Disclaimer: I do not own Mahou Negima Sensei nor do I own Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-revis.

Chapter 1: It's not Al-revis.. But it'll do

Chisame sighed into the ceiling of her dorm room, the school had a 2 week vacation after the students had completed their exams.

This is a bore.. Sure exams are over and I have no more work to do.. But I don't have any new material for my homepage.. maybe I should head out tomorrow to browse around.

She pushed up her glasses back onto the ridge of her nose, shifting her gaze back towards her computer which showed the comments on her homepage. Most compliments from random boys and others critisism from other cosplayers. Though she didn't bother paying attention to them, after all; she's the internet's no. 1 net idol. Her glance swayed from comment to comment, then towards the clock in the bottom right corner of her screen. She'd been staring at the screen too long, her vision was slightly blurred when she looked at it time, she removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. Replacing the glasses back onto her face, her vision slowly returned and she noticed that the time hadgone by slowly.

Only 3:00? Well, I suppose I still have time to go out today.. but I'd better make it look like I'm just going for groceries, I don't want to raise any suspicions.

Chisame switched off her computer monitor, and picked up her dorm room keys, locking the door behind her as she took a couple of steps away from her room. She quickly dashed back inside as she remembered that she was still dressed as a young maiden who was about to be saved by a prince. She quickly changed into a T-shirt and jeans and tied her hair back into it's long ponytail as she put her glasses on. As she left she picked up a hooded jumper, a bag and locked the door behind her as she left.


"Father, must I really study here at this school?" The young blonde sighed, holding the phone closer to his face. "What's wrong with the academy of Al-revis?"

"I will get you in my son, I promise. But for now just bare with me, I'm still dealing with a few problems at home, we can worry about your alchemy later, but Mahora is rated as a high quality school for the young and gifted. I must now go tend to more matters, I shall finish setting up your enrollment to the school this evening."

"You realize that it takes months for the application to be accepted.. That's why you should have done it last month.."

The phone line ended, Roxis assumed that his father hung up on him. He walked away from the pay phone he had used and walked towards the tram station. Mahora was his destination, though he'd much rather that he'd go study in the academy of Al-revis for talented alchemists. Only certain areas of the world had ever heard of alchemy, the synthesis of ingredients to create something new, for Roxis, it was his goal in life to become a high ranking scholar of alchemy. He stepped onto the tram and took a seat closeby, the tram jolted a bit as it started to move, the wheels emitted a slight screeching as it departed from the station.

He went through his bag and pulled out a note pad, he wrote down notes about his plan; Get to Mahora, see the dean, move into my dorm, and then rest for a while. It seemed like a pretty solid plan. He replaced the notepad back into the bad and took out a brown leather bound book, flipping through the pages as time passed.

The tram slowed down a bit, signalling the arrival to the station. Roxis sighed to himself as he marked the page and closed the book he was reading. He took his bag and slung it over his shoulder, he stood from his seat and left the tram as the doors opened.

The young Rosenkrant made his way past random students or staff of the campus grounds, he noted the size of the school, even though he wasn't even on campus just yet, he arrived at the small town near to it. He was partially parched so he entered a small cafe, looking forwards to quenching his thirst.


Chisame kept the hood on her jumper up as she made her purchase, the maid outfit that she'd bought was folded neatly and payed for, now kept in a brown paper bag, which she quickly stuffed into her bag as she left the shop.

Those fan boys can never resist a french maid outfit. They'll be drooling over me and my rank on the net idol rankings shall soar through the roof!

She strode from the shop and headed towards the cafe opposite to it, lowering her hood, allowing her hair to droop down behind her. She walked up to the counter, and asked for a latte, after a bit she took her latte and quickly turned to leave, but walked directly into someone, that someone being a long haired blonde who also wore glasses, now had scalding lattee dripping down his face.

"...Watch your step." Roxis sighed, he'd become accustomed to the burning sensation on his face as he'd watched his father's failed syntheses, watching from up close caused most of the steam and explosions have him at their mercy. He removed his glasses and wiped them on a small hankercheif he took out of his pocket, he wiped his face before replacing the glasses back onto him.

"Yeah.. whatever." the girl muttered under her breath. She took his hand and put in some money into his hands. Roxis was confused, he eyed the money and the girl curiously. "I don't like to owe people anything. Just take it and get yourself some coffee or something."

He was about an inch or two taller than her, they sported the same style of hair and glasses, Roxis stood out more with his choice of clothing, a long cloak which reached halfway down his calf muscles and fingerless gloves, under it, he wore a white shirt and beige trousers, the lower half tucked into his brown boots. They passed each other as Roxis continued towards the counter, and asked for a drink himself.


Chisame continued out the door and down the street with her drink, periodically taking a sip from it every now and again. Maybe I shoulda apologized.. Wait.. No, what am I thinking? HE was the one who shoulda watched where we was going. She turned the corner and walked down the side of the shops to avoid anymore confrontations with people.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Chisame turned her head towards the voice to see an older boy walking beside her, she assumed that he was a senior from the Mahora boys academy. "Got time to spare? I'm free all day."

Chisame merely scoffed, and ignored him. But his persistencey kept him following anyways, "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this." Chisame sighed, starting to speed up her walking speed, but was pushed into the wall by him. The older boy pinned her there as he leaned into her. "W-what are you doing!?"

"Oh come now. Don't you want some fun?" Chisame tried to push him back but he was stronger, he brought his face closer to hers, but quickly pulled back as something flew by inbetween them. "What the hell!?"

"I suggest you back away from the girl." A shadow approached them as an omnimous glare reflected off of the figure's glasses. The blond alchemist strolled towards them, as he stepped closer, he was apparently reading a book. 'Alchemic Sights And Wonders.' he reached into a side pocket and pulled out what looked to be a card, "Unless you're planning on causing trouble."

The older boy scoffed and laughed. "Hah! What're you gonna do, gamble me to death?" He backed off of Chisame and stood facing Roxis. "You should watch what you say kid. You just might get hur-" He was cut off by something flying past him again, but this time, a slight cut appeared on his left cheek, a tiny amount of blood started to seep out. "H-Huh!?" He touched his cut and glared back at Roxis.

Roxis had now closed his book and put it into his bag, drawing two more cards in each hand. The same omnimous glare reflected again, "Do I need to repeat myself?" His tone turned into a low growl. "Step away from the girl." The launched two of the four into the ground in front of the senior allowing them to stick out of the ground, the ground around the cards cracked. "Now."

The senior backed away slowly, gradually speeding up until he reached running speed. Roxis took out his book and began reading the page he was on again. "W-what..?" Chisame was the confused one this time. She eyed the two cards on the ground then changed her view to Roxis.

"I don't like to owe anyone either." I simply walked away, leaving the girl behind and made his way back onto the main street. Roxis pushed his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose and made his way to the dean's office.


Chisame picked up the cards on the ground, and eyed them. Hmm.. they look like regular playing cards...She decided to keep hold of them in her hand, and followed the path that her 'hero' went down. When she got back to the main street she noticed that he wasn't in view and that she was just surrounded by people she didn't know. She sighed, Man.. Why did I even go down that way..?

"Chisame-san!" A familiar voice shouted to her, Negi waved to her as he approached. "I hear that you should be careful around these areas now, there've been reports of muggings recently."

You don't have to tell me.. Chisame sighed to herself, Negi's view suddenly flickered down to Chisame's hand which was holding onto the cards which Roxis used.

"Hmm? Chisame-san, what are those?" Negi motioned to the cards in her hand, Chisame handed them to him, and watched the young boy eye the cards as if they were trading cards in that 'magic' card game which he'd played on the kyoto trip. "...Where.. did you get these?"

Chisame looked at him curiously, "I.. Got them from someone.. Why?" Negi held up one of the cards.

"These are astral cards. They may look like regular playing cards, but look." Negi attempted to bend one of the card and try to rip, but he was unsuccessful. "These cards are embued with alot of alchemic energy.. Therefore making them just as strong as steel."

Steel playing cards...? You're joking... Right? Chisame sighed and held her head. "You're not serious are you Negi..? But.. Then again.." Her mind flew back to the Mahora Festival, when magic was almost exposed to the world thanks to Chao.

"By the way Chisame...?"


"C-could I keep one of these cards?" Chisame shot the young boy a look, "Please? It's rare to find one of these..." Chisame sighed and held her head in her hand, she allowed him to keep one of the two cards, and held on to the other one. She looked at the card she had left. Queen of hearts, she slid it into her pocket and made her way back to her dorm room.


"Yes, may I help you sir?" The receptionist eyed the blond.

"My name is Roxis Rosenkrantz, I was enrolled to this school by my father, I wasn't given the details, but he asked me to come see the dean as soon as I got here." The boy explained, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose.

"Ah, yes, there's an appointment for you right now. Please, follow the hallway down and take the stairs upward to the top floor." The blond followed the instructions that the receptionist gave him.

He'd finally reached the top and sighed again, ..This place didn't seem that big from the outside. Roxis reached a door which read 'Dean's Office' above it, he cleared his throat and knocked on the door before opening.

"Hmm? Oh, You are... Roxis?" The old man behind his desk shifted his gaze from his work papers to the young alchemist who entered the room. "I've heard about you from your father, seems you will be attending this school from here on."

"Only until my father can finish up all the paperwork he needs to do." Roxis sighed, being reminded that his father was the reason why he was here. "But until then, yes I will be continuing my studies here."

"You've picked a good time to arrive, upper school and middle school branches have the next 2 weeks off."

..Just perfect.. Roxis sighed heavily and scratched his head. "Well then, can you let me know where my room is?"

"Ah, right, The boys dormitories are over to the western side of the school. Just take the tram back a couple of stations and you'll be there."

Roxis nodded and proceeded to leave the room. "Roxis." Roxis stopped in his tracks and turned to the dean. "The students here.. They no nothing of alchemy and syntheses, and only a few know of Magic. I'd rather the students didn't know." Roxis blinked. He nodded again, and continued his departure.

Didn't know about alchemy..? His mind flashed back to when he used his astral cards from earlier, ...Damn it

Roxis had followed the dean's directions and reached the station where his dorm was supposed to be located. He found what looked to be it, as he entered the building, there was a reception counter there too. He approached it as the receptionist behind that desk awoke from the nap he was having. "H-huh?" The older man rubbed his eyes, and eyed Roxis, "You the new guy?"

"Yes.. I believe I am." Roxis added.

"Alright, here's your key, your school gear and books and all that other crap is already in there for ya. Good Luck." The receptionist tossed him the key as he leaned back and lowered his cap to drift into another nap. Roxis shrugged it off as he made his way to his room.

He entered the room to see that it was relatively clean, it contained everything someone would expect a dorm room to have, a bed, a small fan in the corner, along with a desk, connected kitchen and toilet. On his bed was his school uniform and school books.

Roxis sat at his desk and placed his bag on the floor. ...Mahora... It will have to do for now.


Okay come on, I can't seriously be the only one who's noticed the similarities between these two characters... right?