My Girl


She comes running down the stairs. I can hardly believe she's nine now. She has thick black hair down to her waist. Her brown eyes are light almost golden. She's is tall of her age and very skinny. But she eats well like me. She's so beautiful, smart, kind, and generous.

No, I'm not a proud parent. My name is Quil and I am a Quileute and a werewolf well shape shifter would be a better term. Now you're asking who is this girl I was telling you about. Well I imprinted on her. Which in the simplest of terms mean the moment I saw my Claire she became the center of my world. She's my soul mate, my everything. She was just a cute little two year old baby when I imprinted. See imprinting is done at first sight. It has been an interesting seven years. There have been a lot of ups and downs. Though I have a feeling this is only the beginning.