I do not own anything Harry Potter but wished I did.


'' thinking"


The Great Hall was abuzz with the normal laughter and talking as the children caught up with what they had done during the summer. However, there were two fifth year students that were missing a friend. They wondered if something had happened and decided to go to the headmaster if he did not show up after the feast.

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall were thrown open and a dark figure emerged. The hall suddenly went quiet it was if there was no one there. The teachers immediately rose and had their wands up to defend if needed.

The Headmaster stood and spoke to the hooded figure "Show yourself and put down any weapons you possess. You are trespassing on an education institution and there should be no reason for fighting"

The figure took off his hood and the first look that the students have of him was that the man had dark wavy hair down to his back and eyes that were as bright as the killing curse. His skin was pale and he was tall as well. The air around him spoke of strength and told the people in the hall that they did not want him as an enemy.

"What is your name" said the Headmaster.

"You know my name Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore"

Now the Headmaster had a look of bemusement on his face and said "I have no idea who you are sir"

"Really you put me in a home when I was a child where I was not even related to them and you knew that they were not nice to me in fact they were down right abusive to me."

Now Dumbledore was quite confused, he usually did not mess with others lives unless it benefitted himself and he did not recognize the person before him.

"Perhaps this will help my name is Orion Black son of Sirus Black and Lily Evans, who was not muggleborns but a pureblood witch but because of you was forced to call muggles family. I was taken under a fidelius charm and was then almost killed by your stupidity."

Dumbledore had paled during all of this and his head was spinning with a way out of this

Severus was the first to figure out who the person was and gasped at the accusation that the boy…man had against the headmaster.

The headmaster tried to save face by saying "The criminal Sirus Black is wanted for the murder of Peter Pettigrewa fellow classmate and accused for other crimes as well"

The figure laughed and then said "As of this evening the man know as Sirus Black is free from all charges and is recuperating in a safe house provided by the minister himself. All I have to do today is get to a rat to the aurors today. Of course you knew that the man was innocent and did not even push for a fair trial. The fidelius charm was used for James Potter and Lily Evans and because you set it you knew that the secret keeper was changed.

You there" (pointing at Ron) "do you have a pet?" (Ron nodded slowly and showed Scabbers, the man used a revealing spell) suddenly a short man, that looked rodent like was shown. There were gasps at the Head Table and the man used a stunning spell and an animagus spell again and put the rat in a cage. He handed Ron a few galleons and told him to get a better pet.

Suddenly Dumbledore spoke again and said "Harry Potter (more gasps) I do not know what you are thinking but give me the cage and I will take him to the ministry. You and I need to have a talk"

Now everyone realized what was going on and many of the Slytherins were a little confused but realized that the golden boy was not with the headmaster anymore and from what he said was with the ministry. The Ravenclaws approved at the use of rules and logic. The Hufflepuffs were losing loyalty to the Headmaster. The Gryffindors were looking at the Headmaster as if he betrayed their own.

"No, I will not talk to you. I came here to read the will that my parents left me to my friends and your staff. I do not think I need to but Fudge was quite insistent on doing this if I wanted to present you with the charges I have on my person as well. The will and charges must have sufficient witnesses and I think this setting will do well."

(Orion Read out loud)

To my Loving Son:

I hope that this Will is not needed but it better to be safe than sorry. Sirus is looking over your bassinet and is sad that Dumbledore thinks that he needs to not be close to you and me because of his past. You see your father was part of a dark family and it is easier to find dark magic and I will be safer with James during this time. Dumbledore even decided to change secret keepers. I do not trust Peter but the others out voted me. I hope this letter finds you in good health and with loving family. (Written in Lily's Hand)

Hey cub I hope that this silly letter is not needed but just in case I Sirus Black give all my titles to Orionand name you my heir. You have the power and prestige of a Lord Black when you reach the age of inheritance. I love you so much my little cub and hope that you and I when you read this have been together to go over the Black Family Magic. (Written in Sirus's Hand)

My loving godson I am happy to be your godfather. I love you much and hope that you grow strong and out chase me in quidditch and many other things. I have no one to give my titles to as Lord Potter so I bestow them to you. I James Potter give all my titles to Orion and name you my heir. You have the power and prestige of a Lord Potter when you reach the age of inheritance. I hope this is not needed but Lily is a worry wart and does not want you to not be able to get money if you need it and we are not there. Love you lots (Written in James's Hand)

(Lily Writes again) I love you so much and hope that when you read this we are all there with you but if we are not please seek out your other family. The Evans were not my real family but is who Dumbledore placed me with. My true parents were killed and I was supposed to go to my Aunt and Uncle but it did not happen because Dumbledore refused to give me to them. DO NOT TRUST DUMBLEDORE! The others here may believe in him but I believe the power went to his head. Here is where the lawyer writes out last rites and such but know that we love you so much!

The last will of Sirus and Lily Black is as follows:

All monies, properties are to be given to our son on his Inheritance

There is a trust fund for him if needed during school years

There should be no dispute on who raises him if we should die- there is a list of possible families he may go to

His Godfather: James Potter

His Godmother and her family : Longbottoms

Then Family Friends:







Orion yelled out the last part for emphasis and saw that some people in the crowd had their mouths hanging open. The Slytherins were looking at the Headmaster in shock at what they had heard. They were thinking that idiot; he went against a written Will.

Hermione at this point was angry at this point as was the Weasleys.

"You mean that he should not even have gone to that disgusting house. I have seen the bruises and will help him get whatever he deserves from you" said Hermione calmly walking to stand beside him

All the Weasleys were yelling at the Headmaster about the times that they had send food or deal with the Dursleys. "All that time he could have been with us and at this point it would have been better for him to be with Malfoy than those horrible animals."

The Slytherins were struck quiet that a Weasley would rather go to a Malfoy's property than a muggles house. There were more yelling as well.

Orion raised his hand and then said "Thank you for your support everyone but I have a letter from the minister himself. It says that until the trial in two weeks that you; Headmaster are removed from your post and McGonagall is to be Headmaster. All titles of yours are put on hold and you are not to leave the country. The following is what you are charged with:

Kidnapping of Lily Black nee Evans

Kidnapping of Orion Black

False imprisonment by withholding information of Sirus Black

Withholding Information of Inheritance

Suppressing Magic of Orion Black

Using Unconcentration spells and Potions on Orion Black

Last but not Least using money that was not yours

Orion said this very clearly and then told the headmaster he had to leave within the next hour and Aurors were on their way to assist him.

Everyone was shocked at the charges and could not believe at what all had happened. Those at the Head table knew those were serious charges and were most concerned about the Unconcentration spells that were used. If that was proven true, Orion would have to take the past 4 years finals again because of the laws. Snape was very angry to use the potions that the charges were for, could cause damage to a child if not used properly and it was no wonder the boy could not do potions it takes lots concentration to do potions.

McGonagall was the first to gather her wits and asked the prefects to take everyone to their houses. Soon only the teachers and Dumbledore and Orion were left in the great hall. Soon Dumbledore was lead out and the teachers had a mini discussion on where to place Orion. Because of what happened he could not be placed with any students at night because someone may want revenge and needed his own rooms but needed to be close to a teacher just in case something happened.

Eventually it was decided that he would be placed in room near Snape. They told him and decided anything else could be talked about the next morning. Snape walked him to the rooms and helped him with a few charms to clean and decorate the rooms. Then Snape nodded at him and went to his own rooms. Orion was happy that everything was going to plan…..so far.

Next: We will go back to see how this started – the goblins meeting him about his inheritance and the talk with the Minister of magic

Thanks for all the reviews that everyone sent me. I have been in and out of doctors' offices for the past few weeks. I hope that I will be able to get back into writing more every week again.

Please Review.