his head and lifting his hands.

The other three boys agreed with him. "Same for me," said Lavi. "Same here," came from Allen. Kanda didn't say a word, but he looked at the girl like she was completely mad (and there were high probabilities that he was right).

"Ah, it's okay. When we left, my Master didn't have me as his apprentice. Because of this, my face is new for you," Artemis assured them.

But the others continued to not understand.

Artemis's smile disappeared. She started to have some doubts. "It's possible that I took the wrong people? But they look just like the images that I saw."

She nearly opened her book, when a little melody seemed to come from the girl. She put a hand on her pocket and took out a small pocket-watch, from where the melody came. "Dammit, this stupid thing. It's been a century that it didn't show the right hour, why did it start playing now? Idiot clock!"

Her sight returned toward the guys. "Uhm, maybe he's trying to tell me that I'm right?" she thought for moment, then she smirked. "Well, in that case, we must hurry!"

Artemis opened her book. Just when she did so, the book started levitating in front of her, while the symbol under her feet began shining again.

All those present took a defensive position, not knowing what was happening.

She looked at them. "It's time to return home."


I know that two fic in the same time are difficult to do, but I promise you that I'll try my best to keep them updated!

Let me know what you think about it, please.

Especially about my OC: I really love her, but I know that some people don't like OC in a story…