Chapter 4. Yay! I really never expected to write a story that was more than just a one-shot. I know this chapter took forever to get done and is not as humorous as the previous ones, but it's still good. I apologize that this took over a week to finish and the next chapter will take just as long, but thanks for sticking with me and reading.

Nothing really new happens in this chapter at all. It's just filler where everyone talks to each other. Next chap should be more interesting.

Disclaimer: not mine, blah, blah, blah. You all get it.

A/N: This chapter was really difficult for me. Probably because so much of it is actual meant to be taken seriously, not as comedy. Although there are a few jokes in here. I wanted some sort of very political reason for Suzaku and Lelouch to be together, but couldn't come up with anything besides Zero being concerned over his image with the masses.

This chapter is dedicated to all of you reading my story, especially MizuiroSnow, AEDReaper, Lilyoda, Diana Prince, Emo Headphonez, Lilyflower1987,

Poisoned-Inkwell: That's the only reason I keep Tamaki around too. Lol.

Neo Diji: You know what? I actually am starting to really like Kaguya. I know, weird. She is even in a section of this chapter.
No way is Nina ever going to be in a fic of mine. Unless of course she dies. Maybe a fic where someone tortures her to death? No! I refuse to waste my time on her. I really hate her for some reason.
Oh, Suzaku going commando. I mentioned that to my sister and she thinks I'm so weird now. Lol.

menteur honnete: Chapter 3 was definitely my favorite, too.
As for this being an AU, it's not supposed to be. It's based during season 2 when Suzaku is back in Japan and knows who Lelouch is. They are enemies, but still meet up for sex/cuddling. But, if you'd prefer for it to be AU, feel free to think of it as such. Whatever makes it best for you.

Suffocated Entity: Your review is really the one that got me inspired enough to finish this chapter. The entire bit about Kaguya is dedicated to you.

Enough time wasted, now READ MY STORY. I Command You!

Lelouch had been in many bad situations before. He had almost been killed in Shinjuko ghetto; he had been forced to kill his half-sister; he had been captured, betrayed, and turned over to his father; he had killed and almost been killed numerous times.

Despite all of that, Lelouch couldn't remember a time he felt more trapped. Who should he side with?

The Black Knights were loyal to him. They did everything he asked them to. His elite fighting team. They trusted him to capture Suzaku. By keeping Suzaku captive, who knows how many of his soldiers would be saved on the battlefield.

Or Suzaku. His idiot of a boyfriend who he absolutely adored even though they were on opposite sides of this war. He knew Suzaku had betrayed him to the emperor, so he should not feel badly about betraying him to them Black Knights, but he had already forgiven the Knight of Seven. Lelouch knew Suzaku had not been in his right mind at the time of the betrayal.

And both were expecting him to take their side.

Maybe a compromise would work.

"Alright everyone listen. We will not be keeping the Knight of Seven here at our HQ." Exclamations and protests immediately rose from the Black Knights.

"Wait. Let me finish." Zero began again. "We can't keep him here. Taking him captive while not in battle would make the masses sympathetic toward the Britannians. That's the last thing we need right now. We must show the people of Japan that we, the Black Knights, are nothing like the Britannians we hate."

Well, thought Lelouch, I guess I just sided with Suzaku. Damn, it sounded more like a compromise before I said it.

"Zero, wouldn't it make more sense to kill him and then make it look like the Britannian military is to blame? Make it look like some soldier got angry an Eleven could work his way up to a Knight of Rounds?"

This was Diethard's idea, of course. Diethard had always thought killing Suzaku was the best thing to do to convince the masses that Zero was a hero and Suzaku was not important. It still irked him that many of the Japanese people still viewed Suzaku as a hero and looked to emulate him.

"No! Absolutely not!" Kaguya was aghast at the suggestion to kill her cousin, even though it did seem that her 'husband' had been sleeping with him.

Thinking it through, she sadly realized that the signs were always there that Zero did not love her. Nor did he seem interested in Kallen or, regardless of the fact that they shared a room, C.C. The only explanation was that he was homosexual or that he already had a true love.

The answer appeared to be both. Zero could have easily slept with any male Black Knight member that he wanted. Everyone knew Tamaki would jump into bed with the masked hero. And that new Black Knight, the Rolo kid, seemed to harbor a crush on their leader as well. And if Zero felt uncomfortable with sleeping with one of his subordinates, he could always just keep Suzaku prisoner.

This was more than just sex. It was love.

Kaguya could see that and she honestly could not think of a better person to steal Zero from her than Suzaku. It was true that Suzaku was on the wrong side, but Kaguya knew her cousin better than most people. Suzaku would never fully betray his country; he was just trying to save Japan from Britannia in the wrong way.

Zero needed that; a person who would not just robotically follow his every order, like everyone tended to do. Zero liked to live dangerously; he needed someone who would fight him at every opportunity, but in the end would always be there to rescue him. From the look in her cousin's eyes, Kaguya could tell that Suzaku was madly in love with the man he was sleeping with.

Kaguya would do anything for Zero. That included letting him be with the one he loved.

"We cannot hurt him."

Kaguya wasn't even sure whether she was referring to Suzaku or Zero. She didn't want either of them to be hurt.

"She's right," Kallen said. "If we kill a Britannian soldier simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, then we become no better than them. We can't do that. We just can't." Kallen always had been idealistic and would never harm anyone unless she had to, such as in battle situations. To her, the idea of murder or imprisonment without a trial was unjust, exactly the type of thing she was fighting against.

However, despite Kallen being of good moral fiber, many of the Black Knights had only joined up with Zero in order to kill Britannians and extract revenge, thus almost all of the newer Black Knight recruits objected to Kallen and Kaguya's arguments.

"Wrong place at the wrong time?" One of the nameless fighters spoke what everyone was thinking, "Kallen, he was in our HQ, in Zero's bed; he's not supposed to be here. And he's here right before we're supposed to go into battle against him. This is the best place and time to get him."

Kallen had to admit, the reasoning was sound. It was right before they went to battle. How many lives could be saved by preventing the Knight of Seven from engaging in combat?

Fortunately for Suzaku, as things were looking bad from his side, Zero himself entered the debate. "We need to make it clear to the masses we are the protectors of justice, that we protect those who need protection. Not that we are terrorists who will hurt anyone who does not agree with us. You see, it is all about the way things appear. Then the outcome of any particular battle does not matter, because we will win in the end."

"I understand," said Ohgi. "We have to make everyone side with us. Not just the Japanese, but the civilians of Britannia as well. Many people think of Kururugi as a hero. If we show them that we could have killed Kururugi, but didn't; then they will respect us."

Many of the people gathered in the room nodded thoughtfully. This logic made sense.

That harmonious silence lasted all of two seconds before another nameless Black Knight yelled, "That's all well and good Zero, but he just asked for a ride to work! Where do you freaking think he works, Pizza Hut?!?!?"

Then pandemonium broke out.

To be continued...