"Now, class, remember what I said. Be on your best behavior." Miss Maybeth nervously glanced at Greg House as she said this, and looked at the door.

"I don't know why we need this other class coming in here." Greg complained. "I bet they smell funny and act weird."

"You haven't even met them, how can you judge them?" Little Jimmy asked, skeptically looking at his friend.

"You wouldn't understand. You think everyone is good. You never see the bad in people." Jimmy almost commented back but the other class walked in. The whole class stopped playing and looked over. It was too quiet until little Allie Cameron shouted "hi!!!". Another little girl from the other class smiled and walked over to her.

"Hi. My name is Remy Hadley. What's yours?"

"Allie! And dis is Lisa!" She pulled Lisa Cuddy over to Remy, who of the boys caught Greg's eye. He didn't look like the rest of them. He was tan, with short black hair and seemed very reserved.

"Hey, look Robbie," he poked Robbie Chase, "That kid looks as weird as you!"

"That's not nice!" Robbie scolded him, and introduced himself to the boy, who introduced himself as Lawrence Kutner.

"Aww, look at the two weird kids hitting it off!" Greg mocked, and Lisa hit him.

"You know, you can be nice and find a new kid." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't have time for all these little kids." Greg waved them off.

"Yeah. I bet you spend way too much time with your friend." She laughed a little and walked away.

"Who does she think she is?! I can SO make friends." He stuck his tongue out at her and found his target.

"Hey, name's Greg and you have a big nose." The kid cried and ran away. Greg was puzzled.

"His name is Chris Taub. Nice going, Greg." Jimmy sighed.

"Alright, next kid is mine." Greg searched around the classroom, but no one impressed him. He finally found a new kid.

"Hello. My name is Greg House. I like sunshine and puppy dogs." The boy stared at him.

"Greg. It's me. Eric. I'm in your class." The boy, known as Eric Foreman, replied.

"Are you sure? I've never seen you before."

"How can you miss me? I'm like the only black kid in your school." Greg stopped listening, as he saw Jimmy was sitting at the table with someone. A girl. She had short blonde hair and green eyes, and Greg instantly hated her.

"Who's the girl?" he asked, pointing his chin in her direction.

"Her name is Amber Votakis, and she's really nice so leave us alone." Jimmy turned back to Amber, who was still locking eyes with Greg. He stared back, only to get bored and turned away.

"10 minutes left, children!" The other teacher reminded the kids. Greg was standing in a corner, playing with his yo-yo, when Amber walked over.

"You think you're so cool, but I know about kids like you."

"Oh yeah?" He asked, uninterested.

"Yeah. You think you are so cool and don't care, but you do. I know you don't like anyone talking to Jimmy. There are a bunch of other kids here and you are stuck on him." He turned his attention to her.

"You think no one can tell, but I bet a bunch of kids can see right through you."

"I think your class is getting ready to leave." was all he said. She smirked at him and walked away. Jimmy walked over when they were gone.

"I saw you talking to Amber. Isn't she cool?" He wanted to say no, that he hated her, but Jimmy looked so happy he couldn't hurt him.

"Yeah. She was...something else." Before walking away, leaving Jimmy slightly curious but still happy and oblivious.