Yet another thing that A Man Knows

Gibbs whispered in Tony's ear.

Tony's jaw dropped. "I can't believe she asked you to do that!" he whispered back, incredulous.

Gibbs' only response was a heavy sigh.

"Has she ever asked you to do it before?"


"Not even in Paris?"

Gibbs shook his head.

"I never thought she'd be into ... that sort of thing."

"Me either." Another heavy sigh from Gibbs.

"Are you going to do it?"

"What choice do I have?" Gibbs responded bitterly. "She's the director. And she knows about... you know."

"Oh," Tony said softly. "When?"

"Saturday night. But I told her - only once. Once, and never again."

There was silence, and then Gibbs spoke again, his voice hesitant.

"Tony, I ... I need your help." He paused before continuing. "I don't ... I've never...never done it before."

"Never?" Tony's voice rose a little.

"Shhhh," Gibbs admonished. He gave another sigh. "Well, I've done, you know, stuff, but nothing quite so....."

"Oh," was Tony's soft reply.

"And I thought you could maybe," Gibbs hesitated again, "you know, ..."

"Give you some pointers?"

"Show me how to do it."

There was a stunned silence.

Finally Tony spoke. "So, you want me to ... do it... with you?"


"Boss, I'm... flattered, I suppose." There was a pause, but when he spoke again there was a note of suspicion in Tony's voice. "What makes you think I know how to do it?"

Gibbs snorted. "C'mon Tony," he said bluntly. "I know you. I know what you're like. And I know about the clubs."

Tony dropped his head and stared at the floor.

Gibbs rested a hand on his shoulder and spoke quietly. "I don't judge you Tony, really I don't." Tony raised his head and looked his team leader in the eye. Now it was Gibbs' turn to look away. "It's never been my thing before, but that doesn't mean I ... haven't .. you know, thought about it."

"You've thought about it?"

"Yeah," Gibbs' voice was low, husky. He squeezed Tony' shoulder and moved a little closer. "But I couldn't do anything. I was a Marine, for god's sake. So I just laughed along with the other guys and pretended I wasn't interested. But I thought about it. And since I met you, I've been thinking about it more. A lot more."

Tony reached out and gently rested a hand on Gibbs arms.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not ashamed."

"I know. And you're right not to be ashamed. That's why I'm asking you and no-one else. I trust you Tony."

"Does the Director know that you've never....?"

Gibbs shook his head. "I don't know. I don't think she cares. Or she does know and this is just some sort of power trip for her!" he said bitterly.

Tony swore. "We'll show her. There's no way she's going to be your first!"

Gibbs drew a harsh breath. "That's what I hoped you'd say."

"Saturday morning, 6.00am, your place?"

Gibbs shook his head. "I think I'd prefer neutral territory."

"The gym?" Tony suggested. "There won't be anyone there. Plenty of room, and we can lock the door and take all day if we have to. I'll bring everything we need."

Gibbs nodded. Tony pulled the older man into a rough hug. "Don't worry, Boss. You'll be in good hands."

"I know Tony. And thanks."

They stepped apart and walked together from the break room.

McGee leaned his head against the inside of the cupboard door, and wondered yet again why he let Ziva talk him into these things.


They were late. Ziva collected 2 speeding fines between McGee's apartment and headquarters, and her argument with the cop after the second fine wasted valuable time. Then they had trouble removing the outer housing from the duct. It was 6.45 by the time they were in position inside an air-conditioning conduit looking out into the gym. The space was limited, but it was the only way to see into the gym. As it was their view was restricted and they could only see the the two men from the chest up.

Gibbs and Tony appeared to have just taken a break. They were sitting next to each other on a bench, shirtless, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"Wow," Gibbs exhaled noisily.

"Yeah," Tony agreed with a laugh.

"I had no idea it would be so...."



Tony turned and grinned at him. "Converted?"

"Oh yeah."

They shared a quiet laugh.

"But you're right," Gibbs panted, "it is exhausting. My lower back is killing me."

"Wait till tomorrow," Tony advised wearily, "it wont just be your back that's hurting!"

Ziva and McGee exchanged horrified glances.

"So how did I do?" Gibbs asked, a little shyly.

"You rocked," was the immediate answer.

Gibbs chuckled and shook his head.

"Seriously Boss," Tony insisted, "you were great."

"Not "Boss", Tony," Gibbs corrected softly, "not when we're doing this."

Tony gave him a shy smile. "Gibbs?" he suggested.

Gibbs nodded.

"Well, Gibbs," Tony continued, "I'm serious. You were really good. I can't believe it was your first time. You really nailed it. Your hold was perfect - nice and firm, without being crushing, and you set a good rhythm."

Gibbs ducked his head, seemingly embarrassed by this assessment. Then he looked up gave Tony a smile. "You made it so easy, you're a good teacher."

Tony snorted. "It's not a role I'm used to."

"Teaching? You do it every day."

"That's not what I meant."

Gibbs paused, then realisation dawned. "Oh, I see. You mean you don't normally..."

Tony nodded. "Usually I prefer your part of the job. It's different when you're on the other side."

Gibbs looked up sharply. "I'm sorry Tony, I never thought..."

"Don't worry about it," Tony interrupted. "Really. It's different, but it's still good. In fact, with someone like you, I can see the attraction of it. " He stood. "C'mon, you ready for another round?"

"Born ready," Gibbs shot back with a laugh. But as he moved from his seated position, he winced and sank back on to the bench.

Tony reached down a hand. Gibbs looked up at him with a chagrined smile and reached out his hand. Their finger met and Gibbs rose to his feet. They stood for a moment, and then moved across the gym, still holding hands. Ziva glanced down, and saw a pile of exercise mats, waist high, directly in front of them. With shaking hand she pointed to it and McGee drew a sharp breath.

"I can't look!" the Mossad assassin whispered pressing her face into McGee's chest.

"But this was your idea!" he hissed back.

"C'mon," Tony said softly, "put your arm around me."

Now both watchers had their eyes closed. But Tony's voice still reached them, teasing this time.

"Assume the position."

Gibbs' only answer was a throaty chuckle.

"Feet shoulder width apart."

"My shoulders or yours?"

"Behave. And make sure your right foot is in between mine. That way our knees won't bang."

There was the sound of shuffling movement then Tony continued his instructions. "Bend your knees slightly to keep the bounce in your leg, otherwise you'll cramp up."

More shuffling. Ziva was just steeling herself to peek when Tony spoke again.

"Hold me closer."

Go to Defcon 4, she thought desperately, ducking her head back into McGee's armpit.

"Remember, you're in charge here. This is your play. You control the pace. Don't let her precede you – you move first and then she moves, her body answering yours."

Gibbs snorted. Then he sighed. "I dunno, Tony. I just can't seem to get into it this time."

"Relax," Tony soothed. "This is all about pleasure, it's not a work out or a competition. How about I put on some music, would that help?"

The soft sound of a jazz combo filled the air behind Tony's voice.

"Just bring your body against mine, connecting from the thighs up. Remember, it's just two bodies, establishing a rhythm, moving together."

As he spoke, two other bodies started moving together as McGee and Ziva simultaneously began trying to crab crawl backwards through the conduit. They had heard enough, but Tony's voice followed them, rising in pitch and volume.

"Oh yeah Gibbs, that's better. Now you're getting it. Oh yes sweet move!"


Monday came all too soon. Ziva and McGee were at their desks, their best poker faces in place, when Tony emerged whistling from the lift. Gibbs appeared soon after, descending a little gingerly down the stairs from the director's office.

"Morning Boss," Tony said chirpily.

"Morning DiNozzo," came the steady reply.

"You okay Boss?" Tony asked lightly. "Haven't hurt that knee again have you?"

Gibbs shot him a glare, but the hint of a smile tugged at his lip. Tony batted wide, innocent eyes at the team leader.

"Not my knee, DiNozzo, no."

McGee began striking random keys; Ziva mentally recited the procedure for dismantling a SR-25 7.62 mm semi-automatic sniper rifle.

Tony smirked a little and sat down. Gibbs sat more slowly.

It wasn't long before Gibbs rose from desk and headed to the coffee machine. Tony waited the expected ten seconds before following him. As soon as he was out of sight, McGee and Ziva scurried to the janitor's closet and pressed their ears to the ventilation grille that lead into the break room.

Gibbs voice was soft, but not too soft.

"I couldn't have got through it without you.'

"So she was satisfied?"

"Oh yeah Tony, she was satisfied. So satisfied that she wants another date this weekend."

Tony was silent.

"But I told her no," Gibbs said quietly. "I'd alredy told her it was a once only event. And anyway, my dance card is full."

Tony chuckled. "Glad to hear it," he replied softly, his smile sounding through his words.

There was a pause before Gibbs spoke again, his tone a little guarded. "You know this can't change what happens at work."

"I know Boss."

"At work, it's gotta stay strictly professional."

"Sure thing, Boss."

"And on weekends..."

"On weekends," now Tony was laughing quietly, "it's strictly ballroom. This weekend we could try swing, or if you're feeling adventurous, the ChaCha! After the samba, that should be a piece of cake."

There was a sudden clatter from the other side of the wall, but neither man turned, instead simply continuing to smile at each other.

"Can I lead this time?" Tony asked with a grin.

"Maybe," was more than he had hoped for.
