FINALLY! I am finally doing the sequel. I'm quite excited. Well, I'm not doing a trailer, sorry. Well… Ok, here ya go!

Disclaimer: My plot, my story, my awesome story btw, lol, j/k. Lisi all you have is the characters so ha!


Massie POV

I'm so happy! My parents let me transfer to Lock Haven! I'm so glad! Cam, Claire, Kris, Josh, and Alicia all go here. I can't wait to surprise them, they don't even know I'm here. I and Alicia have been cool sense graduation, well not cool, but not at each others throats. Which is the last time I've seen Der- It hurts to say his name, he has ignored me all summer. I've sent him emails, texts and even freaking letters! Who does that?!??! I have informed him about my life, trying to be friends, he hasn't responded once. So as I enter my new, huge, suite/sweet looking room, building 11 rooms 23 I sent him the last text I ever will.

Massie – I get it, we are not together nor friends. I finally get it, you jerk. This is the last text, email, and carefully, thoughtful letter you will ever get Derrick Luke Harrington!

As much as it hurt me to send that, it had to be done. He broke my heart, and ignored me. We could have at least been friends. But, he's probably in some other college across the country, so why bother?

Derrick POV

She sent me a text, she was pissed. I loved her, but I guess it's over, I was going to try to get back together once her and Josh broke up, but they haven't. So why bother?

I go to Lock Haven, Josh that backstabbing cheating boyfriend of hers goes here. He cheats on her with Alicia. All her friends go here, they don't want to tell her, because as they say, she was already hurt once which makes me feel even more guilty.

Massie POV

I unpacked my stuff when someone knocked at the door. I opened it. It was Kristen and Claire.

"Oh my god!" I hugged them, they felt stiff. Oh, I changed; I haven't seen them in two months. My hair is now long, and sort of brown and black. My skin is brighter, lots of stuff is different but they shrieked within 4 seconds in the hug smelling my Chanel No. 19.

"Hey, Mass! You go here now, and wow you look great!" Claire said, I nodded. Kristen was about to say something when I heard Josh's laughter, I haven't seen him a week, he came to see me last week. I ran out, when I saw him and Alicia, making out! I gasped, Josh looked.

I ran the other way, pushing Kristen and Claire out the way. I can't believe him, I could believe Alicia, she's a backstabbing fake-Spanish whore.

"Massie, wait up!" he yelled, I kept running. Claire and Kristen were calling me too, did they know? How come they didn't tell me? I can trust no one! Now my heart is broken twice. I could run faster than them, I ran to an open field. I sat on a bench, crying.

"Massie?" I heard a very familiar voice ask, it couldn't be, he can't go here. I have had enough drama for one day. I looked up, my chest stung; it was him, but ten times hotter. My make-up was running down my face.

"It's you Massie! How are you, well I shouldn't ask that, but" he pulled me into a hug. When he let go I punched him in the eye.

"Derrick, you break my heart, ignore me for three months, and you expect me to be all best friend and lovey dovey with you!" I yelled, he looked hurt. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just very angry, a lot is going on, come on back to my dorm I have some ice" I said pulling him in the direction of the dorm I just ran from. I dropped his hand when we got ot the door and he followed. When I came in Kris and Claire came rushing over and I just glared at them. Then Josh, Alicia was trying to apologize through her eyes, I glared at them all. I walked to room, let Derrick inside, Josh was rambling on.

"Shut up! Leave me alone" I said slamming the door in his face; he can go back to that skeez Alicia. I wondered why I was letting Derrick in too, oh yeah, I love him. Or used to. He looked confused still covering up his black eye; I gave him and ice pack and sat in my chair.

"Massie?" he said, I looked up, tears bout to come.

"Please don't cry, what happened?" he asked.

"Nothing, I gave you an ice pack, now leave, please" I said.

"NO, Block tell me." He said, he called me Block…That made my chest hurt even more.

"I will call campus security, now leave" I said.

"Fine" he said leaving, when he left, I was crying hard, and my phone was ringing off the hook, this is the worst day ever. They call this place College? I call it Hell.


Ok, how you like it? I'm debating whether to delete this and go with my other idea. So tell em what you think please? Just go the white and green box and review!

~XOXO Nanami aka Nami~