Disclaimer: Gil and Catherine belong to CBS.
Rating: It's safe and cute.
Summary: Gil attempts to get his daughter to eat her peas.
A/N: I'm officially done with junior year and I am now a senior!! I was bored when I wrote this and it took me about twenty minutes. All grammar and spelling mistakes are mine. Everyone enjoy.
Gil stood over his young daughter. She sat at the dining room table, a booster seat sat her higher in the chair. Her elbows rested on the table, her little fists poking her chubby, rosy cheeks. Her eyebrows creased and her lips were in a pout. She was a spitting image of her father.
"You have to eat your peas."
"I don't wanna."
"Dinner was over fifteen minutes ago and you ate everything else on your plate."
"I like chicken and I kinda like macawoni and cheese."
"What about peas?"
"I don't like peas."
Gil sighed, "Sweetie, you've never had peas in the five years that you have been on this earth."
"Mommy doesn't like peas and Mommy doesn't eat peas. Why does Sammy have to eat peas?"
"Because Sammy is five and Mommy is… way more than that," he replied.
"Sammy doesn't like peas." She shook her head, making her dark spiral pig-tails swing.
"How about we make a deal," Gil said, "Daddy will eat more peas if you eat yours."
"It's not faiw because you like peas, Daddy," she replied as the corners of her mouth were turned downwards.
"What about some ice cream? I'll let you eat extra ice cream and we'll keep it a special secret from Mommy."
She shook her little head again.
"Samantha, honey, you have to eat your vegetables. They make you grown strong and big like Mommy and I."
"I don't want to be big like you and Mommy. Big people cwy at night. I heaw you and Mommy cwying. Cwish said his mommy and daddy cry too, sometimes. "
"That is a conversation for another day; when you're about thirtyish. What if I buy you a puppy? Will you eat your peas?"
"I aweady wote to Santa. He's getting me a puppy."
"Oh, I see."
They both turned their heads towards the front door. Gil heard her kick off her shoes and toss the keys on the side table near the door.
"Catherine, we're in here." Her footsteps followed his voice.
"Hi," she said before giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Hi," he replied, "How was work?"
"Thanks for abandoning me with your paperwork," she said with a smirk. She gave Samantha a kiss on her adorable cheeks. "What's the matter honey?"
"I don't like peas Mommy," she said.
"Well why not?"
"They're yucky. Can Daddy make me some fwench fwies?" she asked.
Catherine chucked, "No, honey. You have to eat your peas."
"But you don't like peas."
"That's because Grandma Lily made me eat them every single day when I was little like you. Can you try to eat them for me, please?" she asked. "If you don't like them, I'll eat some with you. Okay?"
"You pwomise?"
"I pwomise," Catherine said mimicking her with a smile.
The little girl sighed, "Okay."
Gil watched in disbelief as the daughter who refused to eat her peas picked up her fork and ate the round, green vegetables.
"How did you do that?" Gil asked quietly as Catherine stood up.
"I'm Mom. I can do anything," she replied.
"I'll go make you a plate then. With an extra serving of peas," he said before placing a kiss on her lips.
She smiled and chucked at her husband's boyish charm as he disappeared into the kitchen. She turned to Samantha as placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"How are your peas honey?"
A/N: How was it? Um, I intentionally put a "w" instead of an "r" in some of Samantha's dialogue. Please read and review. Love you bunches.