Yippy! Another Dimitri's Dream! Yeah!

There hasn't been one since...um...I don't know.

This one doesn't have Adrian in it...aww, sad, right. Nope.

Now you get to see Dimitri's Nightmare!




I couldn't believe Rose had to see that at the Badica's house. Seeing death that young was hard.

Not that she was that young. Not really.

I sat back on the pillows of my bed after a shower.

Seven years. That wasn't really that long. It's not like I was old enough to be her father. That would be too old. But I was 24 and she was 17. Not that big a difference.

What are you thinking? I asked myself. She's a minor, you're an adult.

I sighed. Damn it. If only I would have fallen in love with someone closer to my own age--and not my student.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was somewhere that wasn't my bed.

I knew it was a dream, but I still walked through the strange house with caution. There was a moan from the living room.

I hurried forward...to see Lissa on the couch, bleeding from her neck. Her neck had a huge bite taken out of it.

A voice behind me made me spin around. "Poor, poor Dragomirs. Only one left. Or maybe not."

There was a Strigoi behind me. I pulled my stake out and hurled it toward him. It sunk into his chest, into his heart. After making sure he was truly dead I turned back toward Lissa.

Only to find that she had stopped breathing. Frantically, I searched for my phone. I needed help.

But my phone wasn't in my pocket.

"Looking for this?"

I turned slower, knowing that voice. I turned to smile at Roza, forgetting about Lissa.

When I saw her--I mean, really saw her--I froze. Her skin was paler and her eyes rimmed with red.

"Rose?" I whispered. "What happened?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" She asked. "I killed Lissa, and now I'm going to kill you."

She said it so simply. Like she didn't care. "Why?"

She shrugged. "I got tired of watching her and Christian make out."

For the first time I noticed Christian Ozera on the floor near the couch. "She was your best friend."

"Not anymore."

She advanced upon me. I had another stake in my hand, but could I kill the love of my life?

She smiled hugely at me, showing large canines.

From across the room, a beep was coming from Christian's watch.

I sat up in bed, fast. I calmed down when I realized the beep was from my alarm clock. It was time to go to the before-school practice I had with Rose.

I got out of bed.

What a horrible dream. If I didn't know Rose, it might have freaked me out more. But I did know, Rose. She'd never go Strigoi, kill Lissa and Christian, then come after me...would she?

Of course not, I chided myself. She loved Lissa. True, she wasn't that fond of Christian, but she'd never kill him.

No. It was just a dream. Maybe I was a little weirded out by the massacre at the Badica's house.

I walked to the gym to wait for Rose.

Being with her was calming, and that's what I needed.


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