I am so sorry for the delay! Someone on tumblr asked me about this and I all of a sudden got some ideas so here I am! I really wanna update frequently so I can end it! I maybe wanna make another Niley story or something, we'll see!

Anyways, I don't wanna waste anymore time so I hope you guys like this chapter. I worked really hard on it and I am somewhat proud of it. (:


Summary: Being pregnant at a young age is hard, specially if the boy promised he'd be with the girl forever. When Miley becomes pregnant with little Madison, Nick becomes lazy, inresponsible. One day, after coming home from the doctors, he made a stupid comment and that's when Miley had enough, she kicked him out. 5 years later, they meet up at a store and automatically, they fall in love again. Only problem, Joy, his soon-to-be-wife. As drama enfolds, Miley becomes less and less stronger and more weaker and finds it difficult to keep Nick in the picture, but you can never forget your first love, right?

"Mommy where are you going?"

I looked away from the mirror and down at Madison. I gave her a soft smile and kneeled down to her. "Out with your daddy."

"Daddy?" She questioned with a cute soft smile on her face. "I miss daddy!" At that moment, I felt so bad for her. She was only a little girl and yet had to deal with so much of our drama. I didn't want her to be involved, or even witness any of it. All of our fights and arguments and him leaving her..it would scare her for life and honestly, it's not what I wanted for my child. I wanted a good relationship between Nick and I and I wanted us both to be good parents and to never leave her..or each other. I didn't wanna feel like a bad mom, but I wish I could of done a lot of things differently. From when I found out I was pregnant to giving birth and then having to raise her on my own. I had to deal with so much on my own..and now look where I am, still struggling with the same things. Things won't ever seem to work out, will they? But that was my problem: I was almost hardly positive and always looking at the negative side of things. Tonight would hopefully be different.

"I know you do, baby." I kissed her cheek and touched her brown curls lightly, placing the strands over her ear. "I know you do." I repeated but mumbled silently to myself, as if I was telling myself that I missed him too.

I didn't expect to have a happy family. Nothing is ever perfect in a family, but I didn't expect it to all turn out this way.

"I'm dropping you off at Grandpa's and then I'll be off for a few hours, but I'll be home as soon as possible, okay?"

She nodded and I kissed her cheek again. Everytime I looked at her, I saw a bunch of Nick in her. No matter what happens, I will always be reminded of him. A part of him was staring at me right in my eyes.

I finished the rest of my makeup and grabbed my keys and purse. "Ready?"

She nodded again and I grabbed her bag full of important things she'll need and switched the lights off and locked the door. I grabbed her hand and we walked down to my car. The sun was almost done setting and the sight was just beautiful. I used to just look up at the sky and think, dream and wish. I'd think of many things: Dad, Mom, school, Lily, and well..Nick. I'd dream about my future and what I imagined myself doing. Of course I saw myself on stage, singing my heart out as the crowd screamed and cheered me on as I was living my dream. I knew that was too good to be true. I'd then wish..for everything to at least be okay. For no more damage to my heart, no more scars I'd have to hide and no more tears that would fall. Kinda seems unrealistic now..

I placed Maddie in her place in the back and drove off to my dad's house. I know he loved spending time with Maddie and I know he was proud to be a grandpa but sometimes I feel like I failed him. Like I messed up somehow and he would've liked to see me become something else; besides a single mother and a soon-to-be hopefully singer. I know he wanted what was best for me and will always be supportive, but I know if my mom was here, she would of helped me through all of my pain and maybe I would be stronger. It's not his fault he couldn't be a female and pretend to be a mom, but sometimes it's what I needed. Friends back then wasn't enough so I always felt just alone.

But then I smiled to myself to know that through all that pain, came a beautiful miracle. Maybe it wasn't suppose to happen then, but it did happen and I'm glad that she's mine.

I parked in the driveway and Maddie started chanting "Grandpa's house, grandpa's house!" I felt myself smiling as I undid her seat and she excitedly got out on her own and ran up to the door. "Grandpa, grandpa!"

I closed the doors as soon as I grabbed her bag and opened up the front door. She ran in to the kitchen to where my dad was standing by the stove, making food. How did she even know he would be in there?

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" She hugged his leg tightly and he smiled wide. "Well isn't it the beautiful and lovely Madison! Wow, you have grown since I've last seen you. When was it? Like a week ago?"

She giggled and he knelt down to kiss her cheek. "How are you sweetheart?"

"Good grandpa, I made you a picture!" She ran back to me and I unzipped the bag and she automatically grabbed the coloring book page. It was a my little pony and at the top was written: For Grandpa.

She handed it to him and he looked at it with awe all over his face. "Aw, Maddie, this is adorable! Thank you!" He hugged her tight and he looked at me with a weak smile. I returned the same smile and put the bag on the couch. "Well, I'm on a run." I spoke. "Thank you so much dad, for watching her while I go out."

She released from his embrace and ran off to the living room and put on Disney Channel. She was so smart.

"No problem, I just hope this is all for good and not bad. I also hope you are doing the right thing. I don't want you to get hurt again."


He cut me off and placed his hand on my shoulder for comfort. "No, I've seen you hurt so many times, Miles. I just want what's best for you. If he's the one..then hold onto that, just don't let it go. If he's not it, then don't waste anytime because you're a beautiful and smart young lady and I don't wanna see you upset anymore. You were created for one huge reason- To be a healthy, happy and successful grown women. Don't disappoint and do what's best for you, okay?"

"Aw dad." I smiled, feeling somewhat special at his little speech. I hugged him tight and I felt myself shocked at the tear that fell from my eye. "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked confused as he let me go. I smiled and wiped the tear that was now falling on my cheek. "For being here for me. All those times I was let down and broken hearted..you were the only who was here for me and if it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would be here right now."

He took my hand and squeezed it tightly. "I will always be here for you. Even if in a few years something happens to me, I will always be up there, looking out for you, okay? I love you Miley."

"I love you too, Dad." I tried my best to keep a smile, but somehow I just felt all emotional. "You're seriously the best dad anyone could ask for."

"Oh, no I'm not, I'm just very protective and want the best for you."

I held his hand tighter and looked up at the clock. I was running late. "Well, I guess I better go. I'll try not to stay out too late and I'll give you a ring when I'm on my way, okay?"

"Okay. And remember, do what you feel is right. Listen to your heart."

I smiled. "I will. I love you dad."

"I love you too, Miley."

I waved goodbye to him and quickly said goodbye to Maddie, who was almost too drawn to the TV.

It finally hit me who I was going to meet as I drove off. I was going to meet up with the one who broke my heart so many times..the one that I was in love with and still in love with. The one who has bruised my heart so many times but still came back into my life and won me over.

Now that I think about it, we have been through so much. He was so close to marrying the devil, the one that hated my guts. I smiled as I remembered how he didn't go through with it and came over to me and kissed me senseless. I admit, that day, I was worried. I was worried that he would go through with it and I would be left heartbroken. I could of..well did the Taylor Swift thing. Burst out into song and sing "Speak now" but that would've been silly.

My heart started to pound and my hands slightly slipped off the wheel as I felt myself getting more and more nervous. I was suppose to meet him at some resturant and I was so close to it.

Only two more lights and then I make a right turn...oh dammit, my heart was pounding. 2 minutes later, I find myself turning and parking into this parking lot of this beautiful looking resturant. It looked so expensive and rich and I somehow felt bad. Did he make reservations? Was this planned? When I walk in, what do I do?

Was I dressed for the occasion? I looked down at my skinny jeans and purple top and shrugged to myself. It was hardly even planned so I shouldn't worry too much, right? I finally got some confidence as I turned the car off and closed the door. I ran my fingers through my hair nervously as I pushed the door open. My face was in awe, my mouth dropped and I somehow heard myself gasping. All around me was beautiful lights, flowers, expensive tables and waiters walking around. There was beautiful chandeliers. "This is-"

"Beautiful?" They finished for me. I snapped myself out of it and turned to see..him. He looked so good. More dressed up then me. He wore a button up black shirt with his signature blue skinny jeans and boots. "Yes." I breathed out. "How-"

"How exactly did this happen? Well let's just say I got some good deals from being somewhat famous and well, it all worked out. It was all for good price too."

"Wow." I muttered to myself. "This is so unreal."

"Well, you aren't dreaming. This is pretty much real." He laughed at his joke and all I could do was smile. "Where do we go?"

"This way." I felt him take my hand and I didn't even push it away. He walked me to the back of the place and there was a even more beautiful setting. It was more private and it was a booth with a beautiful setting of outside. "Nick, this is amazing!"

"What can I say? I'm amazing." He laughed again and I felt myself laughing too. "This is all too much! I mean, this was just suppose to be a small meetup, not a huge fancy meetup!"

"I know, but I missed you a lot and I wanted to somehow..win you over, I guess."

I gave him a half smile and sat down. "So we just order from this menu?" I didn't even look for response, I looked through all of the food selections and all of them seemed so fancy. "Wow, all of this fancy stuff, whatever happened to burgers and pizza?"

I heard him laugh. "In case you haven't noticed, this is a fancy resturant, not your average fast food place."

"Well the soups sure do look good."

Before I knew it, it was time to order and we both picked the same chicken and pea french soup and we were alone again. "So I'm glad we got to spend time alone again." He replied with an awkward tone.

"Yeah..." I didn't really know what else to say. "Maybe I should apologize for everything?"

"You don't have to apologize-"

I cut him off. "No no no, I think I do have to apologize. I do admit that you've done stuff that wasn't too good in the past, but this was all me. I've just been a mess, really. I mean when I kissed that Andrew guy-"

"Wait what?"

Did he not hear me correctly? That's why we haven't been talking, right?

No. No it wasn't.

It finally dawned on me. The only reason he was upset was because I accused him of cheating and staying out too late and getting drunk. He didn't even know about what I did. The hugest mistake of my life.

"Did I say something? No, I didn't. Forget I ever said anything! Yup, didn't say anything." I kept rambling on until the food was finally delievered and it turned into pure awkwardness.

He decided to break the ice. "You kissed someone else?" He asked, confused. I couldn't tell how hurt he was. His face was as expression-less as always.

"I can explain, really." I fumbled with my spoon, afraid to even speak. Everytime I talked, I just seemed to get myself into even more trouble.

"I don't know if I wanna hear it right now. For now, let's just enjoy our dinner, okay?" He snapped, his voice full of anger and I automatically lost my appetite. I knew this night wouldn't be good. Here I was, being negative. But what else would happen? He'd forgive me and kiss me senseless? He didn't work that way.

I forced myself to eat and before I knew it, the waiter asked if we wanted dessert. We both passed and then we just sat there, not looking at each other. I forced myself to stare at a tiny spot on the table. I just stared at it, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I kept gazing at it, until his cough brought me into reality. I looked up quickly and my eyes met his. "So? Care to explain?"

At least he was giving me a chance..."Um." I tested my voice and of course it was dry and shaky but I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and then opened them, showing him how serious I was. "After getting mad at you, I felt the need to get back at you, since I was uh- accusing you of cheating."

I wanted to continue but the memory was coming back to me now.

"So you we're gone for hours to just talk to people...and you come at 2 in the morning and expect me to believe that? Nick, people have lives. They don't wanna stand around and talk, you had to be somewhere else."

He sighed hard. "Why do you do that?"

Miley tried to show that she didn't know what he meant but she knew. "Do what?"

"Try and accuse me of doing something bad, it's getting really annoying."

She laughed in disbelief. "You're getting really annoying, you're not telling me the damn truth. If you'd only you'd tell the truth and not lie to me! I'm you're girlfriend, Nick. We have a child together that loves you dearly, why do you do this?"

"I'm not doing anything. I come home from a nice party and what the hell do I come to? I don't need this, Miley."

Tears were pouring down her eyes and she wiped them away furiously. "I don't need this either, Nick. You just said you we're at a nice party and you had fun, so good you did that while I was at home, having to take care of Madison and then having to worry when you didn't get home after 3 hours."

"Well you're not my mom, you don't have to look out for me or check when I get home. I'm old enough to come home when I want."

She couldn't believe this. "You expect me to NOT care and worry? I may not be your mom but I'm your girlfriend and if this keeps on happening..."

"Yeah we'll breakup, I heard all of this crap before. Then we get back together and everything gets fucked up again."

"You make it seem like..like..." She couldn't find the words. "Like our relationship is just one, huge joke."

"It's going to start feeling that way if you don't stop asking me and accusing me of doing things that I'm not."

She was starting to get angry. "Did you just NOT hear what I was saying? God, Nick! I just...can't deal with this anymore. Everytime you say things will be different and you'll be here, you fuck up again so what's the point anymore?"

"What are you saying?"

"You know damn well what I'm saying."

"Miley.." He went up to her and sat next to her on the bed. He brushed the hair out of her face and placed it by her ear. "I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything to make you upset."

He got closer to her and her heart almost stopped when she could tell the alochol was on his breath. He was lying to her. "You're drunk."

"True, I did have a few drinks, but..."

"How many?" She automatically asked.

"Well like 10 but that doesn't matter."

She got off the bed, trying to get away from him as much as possible. "How the hell does it not matter? Instead of being home and being the Nick you're suppose to be, you're off getting drunk and probably doing things with other girls...I mean skanks!"

"There you go again, fucking accusing me of cheating! Dammit, Miley I did NOT cheat on you so will you give it up already? Stop trying to make drama, I don't need it."

More tears fell down her eyes. They we're both from her anger and her sadness. "I can't belive this." She mumbled under her breath.

He took a step towards her and tried to get to her but she turned her back on him. "Get out."

"What? Why?"

"You know damn well why, now get the FUCK OUT!" She almost screamed this, causing Nick to sigh hard. He walked out as fast as possible and automatically she heard the door slam.

Before she knew it, she sunk down and fell against the bed, crying her eyes out. It was all she knew she could do.

I shook my head, disappointed at all of this and I felt tears fall down my eyes and I brushed them away quickly. "I...honestly, was so mad after that..so I called up that Andrew guy..He was always nice to me so I thought I could use a friend, a guy friend. He wanted to meet up so we did and he...kissed me and I kissed him back-"

"Oh my God." He looked so disappointed and the pain in his voice..I hurt him too much. He threw his fingers into his brown curls and hung his head low. "I can't believe this."

"Nick..I didn't mean for this to happen." I tried to grab his free hand that was on the table but he brushed me away and placed it in his lap. I felt all this pain inside me and I didn't know what else to do, or say. Was I going to give up? "Oh God, Nick..When we kissed..all I thought about was you. I pictured you and me kissing. I pulled away and realized it was wrong, so wrong. You don't realize how much pain and grief I felt afterwards. I regretted it so much, so much." More tears fell now and I didn't even bother to brush them away. I waited, waited for him to say something, anything, but he didn't. He kept silent and had his hands buried in his face. "Nick, talk to me, please!"

He lifted his tear stained face, full of pain and hurt and he was full of fury now. "What do you want me to say? Oh Miley, I forgive you? Oh Miley, I love you still? Oh Miley, It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong? I was fucking hurting too! You kicked me off and accused me of cheating after I was just having a good damn time!"

"But I just-"

He cut me off again and I could tell all the anger that was built inside him was coming out. "No! No, buts and no apologing and making me look like the bad guy, I am fucking sick of it! You made it seem like I didn't even care for my own daughter or even importantly, you! That I just liked cheating and going out! Fine, maybe I did screw up a few years ago, but I knew, I knew I was being a better father and boyfriend to you and what do you do? Try and find the stupidest things to get upset at. Fine, I understand you wanted me home, but I'm becoming famous and I had a party to attend to, what was I suppose to do, ditch it? That would look fucking stupid on my part! Miley, I love you, but damn, you just need to chill down on the drama and actually hear me out sometimes. You hurt so much, that you need a reason to fight with me to express your emotions. Oh, wait, I forgot, you express those emotions by kissing other guys! Well that's really nice." He was being mad and upset and sarcastic and every word he used stung me and hurt me, straight to the heart.

"Nick, I don't know what to say." I mumbled this and more tears fell. "I wanna apologize, but-"

"Apologizing won't do right now, Miley. I don't know if we should just break up, but I need some space, I think."

More pain filled in my heart and I wanted to scream "No!" and go across the table and kiss him, but I didn't. I sat there, like a mummy, lifeless and dull. I was letting him go..again. For the hundreth time in my life. What have I become?

"Oh God, Nick. No, please, I can stop and be a better person for you and I can even get help! Anything to be with you!" I didn't know if I sounded desperate but every word that I spoke, he wasn't buying it. He shook his head violently.

"No, No and no! Nothing will do, okay? This is just about me right now, not you. I don't know what's going to happen, but I need some time. My brothers and I are going on tour with this other band for two months and maybe during that time, I'll think about what I want."

"But Nick, I just-"

He cut me off, again. "No, I said no buts. This is what I think and for once, I'm going to do what I wanna do. I'll miss Maddie to death but send her my love, okay? Tell her daddy loves her. I won't even text or call you, I just need to be alone for awhile to figure it out. I don't know if during that time, you'll kiss on that guy more, maybe even sex him up...I don't know, whatever you wanna do, but when I get back, I'll have an answer."

I sighed and sunk down, deeper into depression. I had lost. I gulped, my voice dry as ever from the sobs in my throat. "Just..promise me one thing?"

"That is?"

I found it hard to speak but I tried. "Don't...for-get...me."

"I won't forget you."

Today was one of the worst days of my life. And just when I thought it was going to get all better, it got even worse.

That night, I went home alone. I went home sadder then usual. I went home to Madison, holding back tears. My dad knew what happened. He told me that he didn't want me hurt again and wanted me to do the best thing. I guess I was- giving him space and time to figure it all out. His face showed his questions, but I didn't wanna answer. I just shrugged and felt a tear pour down but I brushed it away before Maddie saw; I didn't want her to ask me why I was crying.

I finally realized that during all the years, most of it was my fault. After blaming Nick for everything, I was starting to see the truth. It had been me.

Depressing, really. :(

Don't worry, I hate depressing chapters too. And nothing stays sad forever, right?

So review, tell me what you thought, what you would like to see happen, etc etc. (: Your reviews make me really happy!
