DISCLAIMER; I DO NOT own monster buster club.

CLAIMER; I do own Skyler, Aubrey and Brian

A/N hope you like it -_-

Two little girls were playing in the park under a bright pink sky all of a sudden there was an explosian, The sky turned red and a war siren went off. "Skyler" screamed one girl "Aubrey" screamed the other they reached out to each other and their hands touched for a brief moment before they were draged away by parents who hated each other.

Aubrey dragged one way Skyler another. Skyler was pulled by her parents until a shot from a lazer canon rang out her parents started to evaperate "Mommy, Daddy" she screamed but it was to late they were gone forever, The little girl was left all alone in the middle of a war zone she started to sob. There was another explosian a bright orange light then she felt a pain on her head then darkness no worse then darkness nothingness...

"NO!" she screamed and she woke up she sat up in bed breathing heavily. Her older brother ran into the room "what's wrong?" he asked "I had that dream again" she said "Are you gonna actually tell me what it was about this time?" "I- I can't remember" she said looking down "Skye" he said sitting on the edge of her bed "Fine" she said and told him about the dream "Wow, hmm ya know they say if you dream something more then once it means something" he said "Right Brian it means I'm from Mars and was taken to earth as a child and tomorow my skin's gonna turn green and I'll grow gills." Said the red head sarcasticly

"It could, you don't remeber anything before being on the boat right?" he asked "No" said Skyler as she shook her head "Weeelll" he said "Uh uh you can not seriously think I'm from space!" she said "It could happen anyway get some sleep big day tomorow" he said

"yeah yeah a new town a new school more teachers to hate me and more kids to ignore or make fun of me" she said he stopped in the door way and looked back at her. She plopped back down and threw the covers over her head.

He smiled "g'night" he said "Night" she said reaching up to turn off her lamp. She went back to sleep and had another one of her dreams only this one she'd never seen before she saw four kids in some sort of suits one girl was wearing pink another was wearing yellow there were lso two boys one in red the other in blue. they wear all smiling and having a good time when something started beeping their wrist they al smiled and ran off.

There was an alien the alien was holding on to her the kids took it down but she was unconcious the took her to an old club house she woke up and saw a boy with tan skin blue eyes and indigo hair... Chris she slept soundly for the rest of the night.

A/N what do you think? will she meet the MBC, is she from Mars orany other planet, why is Chris so special? I dunno when these will be answered but they will eventually