Title: Addicted

Author: NeroAnne

Disclaimer: I do not own Jeff Hardy, Phil Brooks, Matt Hardy, Edge or any other wrestlers in this ficcy.

Summary: As a straight-edge, Phil Brooks isn't supposed to be addicted to drugs. And he isn't. What he is addicted to is a lot worse. And why is that? Well, simply because of the fact that it's Jeff Hardy. SLASH!

Requested by: wwefan5


-Wednesday, August 19th-


Jeff frowned, flipping his hair over one shoulder as he tried to shake his loved one awake. "Hey, we have to get going, Cookie. Matt wants us all to go out for breakfast…"

Phil groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. "Don't wanna…must sleep." He grunted lightly when Jeff smacked his stomach in a playful manner. "That hurt. Kiss it better."

Jeff rolled his eyes, "Yes master," he said mockingly, before moving his head down, placing a butterfly kiss on his Cookie Monster's tummy. He let his tongue glide out, lapping at the skin gently. He giggled, feeling Phil's cock twitch and begin to get hard. "Do you want me to kiss that too?"

Phil shuddered at the seductive tone and gave Jeff a smirk. "You do that and we'll never leave this room." He sat up, pulling Jeff onto his lap. He moved his mouth to the swan-like pale neck, kissing and suckling gently.

Jeff hummed lightly in pleasure, reaching for his phone. "So? Should I tell Matty we're on our way?"

Phil muttered something against his neck.

Jeff grinned and moved his hands behind Phil's head, texting a quick reply to his older brother. "We might need to start getting ready, Cookie."

"Yeah, yeah…" Phil yawned, rolling out of bed, still carrying Jeff.

"We're showering together?"

"It'll save water," Phil mumbled. Yeah right.


Matt watched Jeff walk towards them and he raised a brow. "Are you okay?"

Jeff waved a hand, nodding. "I'm fine." He sat down next to John, Phil sitting down besides him.

John, who was holding hands with Mike, gave Phil a hard look. "Are you actually going to stay with him this time or are you just gonna break his heart some more?"

Jeff looked over at his best friend with surprised eyes.

Phil frowned at him. "I've already committed. Mind your own business." He tossed a balled up napkin at John's brunette head.

Evan laughed, seeing the ticked look on John's face. "Can't we all just get along?" he teased, earning him several balled up napkins to the face as well.

"I just don't think he's good for Jeff." John locked eyes with Phil. "He's hurt him so many times before."

Phil snorted, "I've got a way to put as much pain on me as I've put on him. I'll let you know what it is later."

John's eyebrow shot up in interest but nodded, looking down at his menu.

"…Man, there is like nothing sugary on here." Jeff's face scrunched up in distaste. "It's all just…breakfast crap."

Matt shook his head, "You've got to lay off the sugar, man. Eat some actual food for once…here," he pointed to something at the top of the menu, "choose this, its real good."

Jeff roamed his eyes over the title. "Blue-berry banana nut waffles. Thanks Matt. I have no clue what it could be." He smirked playfully at his brother, who shrugged.

They talked quietly as they ate, sharing little tidbits of events that had happened in the recent weeks.

Jeff held up a forkful of syrup coated waffle, moving it to Phil's mouth. "Open."

Phil did as he was told, chewing lightly.

Evan smiled, tapping Matt's thigh, "Remember when we used to do that?"

Matt blinked, "Not really…"

Evan gave him a blank look. "You're so mean."

Phil placed a gently peck on Jeff's lips before giving John a pointed look. "Let's talk," he grabbed the brunette by the collar and dragged him away from Mike, who blinked in confusion.

"Your boyfriend better not try anything," Mike warned.

Jeff's answer was to throw a biscuit at Mike's head.

-With John and Phil-

John slapped Phil's hand away, giving him an annoyed look. "Alright, what's gonna happen?"

"Jeff is gonna lose at Summerslam."

John twitched at this. "Well, that's nice."

"Would you shut up and listen?" Phil rolled his eyes. "I asked McMahon who I would have to face for the title next and he asked me who I thought would fit the challenge."

John nodded, waiting.

"…I chose Mark."

John's eyes doubled in size. "You're gonna go toe-to-toe with the motherfucking Undertaker?!"

Phil nodded. "Figured no one could kick my ass like he could." he ran a hand through his hair. "It'll be a decent payback for all the injuries I've caused Jeff."

John smiled a bit. "Wow…you do love him."

"I'm glad you finally know that."


-Phil's Chicago Home-

"No, no…I understand completely." Jeff avoided Phil's curious gaze, staring at the floor instead. "I know…only temporary. I mean, I do need the time…I've got lots of injuries that need time to heal…okay, Mr. McMahon. Thank you."

Phil watched Jeff end the call. "Starshine?"

"…McMahon wants me to leave the WWE for a while."

Phil's blood ran cold. "W-what?"

"Not forever," Jeff said quickly. "The trainers told him about my neck injury and the herniated discs in my lower back. They want me to leave the Tuesday after Summerslam."

Phil bit his bottom lip. "Did…did I…?"

"No, baby," Jeff said softly. "This was bound to happen…you're not to blame."

They stared at each other in silence, not wanting to believe it.

"…Seems like every time we get together…we get ripped apart." Phil shook his head, gently cupping Jeff's chin. "I wish I'd spent more time with you…instead of being a dumbass."

Jeff smiled softly at him. "I wish for that too." He giggled at Phil's mock hurt look. "Oh honey…it's only going to be six months to a year…"

Phil sighed, "It still won't be the same…"

Jeff's eyes brightened. "What if I promise to go on the road with you?"

"Will you really do that for me?" Phil whispered.

Jeff nodded, his eyes sincere.

"Great…but I can't let you do that. You need to heal and you can't do that while you're on the road with me." Phil rested on the bed, pulling Jeff to his chest. "…I'll miss you so much…"

Jeff closed his eyes, fighting tears. "I'll miss you too…"

"We'll make the best of these last three days," Phil whispered. "I promise."


-Thursday, August 20th-

Jeff jerked awake at the loud sound of cursing. "Cookie?" he sat up, scared shitless.

Phil came into the room, flour smudges on his cheeks. "Morning, starshine!"

Jeff smiled sweetly at him. "Morning…what are you doing?"

Phil grinned, "Baking."

Jeff blinked, "Baking?"

"Baking." Phil said nodding. "I'm making you something sugary."

Jeff smiled and walked towards the kitchen. He laughed, seeing the mess. "Wow, love."

Phil shrugged, "Alright so I was having a bit of trouble. It's all good now, though!" he led Jeff to the over, where a cake was being baked. "All we have to do is add the icing."

Jeff smiled, "That sounds fun."

After a few more minutes, the cake was ready to be decorated. Phil stood behind Jeff, guising his hands in the shape of a heart as Jeff iced the cake.

"How cute," Jeff whispered. He leaned back against Phil, smiling softly.

Phil kissed Jeff's temple before they continued to decorate the cake.

The heart was done in red icing, the first letters of their names in blue, and the small "plus" symbol in between.

Phil ran his finger over some left over icing, slipping the sugary digit into Jeff's mouth. "Ready for cake?"

Jeff smiled around Phil's finger. "Sounds great."

And so, they enjoyed their cake, watching romantic comedies and staring each other in complete adulation.

-Friday, August 21st-

"I love how they play horror movies on Fridays." Jeff sat down next to Phil, putting the bowl of popcorn on Phil's lap.

Phil hummed in reply, his eyes glued to the screen. Some blond with green eyes was being chased by Chucky, her robe slipping open to reveal long, pale legs.

Jeff frowned at this and turned Phil's head towards him. "The only green-eyed blonde you have to worry about is the one right next to you." He crossed his arms. "I've got better legs than her, anyway."

Phil snickered, reaching down to run his hand up Jeff's thigh. "Damn right you do."

Jeff smiled, gently shoving Phil onto the couch. "So then why are you staring at her?"

Phil smirked, "I like making you jealous. It makes you get hot and when you get hot…it guarantees a good fuck."

"Oh yeah?" Jeff purred. He moved down, pressing his lips to Phil's teasingly before pulling away. "Too bad. I love this movie." He turned up the volume.

Phil growled and sat up again. "You're gonna get is so hard once this is done. You know that don't you?"

Jeff smiled. "Of course I do."


The last day they had, yesterday, was spent on nothing but love-making and sweet talks. Now, they had to be ready for one of their last nights together.

"Be safe," Jeff whispered, pressing his lips to Phil's. They were backstage, holding each other close, not wanting to let go.

"You too…" Phil closed his eyes, hearing his music hit. "…I love you."

"I love you too." Jeff whispered before releasing him gently.

Show time…


-After the Match-

"The Undertaker?!" Jeff followed after his boyfriend, who was holding onto the back of his neck in pain. "Cookie!"

Phil smiled sheepishly, scratching his black hair. "Oh, come on. I can handle Taker."

Jeff sighed, "Are you doing this for me?"

Phil blinked innocently. "…No."

Jeff narrowed his eyes. "Phillip Brooks…"

Phil sighed, "Alright, alright. Yes…I just wanted to feel the pain I've dealt you for so long."

Jeff sighed softly. "Baby…I forgave you for that so long ago; you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to," Phil admitted. "I want to feel your pain…" he smiled sweetly at Jeff. "You're not mad at me…are you?"

Jeff shook his head, smiling gently. "I could never be." He cupped Phil's cheek. "Let's go home, Champ."


Phil purred, relaxing into Jeff's hands. "Shouldn't I be doing this to you, too? I mean, you took just as much hell as I did in that match."

Jeff smiled, gently conditioning Phil's hair. "Don't worry about it, Cookie. I like spoiling you."

Phil smirked, "Okay, then I won't complain." He leaned against Jeff's chest, his slippery hair tickling Jeff's shoulders.

"So cute…" Jeff gently kissed at Phil's neck, his soft lips opening to suck at the skin.

"Mm…trying to get me hot?" Phil turned his head, catching Jeff's lips in a gentle kiss.

"Maybe," Jeff murmured, opening his mouth to Phil's exploring tongue. He leaned back as Phil turned, both of them wrapping their arms around each other.

"We can't," Jeff struggled with a moan as Phil sucked at his neck. "The water will…" he was ignored, Phil grabbing his hair and fisting it, tugging it back to expose more of his neck.

"You shouldn't start if you don't intend to finish," Phil whispered softly before pulling apart Jeff's legs. He pulled the other male onto his lap, over his hard cock. He grabbed tightly to Jeff's hips and pulled him down, both of them gasping in pleasure.

"Phil…" Jeff bit his bottom lip, resting his head on the ravenette's shoulder, panting softly. Slowly, he pulled himself up and then lowered himself back down in a smooth, slow movement.

Phil moved his mouth to Jeff's chest, tugging the left nipple into his mouth, biting down on it before soothing it with gentle laps of his wet tongue. "Jeff…my love."

They moved in sync, panting and moaning softly against their skin, crying out in unison when they reached release. Jeff rested his head against Phil's forehead, staring down into the olive eyes.

They both smiled at each other.

"…You realize that I have to clean the floor now?"

Phil smiled sheepishly at his lover. "I'll help.

"Love you."

"Love you too."


-Tuesday…the Final Farewell-

John ran the straight iron through his hair, watching Jeff from the reflection on the mirror. The poor kid was having trouble with his face-paint. John winced as Jeff uttered another curse, before dipping the brush into another color.

"…Hey, Jeff-Jeff?"


John bit his lower lip, putting down the straight iron. "How are you feeling?"

Jeff gazed at him with confused eyes. "Fine." He leaned over the sink, his hands gripping the porcelain.

"Oh, honey…" John led Jeff over to a bench, sitting him down. "…You don't want to go, do you?"

Jeff didn't answer for a few seconds. He ran a hand through his hair. "I just don't want to leave him so soon…"

"You'll see him a lot, man. It's not like you're leaving forever." John smiled, giving Jeff's shoulder a re-assuring squeeze. "I've got to go out there with your brother…will you be alright?"

Jeff smiled softly, nodding his head. "Yeah…you go and kick ass."

John stood, smiling down at Jeff. "See you afterwards."

Jeff watched him go, before he went back to the sink. He picked up his paintbrush again and smiled at his reflection.

'It won't be forever…'

-Later On…-

Phil paced around backstage, waiting for the refs to bring Jeff to him.

'Stupid McMahon. He always wants me to hurt Jeff more than I need to…he looked so cute out there in his purple clothes. Cute little speech afterwards to…like a swan's song.'

He perked up when someone came out form behind the curtain. His eyes brightened.


Jeff lifted his head, smiling. "Cookie…"

They quickly ran to each other and embraced tightly. Not wanting to let go.

Several guys backstage watched, smiling lightly.

"…It's not like its forever," Mark grunted, rolling his eyes upwards.

He was hit lightly on the arm by John, whose eyes were teary.

"Since when are they even that close?" Dolph whispered to Rey, who shrugged innocently.

Matt watched them, feeling so bad for them. They were only together for a short time…such a short time.

Phil kissed Jeff's cheeks, not caring of the paint that smeared his cheeks. "…Are you okay?"

Jeff nodded. "I'm fine. You didn't hit me as hard as you should have." He winked at Phil.

Phil smiled easily. "I couldn't…I didn't want to hurt you on your last day." He swallowed at the last part, looking away from Jeff's eyes so that he wouldn't get choked up.

Jeff gently cradled Phil's chin, bring their eyes to meet. "…Don't worry…be happy." His eyes closed, smiling sweetly. "I love you."

Everyone around them cooed. Dolph's eyes watered and he rubbed at his eyes.

Phil cradled Jeff's cheek, leaning closer. "I love you too…my starshine…my love…my addiction." He pressed his mouth to Jeff's, kissing softly.

Alright, so being Straight Edge was a rule he would always live by.

After all, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He wasn't doing drugs…or drinking.

He was enjoying the time he had with the one he cherished most.

As he would always be, Jeff Hardy was an addiction…

And Phil Brooks was…



Alrighty. XD!

That's the end of that. I just wrapped up my first Junk fic. I'm so glad you all liked it!

Thank you for all the reviews and faves and alerts, they mean the world to me.

I hope you enjoyed it, wwefan5.

I hope the rest of you liked it as well.

For all who liked this one, I've started on another Junk fic, feel free to read.

And we are…