New Moon
Chapter 1- The birthday surprise.
Stephanie knew it was coming, but she didn't want it to happen. Her birthday was fast approaching and she was going to be another year old. However, Hunter would always remain as he is, along with his family. It was just a few months ago before Stephanie learned the truth about him and his immortal family, not to mention where she was nearly turned into a vampire herself. But she wished that the day it occurred, it would have turned out differently. Had she endured the pain, had she endured the suffering and burning through out her body. She would be with Hunter forever. But he wasn't going to let it happen. She saw how strong he truly was as he demonstrated his self-control drawing out the vampire venom from Stephanie. Her blood mixed into it, no doubt rallied his senses to feed off of her blood. But he didn't let his instincts take control.
Since then, Stephanie knew what she wanted. No matter how much the pain was, or how it spread. She was going to be a vampire.
On the night of her birthday, she looked out the window and saw Hunter standing, waiting for her to come down. Apparently he said there was a surprise awaiting her at the house. Stephanie hated surprises.
She took her time as she kept thinking over the reoccurring dream in her mind. No matter how hard she tried to think of her and Hunter, together forever. She dreamt herself as an old woman. Hunter was at her side and wishing her yet another happy birthday. Her youth and beauty vanished as she found herself sitting in a rocking chair. It had become more of a nightmare than anything else. She didn't dare tell Hunter, for she knew he would just laugh aloud and say. "That's how it's suppose to be"
Not if she could help it!
Stephanie ventured down stairs and said by to her father Steve. Recently he had tried to become a better father, and learning how to cook. Yet with what occurred the last time, the incident between Hunter and her. Left his rather miffed from the experience, he never did fully trust Hunter again. That feeling only grew among his friends who felt the same way.
She was soon out the door and approaching Hunter who smiled to her. "Took you long enough"
"Coming from the man that lives forever," she snapped back.
Once more, a coy grin came over Hunter as he snickered to her comment. Stephanie was mire inches away from him when she announced it was her birthday, and she had a request. "As long as it doesn't involve any sort of neck biting," he stated.
Stephanie fell silent. "Well, if you won't give me what I want, than can I at least have a kiss?"
Hunter obliged and gave her a passionate kiss. Soon after, he got Stephanie into the car and announced they had to get moving.
"The family is waiting for you back home. You know how cranky Kane gets when he has to wait," he announced.
Stephanie gave a nervous smile as she recalled he last time it occurred. It was during exams, Kane had breezed through the exam in ten minutes. He had to wait at least an hour. In that time he had gone through his answers at least six time, all the while he glared at the teacher that did their rounds. He kept asking if he could go yet, in which the answer was the same. More annoyed than before he decides to make a ruckus until he gets kicked out of the class! Yet it was a good thing they kicked him out. Hunter said Kane would have gone through great lengths to get the hell out of the room when he was board out of his tree. "Just because he's a vampire like I am, doesn't mean he is willing to wait forever" he happened to have brought up another incident where Kane set a fire in the school just to get out of his last exam. It wasn't pretty by any means and forced the tests to be postponed.
Stephanie kept that in minds. Never make Kane wait.
They soon arrived at the house, what Stephanie didn't realize was that her car was there! "Wait… How…." Before she could even ask how her car got there, she saw Batista already out. He smiled and waved at her as he went into the vehicle and began to tear stuff out. "What is he doing to my car!?" she demanded.
"It's a surprise!" Hunter replied. "Come on, let's go in for cake!"