I couldn't resist. I was having an inner fight about posting it today and not tomorrow but my inner won out i guess. So here is my new story.

This story is dedicated to all of those who have read, reviewed, alerted and favorited my other stories. you guys and gals are the greatest!



Conflict through the five great nations has caused a stir among all the hidden villages and their Daimyo's, when a Rebel group starts plundering defenseless villages in all nations. when the only chance of calming a civil war in the fire country is an arranged marriage between the Daimyo's son and a kunoichi or civilian woman of Konoha who will be the chosen one to end the beginning of a civil war and what lies ahead for her as the wife of the Daimyo's son.

Uchiha Sasuke has completed his goal of killing Itachi and the Akatsuki are destroyed. he receives word of a possible civil war in the fire country and then the arrangements that have been made to quench the civil war. helping a supposed honorable group of rebels he takes on a mission that will make him question his loyalties to the rebels, himself and the one person he thought he would never see again.

Lives become intertwined. What happens when lust and fear take over all other emotions. what will happen to the fire country when decisions are made by friends and enemies and a now forbidden love makes itself known to everyone? And will the forbidden lovers get what they want in the end?

Rating: M: for mature themes and situations, including, violence, death, sensuality (Maybe lime/lemons if i feel it is appropriate) and other mature themes.

Before you ask about the limes/lemon things i will only put one in if i feel it is really relevant to the story line not because i feel like it. it has to be relevant to the story line.

Genres: Drama, Romance, angst at times, slight humor, hurt/comfort, tragedy, suspense, and adventure. a mix of just about everything.

Also for this story it will take a few chapters before we get to the big storyline. I am currently writing chapter 5 and i have just started getting into the real action and juicy things. hehe!

Updating: i am usually a good updater. i will post every 5-7 days because i am trying to make these chapters long and interesting so bear with that. also looking for a job that takes priority over fanfiction. i am currently looking and will hope to have one soon. my brother is also returning from a foreign country in about two weeks and we will probably share the computer, icky, but i have to deal with it. so to give me time 5-7 days, and i will probably be doing my writing either early in the morning or late at night. but these chapters do take time. editing them is a pain.

So without further ado, to the story.



She felt cold though the air was warm. Unconsciously her body shivered and she felt a tug from the fabric that was being wrapped around her body.

"Keep still." A rough feminine voice commanded. The woman stood stock still not wanting to anger the elderly lady any further. The woman had seemed rough since the first time she had met the graying haired lady. She had half wondered if the lady was so grouchy because her bun was to tight on her head. The old ladies face seemed to be slightly lifted and her gray-blue eyes were slitted almost like a snakes.

Her gaze went to the window of the room and then out into the nature surrounding the structure she was in. The trees seemed to be in full bloom and several petals wisped through the air as the gentle wind blew them onwards to other places, to let other people enjoy them as much as she had.

A tear pricked the corner of her eye. How she wished right now that she could wisped away from this temple. The temple of the Fire Country. How she could be wisped away and return to her home where she had grown up. To the village that she lived in, loved and protected.

She knew little of why exactly she was in this room and being dressed up for the upcoming ceremony. There had been talk around all the village that the Daimyo was getting upset with the village because of the recent attacks being made. The Akatsuki had been defeated around a year ago but now a group of rebels had shown up around the country and the other countries.

The Rebel group was not be undermined. They had been wrecking havoc among all the countries and had demolished villages in each country. They were supposed missing nin from all the countries and had been rampaging towns in every country, but the Fire Country had been hit the hardest. Almost every week a new report came up of rebel attacks against innocent villages with the towns being ransacked with no survivors ever being found.

The Daimyos of the lands had recently met along with many of the kages to determine what should be done. All the hidden villages seemed to be on neutral territory as of now so that the rebels could be destroyed but because of insufficient action in the beginning the group of rebels had grown and were now causing more trouble than had been anticipated.

The Fire Country's Daimyo had personally made threats against the Village Hidden in the Leaves, though threats and accusations had gone both ways. Right now the Fire Country was in disarray. The non-ninja villages feared for their safety while the protectors and leaders of the Fire Country battled between and against themselves.

In the end the the Hokage and Daimyo had agreed on an alliance though they were fighting for the same country. The counselors had advised them to make an agreement that would be honored and to let the fighting come to a halt.

The counselors of the Daimyo suggested an arranged marriage between a Konoha kunoichi or civilian woman of great worth to marry the Daimyo's son. Like in other arranged marriages that were used to form alliances between hidden villages, it would secure the peacefulness of the countries leader. The leaders would have to cooperate with one another for the sake of the kunoichi or the civilian woman.

Lady Tsunade, she had heard, had reluctantly agreed to the terms so long as she could pick the kunoichi or civilian to wed the Daimyo's son. However that plan ended when the Daimyo's son personally came to the hidden village to scout for himself.

The Daimyo's son had picked a woman to his liking within the first day of his stay. Notifying his father and the Hokage of his decision he told them he wouldn't go through the marriage if it wasn't her. The Hokage had thrown a fit and vehemently argued against the choice but the Daimyo and the counselors of him and the Hokage reminded her of the peace that was needed between the leaders to help settle the country from erupting into a civil war.

Knowing that if the marriage didn't happen that the Fire Country would go into an uproar and a civil war would most likely erupt, Lady Tsunade had eventually agreed and the contract was signed and the woman was informed of the proceedings.

That was why she was here. To quench a civil war she would have to marry a man she had never seen before. A man she knew nothing of and in her twenty years of life she never would have imagined getting married this way.

She only wanted to settle down with a man of her choosing and her own free will. Not to marry a complete stranger that would do who knows what to her. It unsettled her to marry a man she had never seen or talked to before and she was sure there would be no love between them whatsoever.

A tear finally slipped and splashed to the floor leaving a wet trail on her cheek.

"Don't cry." came the snappy voice. She only nodded her head.

"You should be grateful. You are saving this forsaken country from going under and into a civil war. Those rebels are causing too much of a ruckus in this country. They should go attack another forsaken country. I've heard that your Konoha's Uchiha brat is with the rebels. Some clan that was." the old woman huffed.

She wanted to strangle the woman for saying something so crude against Konoha and against the Noble Uchiha Clan. This woman knew nothing of the real Uchiha Clan. She shouldn't talk against a high clan in such disrespect.

"There you go." the woman tied the last string on the back a tug causing the girl to gasp for lack of air she suddenly didn't get.

"My, my. I must say you are a pretty little thing when you want to be. I must have sworn for ten minutes when I first saw you. In that ninja garb looking like something a cat dragged in." the woman took offense but didn't show it.

"The Heir must have seen something under all that filth and I must say he did." she fingered the gown slightly before barking something to some waiting girls out in the hall.

"Well know that you are all ready to go. I say we get this ceremony under way. I'm sure the Hokage and the Daimyo need to get back to more important things, like getting rid of those dang rebels than to see a wedding ceremony."

The grayed haired woman led the younger one to the doors but before she opened them the woman rounded on the younger one.

"Now listen. As soon as you marry Daisuke-sama you will no longer be needed as a shinobi. Get used to that idea. You will no longer go gallivanting around the country or other countries and you will no longer be needed as a medic nin. You are only here to please Daisuke-sama. Is that understood? " the older woman threw open the doors before she could even reply and the old woman led the young bride down the hallway down several steps and crossed a courtyard to enter into the main temple where the ceremony would begin.

The large doors of the main temple groaned heavily as they were again pushed open. The younger woman was then given to several other younger woman to be attended by while the older one went her own way.

The girls she was with now were older than her by a couple years she guessed but they giggled just like little school girls fawning over the cutest boy in the class, like she had done so many years ago.

"You are so luck to be getting married to Daisuke-sama." one said almost to giddily for the youngest ones liking. Her orbs went to the stone ground. Soon it was time for the ceremony was to begin. The women that were with her left to walk into the hallway before she made her way to the opening. A tap on her shoulder made her head wheel around.

"Kakashi?" she asked quietly.

"Tsunade-sama sent me. She wants me to escort you down to the Daimyo's son." he whispered back. A look of happiness passed over her face. He would miss her smile and her happiness around the village. "Come." he motioned and with that the two walked into the hallway.

The man she now looked at was to be her husband. He had striking features. Tanned skin that still seemed fair. Dark ocean blue eyes that made her feel like crying right now and midnight black hair, carefully groomed. He was well built, being several inches taller than her and quite broad in his chest area and becoming narrower as his body went down. He was tall and lithe.

She didn't hear the priest's words as he was going through the ceremony. She only awakened from her reverie when her name was called.

"Haruno Sakura, do you take Furusawa Daisuke as your husband?" it was a simple question yet the answer would change her life forever. She could feel those ocean blue eyes on her.

"I do." she stated quietly.

"Furusawa Daisuke, do you take Haruno Sakura as your wife?" his reply was immediate.

"I do." Sakura missed the rest of the priest's words and only moved when Daisuke took her hand in his and slid a silver band on her ring finger on her left hand. She stared down at the silver band. She wanted to retch. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening to her.

She only accepted it was happening when Daisuke leaned down to kiss her. She tilted her head slightly upwards to make it look like she was an actual willing participant in this. She hated the idea of arranged marriages and now she was in one, after Daisuke's lips left hers.

Looking into his eyes, she saw the unhidden and unabashed lust he held in them and inwardly she cringed and on the outside made no emotion to portray that she was disgusted with this man and herself for being talking into this.

There was a festival that night at the Daimyo's estate. During the festivities Sakura saw Lady Tsunade come over to her.
"Sakura." it was all the Hokage could say.

"Don't worry about it shishou." Sakura whispered only to be engulfed in a hug.

"I'm sorry." the Hokage whispered to her student.

"Shishou. There was no other way. Let me help my village and my country."

"You always did care for others more than yourself. Take care of yourself Sakura."

"I will." Sakura whispered, before the Hokage left her side.

The festivities went on for a while longer before the Daimyo declared them over. Just as Daisuke was about to take Sakura with him Naruto came by and stopped him.

"Sakura-chan." Naruto said looking down at his teammate. Tears watered his eyes and before the other knew what was happening they were clinging to each other.

"Take care of yourself Naruto." Sakura whispered in his ear.

"You too Sakura-chan."

"Sakura." Daisuke's voice called. He gave her a look that told her it was time for her to say goodbye.

"Goodye Naruto." she said quickly before letting go of her teammate and brother. She went over to where Daisuke was waiting for and before she completely had her back to Naruto she saw him give her a small wave.

Daisuke led them through a courtyard and then into a building. They went though several hallways before stopping in front of a door. Daisuke rounded on her.

"You know what you're duties are?" he asked calmly. She nodded.

"You know what you must do?" she nodded again.

"You are my wife now and tonight we consummate our marriage." a nod.

He opened the doors and led her inside before closing them. He led Sakura over to the large bed that was at the far end of the room. Gently picking her up he set her on the bed with him following, on top of her.

"You will learn to love me in time." he said before kissing her in a way she only wished one man would kiss her, but she didn't even know where he was or what he was doing.

So how was it. I know a little slow, but next chapter will be better i promise and longer as well. if you have ANY questions please don't hesitate to ask. i want you to understand the please if you have any questions please ask, i don't bite.

Update: I won't make you wait until next Friday for chapter 1 so i will update Sunday this time. so watch out for the first chapter then.

So please review and let me know what you think of it. good, bad, don't like, don't care? please please please!!!
