
Hey guys! So this idea kind of just popped into my head today, and I wanted to write it down. So tell me what you think, and if you guys like it so far, i'll continue with it!

I won't update until I have around...30 reviews? The reason why i'm making it so big is because I already have another story that I need to finish first. But once this story reaches 30 reviews (or close to it) i'll update with a chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight! But I do own Jason and Sarah!


Seeing you again

Chapter 1

It has been fifty years. Fifty years since I've seen any of them, which included him. He was always on my mind, never leaving my side for a second.

It made me dizzy at times but I didn't care. I only had faint memories of my human life but the ones that burned clearly in my head were the ones of Edward and I. I never wanted to forget him, even though the thing that we had was an absolute lie, I would never regret it.

I still loved him. Even though what he did to me is unforgivable I was still in love with him, my heart, even though it's motionless as a stone now, found it irrevocable to love him.

I sighed looking out the window of my old room. We had just returned back to Forks after thirty years of being away. The last time we were here we had stayed at their house.

That had almost killed me ten times over. I couldn't stand even looking at it. I felt bad making Sarah and Jason move out when we had only been there for a week but I couldn't take it.

Jason was the one that had bit me after I had fallen unconscious while looking for the meadow.

I had somehow cut my legs and arms in several place, but I still don't remember how. My human memories were vague.

Sarah, his mate, had held him back before he had killed me completely. They were both vegetarians but for Jason it had been hard not to cheat, and when he had found me his control had failed. I didn't scream throughout the entire transformation.

I had wanted to become a vampire for a long time, and I finally had the chance to be one.

I heard soft footsteps run up the stairs. Turning around I saw Sarah in the doorway.

"Hey." I smiled at my bright eyed, blond haired friend who was currently wearing a bright pink shirt and navy blue jeans.

"Hey…Are you okay? You've been quiet for a while now…" She said looking at me with curious, worried filled eyes. Sarah's power was slightly like Edward's but she had to touch you for it to work. (A/N It's not Aro's power!)

She could see and feel everything that you have ever saw before, your entire life flashed before her eyes in a second. She could also see the people inside of your thoughts lives. That's how I knew Charlie had died a few days ago.

I sighed. "Yeah…I'm fine." I said, giving her a weak smile. I tried not to read her thoughts as she started to think about my father. I grimaced as I saw an image of me as a human falling off of the swing only to land in Charlie's arms.

"Sorry." She mumbled, sitting on the bed she hugged me. She stayed quiet for a few minutes. "Bella…I have to tell you something." She sighed pulling away from me.

"Wha-?" I began to ask until her thoughts stopped me. I watched them intently as the sales man handed the keys of the house over to a white silky smooth hand. I would know that bronze hair from miles away.


I gasped when her thoughts ended. "When?" I breathed ,staring at her wide eyed.

"About a year ago." She sighed, her arms held me tighter to her body. My eyes shut as I tried to hold my breathe, calming myself down wasn't as easy as it had been when I was human.

"Hey Bells, you alright?" I heard Jason say, as he came in and sat on my other side. I sighed opening my eyes.

"I'm good." I said trying to put on a convincing smile. They didn't buy it. I frowned as I listened to their thoughts.

Sure she is.

Aw poor Bella I wish there was something else I could do to help… maybe we could move again.

I sighed. "No Sarah…I'll have to face them sooner or later." I said, standing up. "We should probably get ready." I said, my tone void of emotion as I looked at the clock. 6:57 am …I've been sitting here for five hours.

Sarah and Jason sighed behind me before walking to the door. "Tell us if you need anything." Jason said as he pulled Sarah out the door before shutting it.

I gulped trying to keep my emotions stable. I walked, zombie like, to my dresser. Pulling out a black dress I threw my white shirt and jeans I had been wearing before off and slipped into it.

Looking in the mirror I sighed at my reflection. Even after my transformation I could still see bits and pieces of my human self.

My nose was still too small, my eyes were to far apart and my lips were still big. I sometimes wondered what Edward ever saw in me…If he saw anything at all.

I glanced back one last time before I made my way down stairs and out to find Sarah and Jason waiting for me in Jason's blue Audi.

Lets get this over with… I thought as I got into the car.

"Don't forget to drive slow Jason. We don't want the humans to suspect anything." Sarah said, placing her hand in his, as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I sighed, as sadness consumed my body. I know I should of probably been thinking about my father, but I just couldn't. Whenever they would act like this my mind always went back to my past, way back with Edward and I in our meadow.

I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn't even notice we had pulled up to the small church until the car had stopped.

My eyes were dead as I walked into the funeral home. I recalled every time I had spent with Charlie in only a few seconds. My childhood, the summers we had spent together, the day I moved to Forks…Everything.

I felt a wave of calmness wash over me and I stiffened, knowing only one person who could do that. Jasper.

My guard dropped from the initial shock I had of knowing they were so close, as the thoughts of everyone in the room flooded into my brain.

I immediately zoomed in on seven of them.

Most of their thoughts were consumed about Charlie, so it startled me when I heard my name pop into Edward's head.

Maybe I'll see Bella…I hope she's having a happy life with a family now…just like I planned for her to have…Edward's thoughts shocked me.

He planned for me to live a happy life without him? I gasped. He only left to protect me. But does that mean…he still loves me? I started to search around for a head of coppered hair, and found them only two seats ahead of us.

I smiled thinking to myself of the first time he brought me to our meadow. Before I knew it the funeral had ended. I blinked when Sarah elbowed me, hard, in the ribs. I hissed out in pain and glared at her.

Sorry, but you were spacing out again. She thought, smiling down at me. I laughed, and nodded my head. We made it out of the church and across the parking lot when I felt someone watching my back.

I turned around and was met with five sets of topaz eyes.



Review Please! How did you guys like it?

And also if you're going to story alert or fav. this story please leave a review. hahaha It's kind of become one of my pet peeves for ppl to do that and not leave a review. So review please! All anonymous reviews are welcomed too!

- Nicole

P.S Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes that I may have made. My friend (who's my new Beta!) is on vacation right now.