So, first off I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in such a long time. I suck blah blah blah. With that being said I'm going to say that this will be the end of this story. The complete failure of the most recent season pretty much lead to my total disinterest in the show. So now I've pretty much stopped writing and reading NCIS fanfiction, it's like, there's nothing there for me anymore. But I felt like owed it to my faithful readers and reviewers to finish off my stories. Also I have no idea where I was going with this story, so if the ending feels a bit empty just chalk it up to the empty feeling I felt pretty much the entire Season 8 of NCIS.

Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

Last time on Back to You:

"You like the view yes?" Ziva called over her shoulder a wide grin on her face.

Tony laughed, choosing again not to answer her question, "Tea?" he asked heading towards the kitchen. Tony was halfway to his intended destination when there was a loud pounding on his door, then a loud yell, "Homeland Security! Open up!"

It's not a silly little moment,

It's not the storm before the calm.

This is the deep and dying breath of

This love that we've been working on.

Tony wasn't sure how it had come to this. The woman he loved, the woman he would and often did give everything for had been taken from him by the very people he had been taught to trust. He closed his eyes and he could smell her on him. He could hear her voice; it was resigned as the Agents slipped cuffs around her wrists, her last words to him, "Don't tell Gibbs."

Tony cold see her face, her beautiful face, tears streaming unhindered down her cheeks as they slow marched her down the hallway and away from him. She'd looked back just once, their eyes meeting, they'd said all they could in that glance.

I'll get you out. I promise.

Don't come for me, do not risk everything for me.

But she was his everything, and he'd be damned if he let her be taken away from him again.

Tony stared dismally at the walls of the holding facility. Holding facility his ass, this was a prison, and somewhere down one of its endless hallways his Ziva was sitting alone, waiting for the inevitable deportment. He'd gotten to see her just once in her month long stay. She'd been stoic then, completely resigned to her fate.

"There's nothing you can do," she'd said her voice monotone.

"Ziva please," Tony's voice cracked, he held back tears as he spoke, "We can get you out, I spoke to Vance, there are ways out Ziva, we can get married, that'll guarantee you citizenship, we can-"

"Enough Tony!" Ziva had raised her voice then giving Tony a glimpse of the old, unbroken Ziva.

"There is nothing you or anyone else can do, so just give it up! Now leave! Go on, go live your life, there is nothing here for you."

Tony had left that day with a heavy heart. His heart raced now as he saw Ziva through the heavy protected glass windows. She walked slowly her head down as she moved towards the tall imposing man that was waiting at the end of the hallway.

"Look up, please look up," Tony hadn't realized he was pleading these words out loud until he saw the other agents in the room sending him confused glances. He ignored them keeping up his pleas. "Look up, if you love me look up."

Ziva's eyes never left the floor; Tony read the word on her lips when she finally spoke, "Papa"

He slumped to the ground then, completely defeated.

If he'd looked up just then he would have seen Ziva look towards the window her heart breaking when she saw no familiar faces.

"See daughter," her father chided, "If they cared they would have at least come to see you off yes? Come now, home awaits."

We're going down,

And you can see it too.

We're going down,

And you know that we're doomed.

Well, that's all folks. It was great while it lasted I guess. I've pretty much given up on NCIS and Tiva actually, so this is the end. Thanks again to everyone who read, reviewed, and favorited this fic. All the best
