A/n: As some of you may already know I took this story over for Buddyboy98. The first five chapters were written by him and I hope that you guys like my writing style and that it fits into the story.


It had been seven years, seven years since he left England, since he had last seen her. He watched as snow fell on downtown Sidney Australia. Yes snowing in Australia, they were in the middle of a freak weather pattern that the ministry concluded that only something with extreme magical ability could create it. He was puzzled by it, and who is he you ask, he is none other than Harry Potter Head of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic for Australia. He looked out of his office window at blanket of snow that covered the lower city.

A screeching came from fireplace, and a letter spit out of it. It was the new delivery system, it was crude but more efficient that owls. He walked over and picked it up quietly. The seal on the back was all to familiar, it was the seal of Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt of the English Ministry

His calloused fingers tore it open rather roughly and grabbed the parchment. He unfolded it gently and began to read it.


Dear Mr. Potter,

As you may know when Albus Dumbledore died, Minerva McGonagall succeeded him as Headmaster. And as of yesterday, she announced she would be retiring and usually she would pick her successor, but with recent threats from the remote bands of the remaining Death Eaters we failed to apprehend I as well as she feel that is appropriate that you take up this position.

We hope that you would accept, and we would like to invite you for a meeting next Monday here in England. Hope to see you soon!


Kingsley R. Shacklebolt

Minister for Magic England


He began to breath faster and faster, a job he had dreamed about for the best part of seven years had been offered to him. This job he had know had become his passion, he had never had a time for a life, would he do it. The only reason he had left England, was to get away from his two best friends and there budding relationship.

It killed his saying it but if had stayed longer, if they would have had children he knew he would kill himself. Regardless the continuation of the young students education was a priority and not to mention there safety. He pulled a piece of parchment out of his desk and dipped his quill in ink.


Minister Shacklebolt,

I would be glad to meet with you and discuss the possibility of myself taking the office of Headmaster of Hogwarts. I'll be arriving in England on the specified date.


Harry J. Potter

Head of Magical Law Enforcement Australia


He sighed and grabbed and envelope and neatly tucked into it. He had to be careful as he threw the envelope and it disappeared in a loud hiss. He reached up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, now he had to face the easily tempered Minister.


Diagon Ally was now a bustling magical city, a medium-sized woman with straight long chestnut hair made her way thought the crowds of people. She pulled out the key to Florish & Blots which she now ran and stuck it in the brass door knob. She sighed; her life was seemingly starting to run together, after her husband Ron Weasley got the promotion to Head of the Office of Auror two months ago they had been growing apart and there relationship had been getting tenser.

She hung up her coat and marched up the stairs, a screeching went off on her desk. Hermione yelped 'Dam new delivery system' she had been one of the first to protest the retirement of the OWL service in exchange for this. Breathing heavily she grabbed the prophet from her desk and read over the head line.


This morning in a press release to the Prophet and Witch Weekly, the Office of Minister Shacklebolt released three possible candidates for the next head of the school. Head of the Department of Education, Richard Brinkley, Assistant Minister of Magic, Ginny Weasley, The boy-who-lived and Head of Magical Law Enforcement for Australia, Harry Potter.

Sources within the office say the most likely candidate, is none other than Harry Potter. Though when asked, the Minister simply replied "I cannot give you a clear answer after myself and Headmaster McGonagall deliberate, but when we come to a decision you will be the first to find out" This reporter asks when will we have the answer will they chose someone who will keep our children safe?


The rest of the article didn't matter that much to her, Harry, she let out a hearty sigh, and I guess you could say that Harry was the one she let get away. In sixth year, she had fallen into seemingly insatiable love with him but she thought he would never return her feelings so she decided to pursue a life with Ron. She thought cynically all the time 'Either Ronald or living with twelve cats named after different characters in Shakespeare' she felt guilty because she did love Ron but not in the way she loved Harry.

When he left seven years ago if affected her dramatically, he would never answer her phone calls, and on his birthday she would always get the letters she sent him back with the large red print on them that said 'TENET NO LONER LIVES HERE'. Ron watched her every time and he wanted to snap Harry's neck for it.

With the possibility of him returning she knew a storm was lurking off the coast. Yet, she still smiled at the picture of Harry in the paper.