AN: Okay, so everything you know about Degrassi, just forget. This is basically AU. I don't own Degrassi or its characters.


Emma Nelson sighed angrily as rain drops spilled down from the sky. They were hitting her windshield at an alarming rate and her wipers weren't cooperating with her. She could barely see the road in front of her. As if her day weren't bad enough. Emma turned her lights on hoping to actually see the road in front of her as she thought about her horrible afternoon. First her parents told her they were getting divorced, for the second time this year, and that Spike was moving to Vancouver to start her book tour. Her mother had written a book a few years before, and it was currently more popular then ever. It was on the best seller's list and Spike didn't have time for things like a healthy marriage and a good relationship with her daughter. So she decided to leave since Emma was eighteen now and old enough to be living on her own. But not before she kicked Snake out of the house and instructed Emma and Manny to live there alone until she returned. The bills would be taken care of by Spike's publicist so there were no worries. Emma didn't see it that way, however. She thought it was great that her and Manny would be living parent free and rent free as they started their senior year of high school, but she was so horribly disappointed in her mother's neglect and her father's reluctance to work things out. After Snake had stormed out in the middle of their family meeting, due to a fight with Spike, Emma had gotten in her car and driven to her boyfriend's house. Peter Stone was her boyfriend of two years, the love of her life. He'd taken care of Emma when a year earlier she'd decided to take control of her crumbling family life by throwing up her food. Thanks to Manny and Peter, she'd gotten better and could actually look at a hamburger now without feeling disgusted. Thanks to her parents, she'd had an eating disorder, a new car, a now parent-less home with her best friend, and a feeling of complete and total worthlessness. Manny and Peter seemed to be all she had. But Emma had to admit, she felt that something was missing in her life. There seemed to be a huge gaping hole that tried to consume her whenever she felt she was at peace. After a horrifying family meeting with Manny and her parents, Emma decided that an afternoon of sex with Peter would cheer her up. Even though Peter was kind of bad in bed, Emma wasn't giving up hope yet. She loved him, and she hoped that they could work out their frustrating attempts at having a good time. They could learn to be good together. Although Peter seemed to have no interest in whether Emma had a good time or not. He'd get off and Emma would feel the need to fake it to make him feel less...inadequate. But today Emma wasn't in the mood to fake it, and Peter was apparently not in the mood to actually know what he was doing. So she'd made up an excuse about having to meet Manny and taken off. Now she was driving and she couldn't see where she was going thanks to the raucous thunder storm that raged in the skies. "Someone must have pissed off Mother Nature today," she thought. Emma was so caught up in trying to make sense of her broken life, when the next thing she knew her car failed to skid to a stop at the red light. She crashed into the car in front of her.


Emma let out the long breath she'd been holding in the moment she realized her car wasn't going to stop. She was alive and not even scratched. Her air bag hadn't even gone off. But the front of her car must be pretty banged up. And from the looks of the guy getting out of the car in front of her, she might not make it out of there alive after all.


Jay Hogart was done with this bullshit. He had dropped out of high school a year ago and it felt like every day was just as dramatic as it had always been. He thought his life would be so much easier when he'd gotten a job at Jeremiah Motors as a mechanic. But no, Alex had to ruin that for him like she always did. With all of her negative thoughts about his apartment and his job and the way he lived his life. He wasn't going to stand for her anymore. All she did was go to school and then to work at the stupid fucking movie theater. She had no idea how hard things were really gonna be when she graduated. Jay had seen the way life really was. Cruel and unfair. If it weren't for his job and his best friend Sean Cameron, Jay would've followed in his older brother's footsteps and blown his brain out years ago. Alex used to actually be fun. He loved her and she was good in bed. But it was just getting to the point where he couldn't handle it anymore. He was dumping her tomorrow, and he wasn't gonna wimp out this time. He'd been cheating on her for a while anyways. Why stay in the stupid fucking one-sided relationship anymore. It just wasn't worth his time, or his good looks. Suddenly Jay felt something crash into his car. He was stunned for a minute before he'd realized the car behind him totally fucked up his new paint job. This bitch was gonna get a piece of his mind!


Sean Cameron was just finishing up for the day at Jeremiah Motors. He'd worked a five hour shift after he'd been at school all day since seven in the morning. He was exhausted and in the mood to go home so he was closing up shop early. Joey wouldn't mind. Sean was actually quite pissed off at Jay for not showing up when his shift started two hours ago. Where the fuck was he? At that thought the door slammed open and two people walked in screaming at each other.

"That makes absolutely no sense Greenpeace! You have brakes on your car for a reason—to stop!" a soaking wet Jay screamed at a blond Sean recognized as Emma Nelson from school. He didn't really know her, but he had a feeling things were about to get interesting.

"Don't call me Greenpeace, Assface. And I'm aware of the definition of brakes. They just weren't working well ok?" Emma sniped back.

Sean laughed at the sight of the two of them. They were soaking wet from head to toe and didn't even seem to notice. They were too busy insulting each other. Sean noticed Emma was wearing a very skimpy white tank top with tight jeans. He could see right through her shirt…her bra too for that matter. He tried not to stare but she was looking extremely sexy and he was starting to feel…affectionate…ok he was fucking horny. He'd never looked at Emma Nelson as someone he'd wanted to screw before. But he was suddenly looking at her in a new light.

"You know what Greenpeace? Why don't you just go fu—"

Sean decided he'd better intervene before blood was shed.

"What the fuck Jay? You were supposed to show up at work two hours ago! What's going on?" Sean asked coming out of the small office.

"Well I would've been here two hours ago if this blonde bitch over here knew how to fucking drive, ok? She totally back-ended me and now my car's new paint job is ruined!"

"Well considering that you got it done over a year ago, you can't really consider it a new paint job. And don't be such a dick! It's not like she did it on purpose dude."

Sean didn't know why he was defending Emma's honor. He didn't even know her. He just had the urge to rescue her for some reason. Plus Jay was being an asshole and that bugged him anyways.

"Thank you, Sean." Emma gave Sean a sweet smile and tossed Jay the evil eye.

Emma's smile wasn't helping the situation that was already growing in Sean's pants due to her very see through tank top and the fact that she could hold her own to Jay. Any girl that could tell Jay off was a turn on in Sean's book.

"Oh well isn't this shit just great? My car's bashed in and now my best friend's siding with the tree hugger who can't drive a car to save her fucking life!" Jay threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

Sean rolled his eyes. Jay was so melodramatic. He was actually surprised Jay wasn't hitting on her. Jay normally couldn't ignore tits to save his life.

"Dude shut up. I'll give Chris from downstairs a call and get him to tow the cars here. We'll get them fixed in a few days. Will that be ok with you Emma? I know your dad usually comes here with his car considering he's Joey's best friend and all."

Emma looked over at Sean noticing how nice he looked in just a wife beater and jeans. She didn't really know him, but she knew his reputation. He was hot, bad, and had a rude remark for everything. Emma had never really considered him attractive before. But here he was offering to fix her car and defend her honor. She smiled.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Just charge it to my mom's account."

Jay rolled his eyes.

"Aren't mommy and daddy dearest gonna be mad their precious Emma fucked up?" Jay sneered.

Sean sighed and noticed that Emma looked uncomfortable with that statement. Jay was such a dick.

"Normally they would be. But my mom couldn't really give a shit about anything but her book tour and Snake moved out. So it's not really his business anymore anyways."

Emma's honesty shut Jay up and nodded at her as if he understood her pain. Due to the silence Jay finally seemed to notice Emma's very nice breasts that seemed to be calling out to Sean. Jay leered at her like she was some naked porn star holding a can of ice cold beer. Emma seemed to notice that her shirt was soaking wet and that her small breasts were highly visible to anyone who looked. She smirked in Sean's direction and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'll give that guy a call then." Sean said breaking the silence and looking away as if he'd never noticed.


Twenty minutes later Emma was sitting on the beat up couch in the office of the garage shivering due to the cold. Jay had gone with the tow truck guy and Sean was in the other room. Emma didn't know what to do with herself. She couldn't believe she'd gotten herself into this type of situation. Her day was sucking majorly and she was embarrassed that she didn't even notice her boobs were showing in front of two guys she barely knew. Sean made Jay go with the tow truck guy so he'd stop ogling her.

"Hey I found some clothes for you to change into if you'd like." Sean said coming from the other room.

Emma smiled gratefully. He handed her a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt.

"Thanks so much. It's freezing in here." She said as she started to unbutton her jeans.

Sean was shocked that she was just stripping off her clothes in front of him. His erection was definitely back. Son of a bitch!

"Uh, I'll leave the room…" Sean said awkwardly.

Emma giggled at his shock.

"You don't have to. I mean it's not like I don't have on underwear or something. Besides you've already seen my tits to I might as well change in front of you."

Sean groaned and a slight flush found his cheeks.

"Okay, but you weren't supposed to notice that I saw your tits."

Emma got on the athletic shorts that she seemed to be swimming in and was now removing her tank top. Sean's heart rate sped up. Why did she have to be so fucking hot? Sean had never noticed…

"Well it's not like you were exactly being subtle about it. I mean you were more subtle than Jay, but still."

She giggled at his sudden change in posture. She was turning him on and she knew it. She liked knowing that someone other than boring Peter thought she was attractive. Wait…did she just call Peter boring? Ok…so he was boring.

"Touché." Sean threw his hands up in mock surrender.

Emma looked ridiculous in his shorts and t-shirt. Her thin frame was drowning in his extra large clothes. It was cute, and very laughable.

Emma gave him a dirty look.

"What? Don't laugh at me Sean! These are YOUR clothes, remember?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to…you just look…hilarious." Sean said in between laughing and gasping for breath.

Emma looked down at herself and felt a smile come to her face.

"Okay, so I do look pretty ridiculous." She admitted.

"Maybe a little…but I'd still bang you." Sean said only half joking.

Emma smiled at him seductively. Maybe her day was gonna end a lot more interesting than she thought.

"Nice to know if I'm ever single and in need of some…company."

Sean's heart dropped at that statement. He'd forgotten she was with that stupid Peter guy. He hated that son of a bitch to begin with. Now this shit. What the fuck?

"Looks to me like Poindexter's not fulfilling your needs if you're in this dirty car garage on a Saturday night stripping in front of me." Sean pointed out.

If she could fuck with him, he'd fuck with her too. Emma gave him a dirty look, but he had a point. The past half hour she'd spent with Sean seemed to be more thrilling than a whole evening with Peter. She loved him and everything, but he was just so boring sometimes. And Sean was right—he wasn't fulfilling her needs.

"I wouldn't even be here if I hadn't accidentally rear-ended Jay's car," Emma pointed out.

Sean knew she was right. That a girl like Emma would never go for him. But he just couldn't help but wonder…what if she would?

"Maybe not. But I think you'd be here if I invited you back."

Sean took a tentative step towards her. Emma felt a flutter in her stomach. Her heart rate sped up and she realized Sean was inching closer to her.

"Maybe." She whispered.

"Look at it this way; I barely know you and I already got your pants off. Bet it took lover boy way longer than that." He said jokingly.

Emma laughed.

"That's true, but you're forgetting one thing," Emma said stepping closer to his muscular body. God she wanted to touch him.

"What's that?" He whispered inching his face towards hers.

"I'm taken, and I'm not just a cheap fuck in the backseat of your car," Emma said smirking and pulling away from him.

Sean was shocked. Had she really just said that? He didn't have much time to think about it before he heard the tow truck's beeping as it back a car into the garage. Emma started walking towards the door before Sean grabbed her arm lightly and turned her towards him.

"You wouldn't be just a cheap fuck, Emma. Trust me on that one. You and I would be so much more," He whispered before walking out of the office. Emma smiled to herself before following him.
