Title: Love Begins With a Seed
Author: leonsalanna
Disclaimer: Angie is my own creation, but the rest of the characters are a product of Bellisarius.
Ship: Dinozzo/Gibbs (SLASH!)
Summary: Tony commits himself to raising a child when a friend becomes pregnant. When Gibbs finds out, he offers his help in preparing for the new arrival. With emotions running high, close becomes closer, then friendship and admiration take on a different life entirely.
Notes: I wrote this whole story in my head a while ago, so I'm slowly committing it to the keyboard as I go along. This is starting with Tony and Angie, but I'm not a fan of OCs. Therefore, after the second chapter, we won't be having much of her. There'll still be a little, as she's integral to the plot, but I'm keeping it mostly between Tony and Gibbs. With the team thrown in there.
*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*
Tony flew from Ziva's desk, where he had been distracting her from her report-writing and answered the cell phone vibrating on his desk. "Speeeecial Agent Dinozzo, how can I help you?" he enthused, throwing a grin Ziva's way.
"Tony? It's Angie."
"Hey hey! Where are you these days?" Tony's face lit up as he recognized the name and voice of his college girlfriend/best friend.
"Coincidentally enough, I'm in DC for an interview. Can you spare tonight for some drinks?"
"Definitely! When?"
"I was thinking nine?"
"Nine it is. See you then!"
Dinozzo hung up with a huge grin on his face. "You have a date tonight Tony?" Ziva asked.
"You could say that" was her only reply as Tony threw himself into his work to get done early.
At 8:58, Tony was standing in front of a hotel door, carrying a bottle of wine. He knocked twice and waited for the door to open. When it did, the small light-haired woman at the door squealed his name and threw her arms around him. He laughed and pried her arms from their death grip. "Easy there, Ang, we're not in college anymore." She took the wine and motioned him inside.
An hour later, they were sitting on the floor, laughing at some college recollection. With Tony's back against the wall and Angie's against the bed, the half-empty bottle of wine stood next to an unopened one between them.
An hour later, they were much more solemn, telling each other the conditions of their respective lives. Angie, upon being asked about the interview, told Tony she had been laid off and was finding the job search unfruitful. She was worried about rent.
"I'm really sorry," Tony said, squeezing her hand. "But money doesn't solve all troubles. My job is comfortable, when I'm not getting shot, framed, or sick from bubonic plague." He gave a dry chuckle and took another swig from his glass. "I just…I'm still two Tonys, you know? Everyone expects me to be goofy and fresh from the fraternity and I play along. But sometimes they act as if there isn't another me that might actually care and have genuine emotion. I think sometimes my boss sees it, but he keeps me down like everyone else." The next sip from his glass was angry and rough.
"Tell me about the people you work with," Angie demanded, trying to steer Tony away from the self-pity he often found himself mired in.
"Well- there's Gibbs, my boss. I swear he was born a Marine. Hard on everyone's asses but still takes care of us. When he thinks we need it, anyway. There's Ziva, an agent from the Israeli Mossad. She's drives like a maniac and is often good at being the pretty, sympathetic ear when we need one."
"Have you and her ever…" Angie trailed off and waggled her eyebrows.
"No," he said quickly. "I'd be way too scared. She's a trained interrogator and could kill me with her bare hands"
"So who have you been with? Young, blond, big jugs, adoring and following you everywhere?"
Tony groaned. "I don't want them like that. I want someone…sharp. Bright. Keeps me on my toes. I want someone who challenges me, not just someone I can take to bed whenever I want."
"When was the last time you got laid, Dinozzo?"
"…Three months, maybe? I don't want to sound sappy but I'm lonely. It would be too hard on me to pick up a girl in a bar, since I know she doesn't care a bit about me. I…I want someone I know and trust."
"Do you trust me? I hardly trust anyone anymore but…I know you. I know what's behind that little façade of yours. So maybe we can help each other in our loneliness."
Tony gave a short, rueful laugh. "Misery loves company."
With the last drops in the glasses finished off, the two people stood facing each other. Clothes began to fall around them as they fell into bed.