Hello, My name is Araun (not real name), and this is my first story, titled, "Running From Ones Past." As the story advances on, you will see that the title fits just fine…hopefuly!

So, without further ado…or adue…or, aduex (please help me)…

Running From One's Past
By Araun of Fury


The scientist walked through the empty doorway, the door blown off the hinges.

"Oh my god…"

The entire room was almost completely covered in blood. Dead bodies of the scientists that worked there lay scattered about. Most of them had, what looked like, holes in their backs, as if something forced it's way out of their back. Others just looked beaten to death. The scientist almost puked at the sight.

"What happened here!?"

Then, that's when he heard it. The sound of running water. He followed the noise, careful to not step in any blood, to a sink in the far corner of the room. There was someone standing over the sink. The scientist saw that the person was not human, but had a humanoid shape. The creature seemed to be franticly washing it's hands. Then, the scientists heard it say something.

"I-it, won't come off…why won't it come off!"

The scientist studied the creature. It was a little smaller than himself, and was covered in fur. It's midsection was a crimson red, like blood, along with it's feet and tail. The rest of it's body was black.

"It's n-not coming off!"

The scientist approached the creature, and peered over it's shoulder. It's hands were also a crimson red. The creature didn't seem to notice him yet, so he spoke up.

"Um, hello? Did you do all of this?" asked the scientist, tapping it's shoulder.

When he touched it's shoulder, he could feel that it was wet and matted. The creature suddenly stopped moving it's hands under the water, and turned and faced him.

"Please! Get it off!" yelled the creature as it held up it's hands to the scientist.

The scientist looked directly into it's eyes. They were also a crimson red. Then, he studied the creature more, realizing that it was a Lucario. It looked at him pleadingly, and it actually made the scientist feel sorry for it, even though it was obviousely responsible for the murder of the scientists.

" I'm sorry, but, I can't remove your fur." Stated the scientist.

The Lucario looked at him, confuzed, "But, but it's not my fur! Why won't the blood come off!" The Lucario pushed the scientist out of it's way as it ran out of the room.

The scientist watched it run. Whatever had just happened, that Lucario would be scarred for life. As the scientist thought about it more, he realized something.

"Wait, it could TALK!?"

His eyes shot open, the green leaves of a tree being the first thing he saw. He sat up, and yawned. He was alone, as usual. He was cold, as usual. And he was hungry…as usual. His stomach grwoled loudly. He was basically a normal Lucario, except the way his fur was colored was a bit unique. He was mostly black, except for his midsection, all four paws, and tail, which were crimson red, along with his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Yawned the black and red Lucario as he jumped out of the tree he slept in and onto the ground, "Hmm, there's a city nearby, so I think I'll go grab a Pizza or something."

With that, he streatched a few of his limbs, then ran off through the forest, heading for the smell of food. After sprinting through the trees for a few minutes, he found himself on the outskirts of a small city. Many humans walked around, and some rode bikes, or other vehicles. The Lucario leisurely walked onto the sidewalk, catching a few looks of confuzion from some people. He grinned, 'I love it when they get confuzed.'

Before long, he came across a resturaunt that was covered in the smell of some of his favorite foods, like Pizza, burgers, and hotdogs. He licked his lips, smelling the food from outside. He patiently sat down on the opposite side of the street, and waited. As people passed by, he noticed more of them starring at him.

"What?" said the Lucario, annoyed, "haven't you ever seen a Pokemon before?" hearing him, a Lucario, speak English, caused most of the humans to instantly walk away, "Hehe, that's always funny."

Finaly, after half an hour of waiting, he got what he was waiting for. A person walked out of the resturaunt carrying a bag, a bag that held the Lucario's breakfast. The Lucario stood to his feet, and followed the person carrying the bag of food to a soccer field, where the person sat on nearby bleachers, and set the bag down next to him. The Lucario silently stepped under the bleachers, and reached inside the bag while the person wasn't looking, then grabbed one of the burgers in it. The Lucario unwrapped the wrapping around the burger and grinned hungrily, his mouth watering.

He was about to take a bite, when he heard the person above him say, "That's weird, I thought I got two burgers?" The Lucario couldn't stop himself, he burst out laughing, attracting the attention of the person above him, "Huh? Hey! A Lucario!"

'Uh-oh.' The Lucario ran out from under the bleachers, intending to get away from the human with his new prize, but was stopped when a bright glow flashed in front of him. When the glow dissapeared, a machamp stood before him, 'I am really not in the mood for a fight right now!'

"There is no way I am letting you get away!" yelled the person that was now obviousely a Pokemon Trainer.

The machamp started flexing it's muscles, trying to intimidate the Lucario, but he just rolled his eyes, "Alright, just let me eat my breakfast first." Sighed the Lucario before taking a large bite out of the burger.

The trainer looked dumbfounded, 'Y-y-you can TALK!?"

The Lucario took another bite, "Yeah" then swollowed, "So?"

"Oh, I am definitely not losing you!"

"Good, luck."

"Alright, Machamp! Take him down!" commanded the trainer.

The machamp charged the Lucario, swinging one of it's four massive fists at his skull. Just as it's fist was inches away from contact, the Lucario quickly sidesteped, causing the surprised Machamp to stumble slightly. Before the Machamp could regain it's balance, the Lucario, kicked it's foot straight up, making contact with the machamp's face. The machamp grunted as it's head was wreanched upward, the rest of it's body following. The machamp's arms flailed wildy as it tried to regain balance once more, but to no avail. It fell back, flat on it's back, a loud THUD was heard as it hit the ground.

As the Machamp tried to sit up, the Lucario slammed it's right foot onto it's chest, and placed both it's hands behind it's back on it's right side, allowing a small space in between it's paws. To the machamp's horror, a small, pulsating, blue ball appeared between the Lucario's paws, and it stedily grew until it was the size of the machamp's head. The Lucario had a smug look on it's face.

"Now, I suggest you let me go, or your machamp is going to need a new head." Stated the Lucario victoriousley.

The trainer, defeated, called his machamp back into it's pokeball, "Fine…" then he slumped back over to the bleachers and ate what was left of the food.

The Lucario laughed, then began walking away, back to the forest to hide yet again.

A human walked silently throught the forest, keeping his eyes peeled for any movement. He wore a complete combat camo-suite. He had a pistol pointed ahead of him, and a few other weapons in holsters at his side. Five more men, similarly dressed, followed close behind him. They were in search of a rouge Pokemon that had murdered a group of scientists about four years back. This particular human was the leader of the eleit squad of Retreival. This pokemon had escaped them on multiple ocassions, and it pissed him off. He was the best of the best! How could one simple Lucario escape him all of those times? No matter, he would get him this time, he just had to find the annoying thing first.

Well, there ya go! The first chapter to, what I hope to be, an amazing story! Please tell me how I did, I REALLY want to know!

Till Next Time!