Take me by the hand

A/N: thanks for the reviews and alerts!! Um yeah so new chapter

Summary: What if your best friend started dating the person you loathed, the person that gave you those scars you bared. What if your best friend and your friends didn't believe you? What if you decide that its time you gave up on your friends, the love of your life and your own? But this time I was sure that I was going to jump. I was out casted by my family, friends and Edward.

Chapter 2: The List Starts

"Everything you say to me brings me closer to the edge

and I'm about to break"

One Step Closer - Linkin Park

All of this started when I moved to Forks. I was only 12 and my mum, Renee had chosen her husband over me. I remember once the saying Sisters before Misters, mum had said it once to her friend. They were having an argument because she was moving to Canada with her fiancé and leaving mum here alone in Phoenix. Mum was already married just really dependent on others.

When I was four years old she decided she had had enough of Forks and took me with her, but I knew she didn't want to take me she was just doing it to spite Charlie.

Well after that mum decided she wanted more time with Phil; not that I minded she always chose him over me. I was sent back to Forks to my dad, Charlie. He was over happy that I was back living with him. He had missed out on eight years of my life and for that I couldn't forgive Renee. She was first on my list,

People who gave up on me...

Renee Dwyer/Swan (mother)

This list was to prove to myself how unwanted I was, but it somehow kept me going.

When I got to Forks primary school for my first day the kids all looked at me like I was an outsider. Of course I was; I was new!!

On that day I made friends and enemies. I wasn't fond of those two little blond girls and that scrappy brunette. Jessica Stanley was the brunette she had slightly frizzy curls and she was nice when the blond clones weren't around, but I still refused to talk to her voluntarily. Then there was Lauren her hair was dyed bleach blond, and she had sex hair. Don't even ask me! She was twelve years old and her parents let her look like a dirty slut, she was never nice. And last there was Tanya, I internally sneered her name, when I say or think her name it slices another gash into my broken heart. She was poison, she burned you, and she wasn't good for anyone. I wouldn't even wish her to my enemy, although she is my enemy I wouldn't think about wishing her upon herself. Tanya had strawberry blond hair with loose curls; she was slim and had a perfect tan. Basically a Barbie in every way.

They were the girls that harassed me. They saw how clumsy I was and used it to their advantage. They pushed me onto the gravel laughing and screeching. They never took it any further than that until the Cullen children came to school two months after I started.

There were five of them, all adopted. Emmett was big, not in the sense of fat but built. Rosalie was tall and blond, not like Tanya's group blond...but naturally blond with a deep wave to her hair. Jasper was Rosalie's twin brother and older by four minutes, he was tall, thin and had the same color hair as Rosalie. Alice was a small girl and petite. She had dark brown hair, lighter than Emmett's, and it was cut short and spiky like a pixie cut. Then there was Edward. He was tall lean and had vibrant emerald green eyes. His hair was messy and an unusual bronze color.

Their first day was like a disgusting nightmare; Tanya made her presence known to Edward straight away. She walked past him and brushed her arm over his chest and walked away.

Later during the school day I was sitting at the benches reading when I saw three pairs of shoes stand in front of me. I looked up slowly pulling my nose out of the book.

"Get up!" screamed Lauren.

I obliged and stood up on shaky feet. Tanya pushed me with a hard force that it made me lose all air in my body and knocked me over into the garden, throwing my book in the opposite direction. A sharp pain came from my left shoulder. I turned my head to it and saw a long gash along my upper arm. Blood was pooling out of it while Tanya and her snobs walked off laughing hysterically. I slowly raised myself from the ground and walked over to the taps to wash the blood off. I couldn't let anyone know what happened.

After I cleaned up I started my way back to the seat and collected my book. I grabbed it quickly when the bell blew signaling the end of lunch. Kids were gathering outside of their classes including the Cullen's outside of my classroom.

My arm was throbbing; maybe I should go to first aid, tell them that I fell. But I ignored that thought. I walked past everyone to go into class and accidentally brushed my left arm across Edwards. The pain overwhelmed me and I started to cry. Tears rushing down my pink stained face. I tried my hardest to hide my face and keep walking but Edward caught up with me before I had to walk into class.

"Hey, um... Bella right?" Edward asked me faltering.

"Yes" I squeaked trying to keep my voice even and failed miserably.

"I'm sorry making you cry, but I don't know what I did." his face was pale and sad, like it hurt him that I was crying.

I looked closer at him, his features more defined. He had a sharp set jaw, straight nose, eyes that outshone emeralds, hair messy and the bronze was beautiful.

I looked away from his face to turn my head to the floor, looking at all the indents that were on it. "Nothing," I mumbled, trying to avoid talking about it.

"But your crying, Bella, please tell me what I did." I could feel his eyes watching me, burning a hole into my head.

I shook my head like a five year old. I couldn't tell him no matter how much I wanted to. I wanted to scream it to the world.

"Bella, please." he whined. Boy he was persistent.

I ended up giving him the only excuse I could think of.

"I'm clumsy; I tripped while coming back to class and cut my arm." I forced out a smile. "No biggie." I said shrugging my shoulders.

His eyes widened and his face was almost red. He looked like he could blow up.

"NO BIGGIE?" He yelled. I backed away from him slowly still looking down. "Bella your arm is bleeding! Really badly!"

I looked at my arm and saw that there certainly was a LOT of blood flowing out of my arm.

Edward was wigging out, shaking even. He pushed his hand out towards mine and held it tightly. A weird tingly feeling waved through my hand to my fingertips. Edward dragged me to the nurse's office and I heard a faint gasp. The nurse looked at my arm and quickly sat me down on a bench. Edward followed closely behind.

She disinfected my arm and put a big band-aid on it. She insisted to call my parents to send me home and I just nodded after trying and the result being effortless.

My dad came instantly and hugged me tightly and I explained that I tripped being clumsy. He accepted my answer and walked me out of the nurse's office as I waved goodbye to Edward.

The day I met Edward changed everything.

A/N: Ok we met Edward, more Cullen's coming next, plus more of the blond clones...plus Jessica...

PLZ reviewwwwwwwww

Big epic thnxx to my beta Courtney... AnUnbrokenHorse aka RushtonElf

She's wicked sick talented

Ohhh and thanks to Amber, ma best friend who is ultra sick read her stories hail(.)to(.)the(.)busdriver(.)

Thnxx again



Beta Note: You seriously gotta love young Edward; he is so cute and sweet. If I'm going to plug a story other than my own (he he) then my favorite at the moment would have to be "The Screamers" by KiyaRaven

Much love,

AnUnbrokenHorse aka RushtonElf
