A/N Sorry it took so long to update! I kind of forgot about exam week so I crammed like nuts for 2 days before the exam. Seriously I just finished reading all my notes when I rushed out the door so I wouldn't be late. I know it's not an excuse but still XD Anyways…I love you all so I wrote and wrote and got this chapter done in about an hour.

Disclaimer: *Insert something funny about not owning anything that has to do with SWAC or any of the questions. *

More Questions

(Chad's POV-It's his time to shine :D)

21-year-old Chad Dylan Cooper was sitting in the living room of his classy L.A apartment. Only CDC did not look like himself. He looked as if he had forgotten about final exams until the night before.(A/N Trust me not a good look) In his hands he was looking at the ring he had bought for his girlfriend Sonny Monroe.

"Calm down Chad. You can do this. She won't say no…hopefully." Chad muttered to himself while staring at the ring. He had been carrying it around for weeks waiting for the right time. Until he realized he had to suck it up, be a man, and ask Sonny to become Mrs. Chad Dylan Cooper.

Chad walked out of the apartment, quickly checking himself out in a mirror before leaving. Today's the day. No more excuses. Just ask as soon as you get a chance. He got in his car and drove to the restaurant where he and Sonny were celebrating their 5-year anniversary. Some fancy place that you had to make reservations a month in advance to get in, unless your Chad Dylan Cooper that is.

As soon as Chad entered the dining area he spotted Sonny. She gets more beautiful every time I see her. She was wearing an elegant black halter dress with her wavy hair falling down her back.

"Hi babe." Chad said as he sat down opposite of her and leaned across the table to give her a quick kiss.

"Hey Chad. How's it going?" Sonny asked.

"Uhh…" Should I ask now? "Fine. A little stressful. The lead girl in that new movie I'm doing is fallowing me around like a lost puppy. No matter how many times I tell her I have the most amazing, wonderful, girlfriend in the entire universe." Chad smiled at Sonny. I'll just butter her up a little before. "How's it over at So Random?"

"Tough. The producers are saying we're too old to be acting like goofy kids." She looked so upset as she said this, it always broke Chad's heart to see her sad.

"They wouldn't dare get new people, it would go down the tubes if it didn't have the talented and funny Sonny Monroe." Sonny's face instantly lifted and Chad felt a little pride at making her smile. Before they could say anything else the waiter came and took their orders. O.k. Copper. As soon as the waiter leaves get down on one knee. Once he left Chad cleared his throat.

"Umm…Sonny I have something to ask you." He asked nervously.

"Sure Chad." She had a knowing gleam in her eyes.

Here I go… "Do bald men wash their head with shampoo or soap?" Where did that come from????

"I don't know. Why don't you ask a bald person."

"Ha ha. Sorry. I didn't mean to say that. What I really meant was," Chad took a deep breath, "How can sweet and sour sauce be sweet and sour at the same time." NO!

"I've always wondered that too." Sonny said thoughtfully. By then their food had arrived and Chad gave up for the time being. After dinner. He told himself. While they ate there was little conversation. Sonny kept looking at Chad and smiling, and Chad was wondering why he couldn't control what came out of his mouth. Finally the silent dinner was done. Chad paid and he and Sonny walked into the hot summer night.

They got in Chad's car and he drove them to a beach that hardly anyone ever went to. Perfect! It'll be more romantic then the restaurant. They walked along the beach talking and laughing. Eventually they stopped and sat on a bench and looked out at the ocean in complete peace.

Finally Chad got up the nerve to make another attempt.

"Okay Sonny I really need to ask you something important." Chad said seriously, looking into Sonny's chocolate brown eyes. "Ok, why is a man who invests your money called a broker?" Chad panicked. "No! Pay no attention to that what I really wanted to say was is their such thing as a blue fruit? No! I give up." Chad put his head in his hands out of frustration. This is so annoying.

"Hey Hun, I have a question for you." Sonny said looking at Chad with a worried face.

"Shoot." Chad answered, anything to help forget about his previous freak out.

"Okay first you have to do something," he looked and Sonny curiously but she just continued. "Get down on one knee." Chad obliged still wondering what Sonny was up to.

"Now, repeat after me." Sonny took a breath. "Will you, Sonny Monroe, consider marrying a nut case like me, Chad Dylan Copper, even thought I can't seem to find the right words to propose properly."

Chad smiled, Sonny knew him too well.

"Will you, Sonny Monroe, consider marrying a nut case like me, Chad Dylan Copper, even thought I can't seem to find the right words to propose properly. Please make me the happiest man on earth." Chad whispered the last part and took the ring out of his pocket.

"Chad I thought you'd never ask." Sonny laughed. "Of course I'll marry you." He took the ring and slid it onto her ring finger on her left hand.

"Sonny you have no idea how happy I am right now." Chad told her kissing her, hoping that she could feel it in the kiss.

"About as happy as I am." Sonny smiled. "Why didn't you just ask me. It's not like there was ever a chance of me refusing."

"I don't know. It just never seemed like a good time. And tonight thing just kept coming out of my mouth without my permission." Chad looked at the ground, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. After all he was just a little worried that she would say no.

Sonny took his face in her hands and brought it back to her own. "At first I thought you were trying to be funny. Like when you first asked me out but then I realized you weren't doing it on purpose. It was actually kind of cute how I have that effect on you." She laughed and kissed him again.

"Well then, how about we go back to my place future Mrs. Cooper?" Chad asked smirking at Sonny.

"Sure, and please tell me your not going to refer to me as future Mrs. Cooper?" Sonny pleaded as her and Chad got off the bench and started walking back towards his car.

"Either that or my future wife, or future Mrs. Chad Dylan Cooper, or Sonny Cooper, or my beautiful blushing bride." Chad said as he noticed a blush creeping up on Sonny's cheeks.

"Chad!" Sonny exclaimed lightly slapping his arm. He put his arm around her as they walked.

"How about the most stunningly beautiful and fantastic women on the face of this earth?"

Sonny finally gave in, "Whatever you want to call me you can Hun."

"Good. Cause Chad Dylan Cooper always gets what he wants."

And now and forever all I'll ever want is you.

A/N Yay! I'm sorry but I'm this is the last chapter *sniffle* I decided not to do the first chapter in Chad's POV cause I used my idea for that on this. Please don't hate me lol. So that's the end of Chad's questions. Look out for my new story "That's the Way I Loved You" which should be up soon. Good-bye…for now lol
