This is the last chapter! My story is now coming to an end! And it will be one of the very few finished stories. ^^''' Anyways, since this is the last chapter, I do hope you enjoy it! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the reading! ;O

PS! This is Sasuke's real birthday present ;D sorry for the delay xD

-x- -x-

Chapter 7

oOo Romeo and Juilet Did Live Happily Ever After oOo

"I now pronounce you, husband and husband... You may kiss the husband," Sarutobi said, a smile plastered on his lips as he gazed at the happy couple before him. Everyone was in the church... Everyone from the village, and from other countries, they all came to witness the wedding of the century. They all came to see the two only people who has ever broken their curses from the Endless Witch, be joined in holy matromony. They all came to see the prince marry the monster... The King and Queen watched silently in the front row through gentle proud eyes, both holding hands very happy of their son's happiness. The Queen, turned to her right to talk to a blonde woman with honey brown eyes. Her deep ocean eyes shown with affection when she smiled at her sister. The Endless Witch returned the smile, a smile of pure happiness. After the curses were lifted, Naruto had wanted to meet Tsunade, and his parents thought it was a marvelous idea(Sasuke thought it was absurd).

A tall handsome dark haired man of the age of 17 turned to face a slender beautiful blonde boy of the age 15, his eyes, dark as the night met with eyes as clear as the sky. Sasuke took the blonde's tanned hand into his pale one, and kissed the knuckles before he gently leaned forward and kissed those soft pink lips, being kissed in return by the blonde. The whole church roared with cheers and applauds as they watched that couple wrap their arms around one another and kiss affectionately, all very happy for the newly wedded, and all threw rice into the air as the happy couple ran down the ile and out the huge oak doors of the church. Everyone followed out the doors, all wanting to see the couple step into ther white carraige, with white roses decorating it. Sasuke and Naruto both waved happily to everyone as their carrige set off.

Sasuke affectionately wrapped his arms around the slender boy's body. The raven was happy, so overwhelmed with joy like he had never felt before. He was now eternally tied to Naruto after two weeks of least in this life time, he'll have to find the blonde again in the next life. Yes, Sasuke believed in reincarnation and in soulmates...and he believed it would happen to both him and Naruto.

"I love you..." Sasuke whispered against the blonde's hair, as he intwined their fingers together.

"I love you too..." Naruto chirped happily, looking up at Sasuke with a bright smile on his face. Sasuke smiled and stroked the tanned face with his free hand, soon kissing it gently, his lips found their way to Naruto's lips. The blonde returned the kisses gently and sweetly.

Naruto never believed he'd be here Sasuke's arms...kissing him as much as his heart desired, and most of all...being newly wedded to him. Naruto broke the kiss and tucked his head under Sasuke's chin, resting against the raven as he let out a deep contentful sigh. Their kimono's blended nicely together... Naruto, since it turned out Sasuke liked orange on him, had gotten a new orange kimono made for him for this special ocasion. Sasuke's was of pitch black silk, fitting well with his dark raven hair and obsidean eyes. Their colors were opposites...but they complimented each other...just as their personalities...

Naruto snuggled into Sasuke's arms, knowing that they'd be on a long ride. Sasuke had chosen where they would have their honeymoon, since he had explored the world a lot better than Naruto. But the thing is, Sasuke didn't say a word of the place. Not where it is, what's it like, nothing...

"It'll be a surprise from you..."

That's what he had told Naruto, much to the blonde's disappointment. But he would wait. If it ment being with Sasuke, he'd wait eternity, he'd wait anywhere. In the rain, in hell, on top of a mountain, anywhere... All just to be with his beloved Monster. Naruto melted at Sasuke's soft touches when the raven gently stroked his hair, or gently rubbed his neck. He soon fell to sleep for a small nap.

-x- -x-

"Naruto... Wake up, we're here."

"nng... Wh-wha?" Naruto mumbled, his beautiful crystal clear eyes fluttered open when he felt a pair of lips press agains his forehead. He sleepily looked up, to see Sasuke smiling down at him. He smiled in return, yawning cutely, only earning a chuckle.

"We're here..." Sasuke whispered into his ear, kissing his cheek afterwards. Sasuke gently helped his blonde prince out of the carraige, giving thanks to the driver who bid them a good evening and congragulations. The blonde the entire time had been leaning against Sasuke's chest, trying to be rid of the sleep. The blonde took in a bit of his surroundings, since the scent of salt stung his throat, and the air was humid around them. Naruto blinked his sleep away as he stared at the deep ocean, its waves crashing and looked as if blood tainted it, by the way the setting sun shown across it.

"The ocean?" Naruto mumbled as the carraige rode off, leaving the prince and the raven alone. The strong arm around his waist tightened, bringing him closer as the raven guided him through the white sand.

"Yes... I've always liked the ocean, and I thought you'd like it too..." Sasuke said with a smile, staring at the sunset. Naruto looked up at Sasuke for a moment before he looked out into the sunset as well. A soft smile graced his lips as he nodded.

"Yeah.. I do like it... I like it very much," Naruto said, resting his head on Sasuke's shoulder. They stayed like that for a long time, content in each other's arms for the moment.

"We're married..." Sasuke suddenly mumbled, breaking the silence. Naruto looked up at Sasuke with a puzzled expression, deepening when he saw the huge grin on Sasuke's face. Sasuke looked down at Naruto, his obsidean eyes clear from any emotion but joy and excitement. "We're married Naruto!"

"Yes... we-ah! H-Hey wh-what are you doing!" Naruto cried out in surprise when the raven suddenly grabbed his upper torso and lifted him in the air, spinning and laughing carefreely.

"We're married! Woooo!" Sasuke shouted gleefully into the air, laughing brightly, soon joined in by Naruto's bright laughter as well. Sasuke lost his balance and fell backwards, bringing Naruto with him. Sasuke and Naruto laid on theground, groaning from the sudden impact, but huge smiles were on their faces. They looked at each other for a moment before they began to laugh joyessly. Naruto, having just sat up, was brought back down by Sasuke's arms, having his body pressed against Sasuke's.

"I love you! I love you Naruto. I LOVE YOU!" Sasuke shouted into the air. Naruto blushed at the sudden confession, but laughed. He had never seen Sasuke so carefree...without a care in the childish... He loved it. Sasuke sat up with Naruto still craddled in his arms.

"You know what we should do... We should have a bon fire..." Sasuke said, his face thoughtful. Naruto couldn't help but laugh at Sasuke's expression, it was so cute. Sasuke grinned down at Naruto. He felt so free right now. He felt like he could act as childishly as he wanted to around Naruto in this place, where there was no one but Naruto to witness... IT felt nice letting the kid inside him out... the kid that had been locked away for a long time. Sasuke stood up, helping Naruto up. "There should be wood around here! Wood is always drifted to shore by the waves from the nearby forest!"

As he spok, he leaned down to take off his slippers. Naruto copied him and took off his slippers as well, smiling happily.

"Once we have enough, we can start the fire! And I can catch fish pretty good, so I hope you like fish," Sasuke said grinnning as he pulled his arms out of his kimono, and letting the top part of the kimono fall while the rest stayed in place where it should be. The blonde softly blushed at the sight of Sasuke's bare well toned chest. The prince was slender for a he didn't really have a well built body like most men he didn't take off part of his kimono. Instead he rolled up the hem of his kimono and with his belt, tied it nicely around, so his kimono now ended around his thighs instead at his ankles, showing off of his smooth tanned legs. Naruto nodded.

"Okay! Then lets go find some!" Naruto said cheerfully, but he caught sasuke staring at him. "What?"

"You always amaze me..." Sasuke said with a crooked smile. Naruto frowned.

"How am I amazing?" Naruto huffed. Sasuke leaned forward till his mouth was by Naruto's ear.

"You have really nice legs..." Sasuke whispered, Naruto could pratically hear the smirk in his voice. The blonde flushed red when he felt Sasuke's hand stroke his thigh. "They're so smooth~..."

"P-Pervert!" Naruto muttered, pushing a grinning Sasuke away. The raven gave the blonde a quick peck on the cheek apologetically.

"It's not my fault you're so cute," Sasuke with a small smirk. The blonde's face turned a brighter red and before he could say anything Sasuke quickly spoke, "Now to find wood! Let's go!"

Naruto huffed as Sasuke ran off. He knew he was avoiding the rant he was about to throw at him, but seeing Sasuke smile at him so happily...he forgot exactly what he was going to rant about. Naruto chased after Sasuke, and together they went hunting for drift wood. But along the way they got distracted. Like how Naruto had found baby sea turtles near a reef, and Naruto being a gentle natured person, help the poor things reach the ocean before the birds that flew over head got to them. Or the fact that Sasuke had found a beautiful spiked seashell and gave it to Naruto, or the time Naruto has "accidentally" splashed water at Sasuke.

By the time they were finished, the sun was barely out. Sasuke had quickly gotten to work at catching fish, while Naruto put himself to work at starting the fire.

"Mmm! This is really good!" Naruto said as he bit into a cooked fish in front of a blazing fire. "How did you learn how to cook so well Sasuke?"

Sasuke smiled sweetly at the blonde.

"Being alone for eight years had to teach me how to do something right?" Sasuke said. The blonde's face fell and Sasuke blinked at him questioningly. "What?"

"I'm sorry you were alone all that time..." Naruto mumbled. Sasuke shook his head.

"No... I'm sorta glad... If I hadn't been alone, I would have never met you..." Sasuke said, gazing at Naruto with adoration in his eyes that it made the blonde blush. They ate the remainer of the fish, talking to each other with ease.

"There's no stars today... stupid clouds..." Naruto grumbled as he and Sasuke laid together with their arms spread out wide, staring up at the cloudy night sky.

"It might rain... and soon," Sasuke said, staring at the huge dark cloud that hovered above them. He looked over at Naruto with curious obsidean eyes. "Have you ever dance in the rain?"

"No. You?" Naruto said, turning his head to look at Sasuke, only to see him shake his head.

"Will you dance with me if it rains?" Sasuke said with a smile. Naruto returned it, his face pink.

"Sure..." Naruto said softly as his hand was taken into Sasuke's, his knuckels then kissed by Sasuke's lips.

"Good... Get up then," Sasuke said as he pushed himself up to his feet, pulling Naruto up as well.

"But it's not raining yet!" Naruto said with a pout, and just as he said that, a rain drop fell on his cheek. Sasuke grinned.

"I was hoping you'd jinx it..." Sasuke said with a chuckle as the blonde's pout deepened. More drops fell by the second until it was pouring. Naruto shivered lightly, before his hand was taken by Sasuke's and he was pulled closely to the raven's bare chest. Sasuke smiled down at him as the raven inter locked their fingers and he placed his other hand on the blonde's waist. Naruto wasn't sure what to do, his hand trembled slightly as he placed it on Sasuke's shoulder. He had never danced before... at least not with a male partner.

"Relax...just follow my lead," Sasuke said with a grin, sencing Naruto's nervousness. And just as he spoke, he had taken the first step and began to dance a slow light pace with Naruto, who clumsily tried to follow.

"This is so weird... th-there's no music..." Naruto stuttered, his face flushing. Sasuke chuckled.

"Dummy, that's why you use your imagination," Sasuke said, bring the pace up a notch, letting the rain pour onto their bodies as they danced together. Naruto thought it was a bit dumb, but seeing Sasuke close his eyes in such a peaceful way, and then hummed a semifast melody, naruto couldn't help but be mesmerised. He danced to Sasuke's soft tune, turning with Sasuke, moving with Sasuke. He was so into the dance and the sound of Sasuke's voice, he yelped in surprise when Sasuke picked him up again and spinned around, swinging him lightly in the air. Sasuke was laughing and Naruto found himself joining, and spreading his arms out wide as Sasuke held him in the air while they spun together. Soon Sasuke brought him back down to his arms, both still laughing with each other, both so happy. The rain was to the point where the drops felt like needles against their bodies, Sasuke grabbed Naruto by the hand and began to run pulling him along, leaving the drenched out bon fire.

After a few minutes, Sasuke had guided Naruto to a mansion. The blonde eyed at it curiously as Sasuke led him to the front door, and he easily opened it. How did the raven know there was here? Did he buy it? He probably borrowed it for theirs pecial day. Naruto wasn't really sure. Once Naruto stepped into the house, Sasuke stretched and let out a sigh, his wet hair clung to his face, but he didn't seem to mind. Naruto wiped away some water of his face, and pushed his wet band out of his face as he glanced around. They stood a big room where the cieling were at least three stories tall. Of course, this was nothing compared to his castle, but Naruto was still rather impressed.

"What is this place? Naruto mumbled as Sasuke turned on a few lanterns in the room. Sasuke looked at him and smiled softly.

"This is my home... Where I grew up in most of my child hood," Sasuke said, earning a long stare from the blonde.

"Y-your home!" Naruto gasped. Sasuke nodded as he too looked around.

"...I hadn't been here for almost nine years till a week ago..." Sasuke said with a sad smile.

"So that's where you were last week! You were here?" Naruto exclaimed. Last week, Sasuke had disappeared for five days and came back two days before the wedding. Sasuke nodded.

"I was cleaning up the house... It was so dirty when I came back, so it took me five days to clean it out completely," Sasuke said. Naruto's eyes narrowed in guilt. He did this just so they could come here...

"You didn't have to do that... We could've gone somewhere else," Naruto mumbled. Sasuke shook his head, smiling his crooked smile.

"I wanted you to come and see my home... It means a lot that you are here," Sasuke said, making his way over to the blonde, kissing his forehead. Naruto smiled and he wrapped his arms around Sasuke when the raven wrapped his around him.

"Then I'm glad to be here," Naruto said softly. Sasuke stayed silent, making Naruto wonder. "Sasuke?"

Naruto looked up to stare into Sasuke's deep obsidean eyes, where Naruto saw longing in his eyes. Before the blonde could ask the raven what was wrong, Sasuke captured the blonde's lips into a heated kiss.

"Nng," Naruto's face flushed red quickly as he felt Sasuke's tongue trail on his bottom lip, then nibbled on it gently. The blonde opened his mouth, getting slightly dizzy from the way Sasuke tasted. The raven slid his tongue in and lesurely rubbed his muscle against the blonde's then touching everything it could, pleasing the blonde greatly. Naruto had his hands pressed against Sasuke's wet bare chest while the raven grabbed his waist with both hands grinded their hips together.

"Hah..." Naruto panted heavily when they parted, his azure eyes hazy as he stared into Sasuke's own hazy eyes. Naruto felt Sasuke grab his hand then press it against his crotch. Naruto blushed deeper when he felt how hard Sasuke was.

"C-can I have you... Naruto?" Sasuke asked softly in a husky voice, gently kissing the blonde's jawline. Naruto closed his eyes softly, melting into Sasuke's soft kisses.

"Y-yes...You don't have to ask... It is our h-honey moon... r-right?" Naruto breathed. It was true that it was their honey moon, so he found it funny that Sasuke asked if they could have sex. Sasuke chuckled a hoarse chukle before he let go of Naruto's hand and brought the blonde into another deep kiss. Naruto returned the kiss just as passionately, wrapping his arms aroudn Sasuke's neck. Their kiss did not falter when Sasuke had bent down just the slightest and picked up Naruto bridal style and carried the blonde off to the master bedroom. The next thing Naruto knew, he was in Sasuke's lap, kissing the raven enthusiastically as the said raven slipped off his drenched orange kimono off, tossing it somewhere on the ground and leaving him naked. As Sasuke kissed his neck with massaging lips, Naruto's tremlbing fingers unded the belt of Sasuke's kimono and pushed it off him, leaving him naked as well. Sasuke had only leaned up to nip Naruto's neck when their hard erections rubbed against each other.

Naruto moaned and Sasuke let out a low groan, his pale hands gripping the blonde's hips and grinded their hips together, causing more friction between their hard cocks, both groaning and moaning at the sweet sensation. Naruto leaned forwards and nibbled on Sasuke's earlobe as he gently rubbed circles against Sasuke, mewling softly while Sasuke's grip on his hips tightened. Sasuke's hands rubbed Naruto's sides then one of his hands rubbed his back soothingly while the other ran down his side, down his ass, and down his thigh, sending shivers down Naruto's spine.

"Sasuke..." Naruto whispered softly kissing Sasuke's neck gently. The raven grunted when the blonde made a soft thrusting action against him, hissing at the friction while the blonde moaned. Sasuke leaned back on the soft bed till he rested on his elbows, looking up at the flustered blonde that straddled his hips. Sasuke's face was a light pink, eyes hazy as he watched Naruto stroke himself, savoring the soft moans that escaped the blonde's lips. Sasuke reached out and grabbed the blonde's hands, stopping him from his self relieving.

"Please.. pleasure me too," Sasuke whispered, voice husky. The blonde panted as he stared down at the raven, nodding weakly, before placing his hands on Sasuke's chest lightly raising himself a bit. Sasuke let out a groan when he felt Naruto slide himself on him, his tightness felt so good, and the warmth was driving him insane.

"A-ah...!" Naruto moaned into the air as he slid himself up and down onto Sasuke's member, using Sasuke's chest as support. The raven just sat there, huffing as his hair clung to his face more from the sweat than the rain. Sasuke groaned when Naruto picked up speed, sitting up further so he kissed the blonde's neck enthusiastically, but not interuppting his actions. Sasuke gazed up at Naruto's flushed face, his eyes were closed in pleasure as he stopped for a moment, obviously tiring out but it seemed he still was not done. Sasuke ran his fingers through Naruto's hair, making those hazy azure eyes open and gaze affectionately at him. Sasuke kissed the blonde's lips sweetly before he pushed the blonde against the bed, and began to thrust into the blonde himself. The blonde moaned softly against the kiss, then more clearly when Sasuke left those lips and left a trail of them from his jawline to his neck. Sasuke gently took the blonde's member into his hand and pumped the blonde to his thrusts, savoring the loud moans Naruto produced.

"Sa-Sasuke!" Naruto screamed as he camed into the raven's hand. Sasuke leaned forward and captured those swollen lips as he thrusted into Naruto a few more times before he too came, filling Naruto up with his love. Both boys panted heavily, exhausted from their activities. Sasuke pulled out before he let himself fall on bed by the blonde, who's chest heaved up and down. Sasuke smiled through his soft pants before he grabbed the sheets and pulled them over their naked bodies, then pulling the panting blonde close to his body. they laid there, Naruto panting softly, while Sasuke had his head rested on blonde hair. Sasuke gently stroked the blonde's hair lovingly, kissing his forehead.

"I love you..." Naruto said, his eyes droopy. Sasuke's smiled.

"I love you too..."

"I want to stay with you forever..." Naruto mumbled.

"You will...

"I want you by my side at all times..."

"I will be..."


"We will..."

Naruto snuggled into Sasuke while the raven brought him closer, and they soon fell asleep in each other's arms. With that promise made...a promise sure to be kept... The Prince and the Monster... lived happily ever after.

...The End...