Chapter 25
A/N: Fang's perspective until the dotted lines
Burning, it was... almost all there was.
Endless burning
Almost, i knew that Max was in trouble, and i had to try and help her somehow. I struggled stand up, but i could barely get my shoulders off the backseat of the car. This burning, it was disabling my body, while letting me experience everything.
Someone raced back to the car, they were faster than humanly possible, the Cullens, Vampires like Max...
No, not like Max.
I could accept her, and i would have, because i love her,
But i am dying now, i guess this pain is the side-effect of it.
I had been lying there, After, making sure Max knew that i didn't hate her, but i loved her, and then everything was foggy, and then all of a sudden was this burning sensation, not too bad, but now... now and for... who knew how long it had lasted? It continued
They began searching the car
"Damnit nothing!" they shouted
"Check the shack!" came another voice
The voice ran away, towards the shack, and began searching it, i heard them destroy the door. And then a cry of
"Save some for Fang!" came another shout
I wonder what they are saving for me?
Someone raced over to the car and opened the doors, along with another person who i recognised as the voice that told the other voice to check the house.
I tried to open my eyes to see what was going on, but i was met yet again with
"close your eyes, Carlisle says it makes it easier, if you close them and relax!" from a stressed voice
"We need to move him, make room for Max"
A pair of hands dragged me onto the floor, and made me lie still there
"Oh man, oh man what to we tell to the flock? She is messed up so bad, shit!" came the voice that told me to close my eyes.
I opened them anyway, i needed to see what was going on.
It was hard to process what you were seeing with the pain being so ever-present, but i had to see Max.
Carlisle ran over and checked the car before running off again, they were all in such a rush, and even looked scared for Max.
I would take this pain for all eternity, as long as Max was ok.
Carlisle and a woman that i did not recognise were holding Max in there arms, there was a lot of blood, Another women i didn't recognise was running close behind holding a pile of plastic bags full of blood, like the ones in hospitals.
I couldn't see very clearly, but Max looked terrible, i didn't get to see any of the fine details, as Carlisle quickly hauled her into the back, and jumped in next to her, being careful not to step on me by accident.
The women behind him handed him the blood packs and ran around the car and got in,
The car was started up and we began driving.
"Give her some more Carlisle" one stated uselessly, for Carlisle was already tearing something that could only be the blood packs open with his teeth and pouring them onto Max, was he feeding her?"
The pain began to dull, like it was retreating...
All towards my heart
I cried out in pain
Through the fog that had eclipsed my mind, a cry penetrated. A familiar cry.
I fought back the fog, and opened my eyes, i carefully avoided looking at my body, as i knew it wasn't a sight i wanted to, or needed to see. The strangest clarity of thought had come over me.
Fang was lying near me, and it was time, his heartbeat was increasing. I tried in vain to move my arm, but i couldn't.
I felt a hand take my arm and place it in Fang's hand, and then close Fang's hand around mine. He gasped in pain again, i knew the feeling. The sudden intensifying of the pain, all on that one point on your heart.
Fang was crying out in pain unrestricted, his hand gripped tight on mine, and then.
His heart stopped
FANG's POV (A/N: i am sorry for all the POV jumping, it's a hard chapter)
I opened my eyes, everything was so... clear and well defined.
A scent drifted to me...
I had t-
Strong arms gripped me, and Carlisle quickly tore open one of the blood packs and forced me to drink it, along with a few more.
I looked around in amazement, before my eyes rested on Max...
Her eyes met mine, weakly, before she fell limp.
I moved into a more comfortable position and cradled her in my arms
I looked at Carlisle
"Is she dying?" i asked
"No" Carlisle stated "But she may wished she did, the vampire who did this, is exceedingly good at torturing vampires and humans alike"
"Who is he?" i asked quietly
"His name is Eric, the volturi sent him to get Max to join them, she refused" Carlisle started "But... I thought his name was familiar, but i couldn't put my finger on it, then i remembered. He is the Volturi's torturer and executioner"
"I am going to kill him" i said. No one will harm Max, Ever again.
"Listen Fang, to save you, we had to turn you" the driver said
"Turn me?..." i asked
"You are a vampire, like us, and like Max now" Carlisle said
I looked at him, horror written clearly on my face. Thats when i realised that only a minute before i had drank blood, and thought nothing of it, like it was a normal thing.
"Max changed you herself, if it matters, the whole of your.. uh... flock... agreed that it was necessary to save you" Carlisle said
"No..." i said, rocking back and forward uncertainly...
"It's going to be hard to adjust, bu-"
"For Max..." i said, cutting Carlisle off
He looked at me with a confused expression
"I don't care, about myself" I said, "But, Now Max doesn't have to be scared that she will hurt me, for her, i would have changed even if it wasn't the only option"
I looked Carlisle straight in the eyes
"I love her" i stated simply
He gave an understanding nod
"She will need you, to help her recover" Carlisle said
I looked back down at her, my beautiful Max.
"I'll be there for her"
A/N: I apologise for the short chapter, this one was hard.
Got a few chapters left, (meaning, i don't know how many, because i write this as i go. The storyline being a living, changing thing, which is constantly growing. But i have no intention to make it last forever, and the end of the tunnel is in sight)