Chapter Two: Mustang's Ball
"Winry! The party starts at six, what the hell are you doing!" Elicia screeched at me as she came stomping into the living room where I was sitting.
"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm working," I said without looking up from my notes. The moment we had gotten home after seeing Miss Nina Tucker's body, I had gone straight to work on the case.
Currently, I was rereading the notes I had made examining the poor girl's body. I had just finished up surfing the web looking for any information on the Tucker family or anyone who seemed to have a strong relationship with them. Nina's father was Shou Tucker, who was a pretty well known actually based on just how much information I managed to find about him online. I definitely wanted to talk to this guy, and soon. I needed to know if he had any enemies, anyone who could have gone after Nina to get to him. Not to mention that Nina could have had enemies herself that I didn't know about yet.
"You should be getting ready though," Elicia said a bit irked as she tried to stack my papers that had spread out all over the living room floor.
"Getting ready for what?" I asked taking the stack of papers from her and digging through it for the page that mentioned something about Mrs. Tucker.
She didn't answer me right way, instead opting to just stare at me. Or at least that's what I assumed seeing as when I finally looked up that's what she was doing. "What?" I asked truly not understanding what had her all riled up.
"You Winry Rockbell are impossible," she said looking at me with such disdain I almost started to worry. Almost.
"What?" I just repeated. Really Elicia needed to learn to explain things better because right now those looks and explanations were getting us nowhere.
"The Party!" she all about screamed. I could tell she wasn't mad, just frustrated. Either way, I wasn't fond of the idea of Elicia being anything but her usual pleasant self. "The party Governor Mustang is throwing! The one we got invitations for a month ago! The fucking biggest party of the year!"
Boy she was really frustrated if she was cussing. If it was me, it wouldn't be that surprising. But for Elicia, it was something else.
Letting out a big sigh, she practically collapsed on the couch next to me. "You better now?" I asked trying not to giggle too much.
She just gave me that look, the look of pure hate, except coming from Elicia it just didn't have the same affect sadly. Like she would hurt a fly, well she would. I mean who wouldn't; they would just have to be stupid or a really really big pushover.
"It's just that, I'm so…" my best friend gestured wildly with her arms as if trying to grasp the right word.
"Frustrated?" I offered.
"Exactly," she exclaimed. Told you. "It's just that it's five thirty already and you haven't even started getting ready for Mustang's Birthday Party."
"About that-"
"Oh no you don't," Elicia cut me off as she pulled all my research from my hands, stacked it neatly, and placed it on our coffee table. "You are not going to ditch on this party too." She sounded like she meant business, but I could be more stubborn than her. I think.
She grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet and immediately started pushing me towards the stairs up to my bedroom. "I just don't think that tonight is the best night to go to a party."
"Why not?" she asked still pushing me. I only leaned back half heartedly giving her a difficult time, yet she still was managing to make progress, we were nearing the stairs. "This morning you were excited about it."
"Well that was this morning," I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I changed my mind."
"What made you change your mind," she grunted as we made it to the stairs finally and her job got a lot harder as gravity began to assist me. Still, she was winning, probably because I wasn't really struggling that much.
"Well-" so talk about an awkward situation. She knew full well what changed.
"Don't you dare use the case as an excuse, you work too hard."
Damn her. "But I like working, and this has got me really interested," I said trying not to let it come out like a whine. I failed miserably.
"You can work on it tomorrow so that's no excuse," she said quite adamantly. I hated it when she got in these kind of moods.
"Well, there is something else, or should I say someone else," I admitted slowly.
Elicia froze. "Who?" She sounded interested, as in she didn't get what I meant at all.
"Someone I don't want to see."
"Oh, well who?" I love Elicia but sometimes she was a bit daft. I mean really, it wasn't that hard to guess.
"Mustang's invited all of our district's policemen," I said turning around and facing her for the first time since we had started this conversation.
It finally seemed to dawn on her, "Havoc."
"Exactly," I said heading back downstairs.
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when it only took a moment for Elicia to follow me protesting all the way. "Wait, wait, wait," she scurried down and got back in front of me. "You have to go."
I scoffed at the idea, "Why?" I simply asked crossing my arms across my chest.
"Because!" Wow, I had forgotten how amazing Elicia's arguments could be. "Mustang knows you personally, he'll be offended if you don't."
"He has tons of people coming, I'm sure he won't notice I'm not there."
"Winry," she was whining now, that's just wonderful. "You have to go."
"No I don't, I don't want to deal with Havoc tonight and I have plenty of work that I can be doing," I said before giving Elicia a half smile and walking past her and back into the living room. I thought that was the end of the discussion.
"But you have to go," apparently not.
"Because if you don't then you'll never meet 'the guy' and you'll never get married and I'll never get to be your maid of honor and you'll get old and live all by yourself and have a million cats and eventually you'll look back and say 'Why didn't I go to Mustang's Birthday Party all those years ago?' and I'll feel awful for the rest of my life."
For a moment neither of us said anything as Elicia tried to catch her breath and I tried to comprehend just what she had said.
"I don't even like cats. I like dogs."
"Seriously, that's the one thing you got from all that," she said looking at me completely exasperated.
I laughed. "Fine I'll go when you put it that way," I said rolling my eyes.
"Yay, now we just have to get ready," Elicia said smiling as if it was Christmas already. I must have made a face though because next thing I knew she was reassuring me. "It will be fine Winry, tell you what you can talk all about the case as we get ready. You never told me about how you knew Nina wasn't raped."
I sighed as once again I was pushed upstairs and forced to find a nice dress for the party. "You really want to talk about Nina while we get ready," I asked a bit incredulously as I walked into my room with Elicia right behind me. I mean think about it, talking about a dead girl while getting ready for the biggest party of the season, just kinda weird. Not that I mind, I just figured that Elicia would.
"Well, it's kinda creepy, but I gotta know all the facts sooner or later," she answered with a small shrug. Who was I to disagree?
"Well, you know how Nina's body was cut all-"
"Stop," Elicia suddenly cut me off holding up her hands almost as if she was surrendering to me.
This went on for several minutes with me trying to get a word in and Elicia constantly cutting me off. But eventually, I gave in crossing my arms and letting the little liar speak. She had said that I could talk about the rape what business did she have interrupting before I even began.
"I have one condition," she said holding up her finger as if I was still in elementary school. "You can't get so into explaining about Nina's case and completely blow off getting ready for the party, or even worse the party itself."
I started to protest, but cutting me off again Elicia simply said, "Just promise and we can get on with our lives."
"Fine," I said rolling my eyes. She motioned with her hands for me to say more, letting out a breath through my nose slowly I finished up, "I promise. Happy now?"
"Very, now let's find you a dress," and with that Elicia practically bounded into my closet.
"So anyway," I followed her and seeing her already looking through all my clothes I began to do the same. "Nina's body was cut all over, meaning whomever," Elicia suddenly held up a pink sundress, it was pretty but I frowned and shook my head no.
"I want to look a bit more classy, you know."
"Gotcha, and continue."
"Whomever killed Nina obviously didn't care how bad she looked when people would find her," I pulled out a navy blue halter dress and held it up to my body for my best friend's approval.
She looked over it thoughtfully before announcing the verdict, "It could work but honestly I think the Governor has already seen you in it at one of his other parties."
"And we couldn't possibly wear something that he's already seen me in," I said feigning arrogance.
"Not when you're still single," Elicia said smugly.
I slipped the dress back in with my other clothes careful not to let it fold over, ironing sucked. "You do realize that Governor Mustang is already married right?"
"Of course, I just mean for any other guy you might meet tonight," she said thumbing through my hangers.
"Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't give you the right to make me get one," I told her already knowing she was going to try and send as many single guys my way tonight, not that I minded really as long as she didn't send over Havoc.
"You're no fun, how about that little black dress you just got a couple of weeks ago?" Elicia was a genius, I should have thought of it sooner.
"That would definitely work," I said truly starting to get excited about the party now that I would have something to wear. It didn't take very long for me to find the exact dress that Elicia was talking about.
"Put it on! Put it on!" Elicia chimed, but I didn't need any kind of encouragement.
Already I had slipped off the jeans and cowl neck top that I had been wearing. Quickly, I slipped the dress over my head and Elicia zipped it up without me even having to ask. Grinning, we ran to my bathroom and let me get a good look at myself in the full mirror on the door.
It wasn't like I had forgotten how the dress looked, but I certainly hadn't remembered it looking this good on me. It was simple, it had spaghetti straps and then a slight v neck the hugged my chest tight enough that there was some definitely cleavage without making me look slutty. Then it was tight down my body showing off my hips, but where it hit just below the hips it loosened up enough to the point that at the bottom, which was right above my knees, flowed nicely when I twirled.
"Perfect," I said smiling at Elicia so thankful that she had helped me.
"Almost perfect," she answered making a face that clearly said she knew what needed to be done, even if I didn't. "Continue with the whole raping thing while I get what you need."
Grabbing my hairbrush, I just shook my head slightly as Elicia ducked back into my room. I did take her words to heart though. "So he obviously doesn't have anything against her being found in such a messy state," I said loud enough that Elicia could hear me from the other room.
"Doesn't that mean if anything that he would have been more likely to rape her, not caring if she was defiled like that," Elicia called back.
Pulling my brush through my hair rigorously I answered, "Well, that's what one would think, but if that's the case then he wouldn't have cared if her underwear had been left pulled down."
She poked her head back in the door, "And they weren't."
"Exactly, if he had raped her he would have just left them be, but as it was, it seems like he didn't mess with her that way at all. Of course I'll want to verify that with the forensics report," I said finally finishing getting all the knots out of my hair.
"But not till tomorrow right?"
"Yeah," I agreed. It was strange talking about such a horrific thing while doing something as mundane as brushing one's hair, but in my line of work it was understandable.
"Well, I guess it's a good thing that she didn't get raped, but the whole thing is still depressing, so we need a change of subject," Elicia said walking into the bathroom with her arms behind her back. What was she hiding?
"I have the solution to what's wrong with what you're wearing," she said sticking out her chest slightly. Obviously she was pretty pleased with herself.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked taking the bait.
"You need," she wipped out a pair of my underwear and bra from behind her back, mind you both black and very lacy, "sexy underwear!"
Please tell me she was kidding. It wasn't the idea of wearing something so revealing that bothered me, after all I recognized both pieces as mine. It was more so the fact that she had to tell me something like that for me to remember. I made a face, it was unavoidable.
"Oh come on Winry!" she whined sticking out her lip slightly. "You know if you are gonna wear something so hot you have to have underwear that matches."
She was right. She was 100 percent correct; I just didn't want her to know that. With a small "Gah!" I snatched the lacy under belongings from her hands and shut myself in my room to change without her in sight all the while giving her the silent treatment. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I was being modest, it was more like I was showing Elicia that I didn't appreciate her going through my underwear drawer.
Too bad she didn't take it that way. "Winry," she practically moaned through the bathroom door. When I didn't respond she tried a different tactic. "You so need to get laid."
Having just finished changing my underthings and kicking the ones I had on in the hamper, I completely protested. "What!" Okay, more like reacted.
"I said-"
I threw open the door interrupting her, "I know what you said and it's so not true."
She just tilted her head slightly and gave me "the look." That look that screamed "don't even give me that kind of crap because you know what I just said is completely true and you can protest all you want but it won't change a thing."
"You haven't had a date in two months," she added raising one of her eyebrows.
"I've been busy."
"No, you've been bored." Well, I couldn't really deny that one could I. "And the last guy you did date, that Kimblee guy, was just creepy."
"He wasn't creepy," I said automatically.
She gave me "the look" again. "Okay, maybe he was kinda," I had to admit remember the way he would smile. It always reminded me kinda of a shark. I had thought it was cool at first, almost hot, but then it just got plain disturbing.
"Plus, you didn't even sleep with him, which I personally am happy about the guy wasn't worth your time at all. But it means you haven't done it for quite a while," she said motioning with her hands at the 'it'.
"Wait, how do you even know that," I demanded incredulous to how well Elicia knew my life.
She shrugged and turned around strolling out of my bathroom and then my room. Of course I followed. "Really, how do you know that?" I asked as we walked down stairs.
"It's my job to know as your best friend," she said nonchalantly.
"Well then the same goes for me for you right," I asked already thinking ahead to what I could say.
It took her a moment to comprehend my confusing sentence, but then she nodded her head and said, "Yeah, I guess it is."
I jumped in front of her right as we got to her bedroom door. "Then why haven't you slept with Fletcher yet?" I asked smugly.
Like I've said before, Elicia is just much too easy to fluster and embarrass. Ironic since she can tease me all day without getting the slightest shade of pink, but the moment I decided to tease her back her ears go as red as a cherry.
"It's different, we haven't been dating as long," she answered ducking her head slightly and pushing past me.
"But you're in love with him," I said without even turning around. I didn't have to look to know that she had frozen.
"I don't want to mess it up Winry," she said seriously. Strange how in two seconds the conversation could go from depressing, to teasing, to completely serious.
I finally turned around; Elicia wasn't looking at me, instead looking at her closet door without opening it. Her ears were still red and her hands were fumbling with the bottom of her shirt, something she only did when she didn't have her camera around her neck to keep her hands steady with.
Taking a couple steps, I clapped my hand down on her shoulder. Times like this reminded me of how I was the older one, only by a year, and I had to look out for Elicia and her number one enemy, herself. "You worry too much," and with a little smile a silent understanding passed between us.
"So I can send guys your way tonight right?" she asked as we went into her closet looking for a suitable dress for her.
I laughed, "Of course not, just the cute ones though okay," I joked.
"Pssh, of course," she laughed right along side of me. "Only the best for you Winry."
"Thanks," I giggled slightly looking through Elicia's closet unsure of what I was really looking for.
"What about Russell?" she suddenly asked catching me by surprise.
"What about him?" I shot back knowing what she meant but not wanting to think about it.
"You know, Fletcher's brother. I think he might have a small crush on you."
I frowned, it wasn't that I didn't like Russell. More that there wasn't that thing with him, there was no spark. "We could even double date then!" Elicia practically exclaimed off in her own world.
"Now hold your horses," I said bringing my best friend back to reality. "You can send him my way for a dance, but don't blame me if nothing happens okay?"
She smiled brightly, "That's all I can ask."
"Good now let's find you a dress and finish getting ready, we don't want to be late," I said already half excited and half dreading what would come that night.
We decided to take a cab because Elicia took so long to pick out her dress, a teal jersey style attire with a neckline made of slightly more shimmery material. I couldn't say what it was called, only that it did look rather nice on her. The point however, was that she was so worried what her darling Fletcher would think that she had to have everything perfect. Even to going onto my dresser and stealing some nice silver earrings that matched her dress.
As the cab drew closer to the large ballroom it was hard to keep still. Not because I was so excited, but because of the overly exaggerating shaking of the arm my best friend was doing. I could see the excitement bouncing around in her eyes as she saw the amount of people walking up the stairs.
The cab pulled in the line with the other cars. It took a couple minutes but eventually we made it to the front stairs. I paid the cab driver his fee and stepped out of the car. With my small black rectangle purse tucked under my arm and my other arm looped with my best friend's, we climbed the stairs. Climbing stairs with heels was never anything fun, but it was worth it to look classy with everyone else.
The people just in front of us were an elderly couple. The man had a complete tuxedo on with a top hat, and a cane, something I didn't actually think people brought with them. His older, rather opaque women had some dead animal wrapped around her neck. I supposed it was fancy looking but I could never have some animal around my neck. Just all too creepy for me.
Then again I supposed what's creepy for me isn't creepier for others. Like the killer of Nina Tucker can manage to slash her apart. It's probably enjoyable for him as well. This lady finds it fashionable to carry a dead animal skin around her neck. Creepy to me, normal to her.
We walked through the large doorways that really looked like arches more than anything. Stone engraved lines ran up the walls. I felt my head tipping back to have my eyes scan them all the way up.
"Invitation ma'am?"
There was a man standing there looking impatient and Elicia on the other side of him looking curious.
"Your invitation," he deadpanned.
"Oh, yeah sorry," I handed him the invite and he nodded letting me through.
"You okay?" Elicia asked.
"Yeah just drifting a little," I replied smiling.
"Well get your head back down to earth," Elicia exclaimed. "Look where we are."
She said that just as we walked into the main ballroom. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. The ceiling was so high and detailed. It was gold with engravings of what looked to be from angels and people all the way to animals. Pictures of scenery and any other intricate design. A couple large crystal chandeliers hung low. They twinkled and sparkled with the lights dancing all around the room. The walls matched the ceiling with the gold and the patterns. On both sides there were large glass doors. They reached maybe twenty feet in the air and resembled the main ones that were outside. Each door led out to a balcony that I knew looked over the city and all throughout the room tables covered in pristine white tablecloths were spread.
Elicia almost squealed in delight. I was never that girl that loved fancy things, but even I had to admit that getting dressed up and going to an elegant place like this every now and then was a must. We didn't even look like our usual sloppy selves either. We looked the part and could fit in pretty well here.
We went to the table to receive our name cards and our table number. I hoped the table we sat at wouldn't be filled with weird people. That was always the worst, to be stuck with people that you couldn't stand.
"Lucky table 13," I mumbled as I got my name card.
Elicia smiled at me before we made our way to our table. We didn't even make it however. On our way we crashed into Russell and Fletcher, literally bumping into them. Elicia was gazing around the room at all the people, no doubt looking for Fletcher, when she bumped into none other than the blond.
"H-hey Elicia," Fletcher stuttered, probably from being surprised.
"Hey Fletcher," Elicia smiled sweetly.
"You look absolutely beautiful," He told her with his eyes gazing up and down.
Elicia did a small twirl with a cute innocent giggle. "Thank you and you look quite handsome yourself."
"Would you like to dance?" He asked holding out his hand.
Elicia nodded and took hold of his hand before hurrying off.
"Nice to see you too, Fletcher," I called after them.
Russell laughed. "He was so excited to come to this to see Elicia."
"Oh don't I know that," I replied. "Elicia couldn't sit still all day waiting for this."
"What table are you at?" He asked.
"Lucky 13," I joked.
"Hey, same here!" He laughed. "What a coincidence."
"Yeah wow," I was so happy I had someone normal and sane to talk to. I could see myself hanging with Russell the rest of the night. As long as I was with him, Havoc wouldn't continually hit on me.
"Well would you like to go sit down?" He asked gentlemanly.
"I'm going to get a drink first," I told him before remembering my manners. "Would you like one?"
"Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you get us the drinks?" He smiled handsomely. "Let me go get the drinks and you sit down."
I quickly shook my head. "No, that's okay. See if I sat down by myself I might pick up wondering lonely men." Namely Havoc. "But you won't."
"Well I hope I don't get wondering lonely men," He joked.
I laughed along because it was funny enough. As long as it didn't get awkward I could live. "But really let me get the drinks. Please."
"Okay fine," He held up his hands in defeat. "I'll meet you over at the table."
I smiled and nodded before turning to find some drinks. I know servers would eventually come around and ask but who wanted to wait that long. I spotted the long rectangular table that held all the drinks. From precious wine in tall crystal flute glasses, to simple silver cups with golden rims of punch. I weaved my way through the tables and finally reached my destination.
I grabbed two flute glasses and turned to head back to my table. If I could get there quick enough than maybe I wouldn't have to deal with Havoc at all tonight.
"Winry, hey!"
Shit. "Hey Havoc," I deadpanned. So much for my plan.
He came strolling up with a self-pleasant smirk placed upon his face. He was dressed in his formal police attire. His hair was neat and clean like always. He leaned on the table and his eyes gazed me up and down.
"Well Winry you look beautiful." Oh he was actually being polite. "Although, I still think you look better without the clothes."
I grunted, "Thanks Havoc."
"So how have ya been?" He asked.
"You see me all the time you know how I've been."
"Well I don't know something might've happened since last time I saw you." He scratched the back of his head.
"Well nothing happened," I replied.
There was an awkward pause and I let out an extra big sigh just so he would know that it existed. He looked at the dance floor and looked back at me and I knew what he wanted.
"Hey Winry, you uhh wanna dance."
I flicked my hair a little and looked him square in the face. "No Havoc I don't want to dance because you see this extra glass in my hand." I lifted up the second flute class in my left hand. "This is for the Russell who is sitting with me at the table so sorry I can't dance right now."
I brushed past him quickly because I didn't want to wait around to see his reaction. I hurried quickly to table 13 afraid Havoc would come after me. I found it in the center surrounded by many other tables. Various people were scattered about at each table having simple conversation, mingling as they say.
I felt like I was in a maze. People with chairs pushed back blocked off the path and I'd have to find another way. I ended up looping back and forth looking like a total idiot. The worst part is when I finally reached my table, Russell wasn't there.
He may have went to the restroom or he might've been dancing, either way I couldn't sit around here and wait. I decided I'd just go to the balcony and wait a bit before going back in. Maybe Elicia, Fletcher, and Russell would all be back at the table by then. I wouldn't have to be a complete loner. I was so worried about avoiding Havoc and people seem to be avoiding me.
"I'd rather be working on the murder case," I mumbled to myself.
"That sounds extreme," another voice answered my personal talk.
My head snapped up to see a young man leaning on the balcony, or at least he was until I came out and he turned to see the newcomer to the balcony. I noticed right away he didn't match with the rest of the crowd here. He wasn't rich looking in anyway and I could just for some reason. He had a knowing smile on his face as he leaned against the railing. He had dark plated slacks on with a simple white shirt that hung out loosely over his pants. His arms were crossed and I could see his blonde hair was long and braided.
"I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was out here."
"Does that mean you want to be alone?"
"Not exactly." Quite the opposite really, I wanted to find my friends.
"Well that's good," He answered turning back around to look over the garden that was kept around the building.
I had to admit my curiosity was increasing. I walked over and leaned on the railing next to the intriguing man. "Why's that?"
"Well you're either looking for a friend or you want to be by yourself to get drunk." He nodded to my glasses.
I looked down to see I still had both glasses in my hand. Oh man, I gotta look like such a loser. I feel like its prom and my date ditched me.
Wordlessly I handed the glass to him.
"Oh why thank you," he said overly nice.
I gave him a look and he just smirked before taking a sip. "I wonder if this tastes this good because it's high class, or if I just feel special drinking out a crystal glass."
"You don't go to very many of these do you?" I asked taking a sip myself and completely agreeing with him that it was delicious.
He shook his head. "Rich people and politicians are not for me."
"Same here." I turned to him. "Then why are you here?"
"I got invited," He replied.
"Well couldn't you turn them down if you don't enjoy this?" I pressed.
He shrugged. "I suppose I could but I wouldn't hear the end of it."
"Yeah, I understand that," I turned back to look at the beautiful garden.
"So why are you here if you don't enjoy this either?"
"My friend would've killed me if I didn't come."
He nodded understandingly. "Well, it would still be fun if you were with your friend."
"That's true," I twirled the wine in my glass keeping the taste. "But there's this guy who keeps talking to me."
"Ah of course," The young man chuckled. "The creepy guy goes after the beautiful women."
I smiled. He was good, he was complimenting me while taking my side. But I wasn't any old girl, I knew to be careful for his flattering words.
"He's not that creepy just…"I thought of the words but I wasn't too sure how to describe Havoc.
"Answer me one thing," The man leaned on his elbow and faced me. "Is he creepy in the overly nice way where he does everything for you, or is he creepy in the way where he can't take no for an answer."
"He's not creepy," I laughed and he gave me a knowing look. "…the latter," I mumbled taking another sip.
He laughed, it was nice laugh I had to say. He held out his hand, "I'm Edward Elric."
I grasped it gently and we did a brief shake, "Winry Rockbell."
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you."
"I can say the same."
"I hope you stay out here a bit longer with me," He smiled and how could I say no. Besides, this was the most fun I've had so far.
"Of course."
"We do have one problem though." He frowned.
"What's that?"
"We're out of wine and there is a creeper in there guarding it."
I covered my mouth in laughter and slapped him lightly. "He's not a creeper."
"Okay, you stay here," He pointed down. "I'll go find us some more drinks."
"Just let me go with you," I said.
He smirked. "My plan all along."
I smiled ready to head off with him but we were stopped.
"There you are!"
We looked towards the doorway to see none other than governor Mustang. He had a flute glass in his own hand which was currently spread out wide. His assistant, Riza, was at his side like always.
I was a little mad when Mustang shouted to me like that. I didn't want Ed thinking I was this big rich girl that new the governor knows. I was already trying to explain to Ed when I saw Mustang give Ed a good hearty hand shake.
"I was so worried I wouldn't be able to find you," Mustang said seriously.
"Why's that?" Ed laughed.
"Because everyone towers over you inside I thought you'd be lost forever."
That friendly handshake soon turned into a strongman competition.
"What did you just say," Ed growled. "That's coming from the man that only got a job because the former governor was doing illegal activities."
Mustang laughed and let go first which I saw Ed get a flash of victory on his face. Mustang then turned to me. He put and arm around me and took a deep drink of his wine. He was obviously past a few. Something only Mustang as governor would be able to pull off.
"That's all thanks to this girl right here." He gave me a good shake and I normally would've found this situation funny but I was worried what Ed would think. We were off to such a good start.
Ed's eyes lit up in recognition. "You're that Winry?"
I nodded slowly not sure what to expect.
Ed smiled confidently. "You are a very talented writer."
"You've read my stuff?" I was shocked.
He nodded and jerked his thumb at Mustang who was currently being calmed down by Riza. "That man over there has sent me some of yours since I'm actually not from here."
"You're not?" This man was indeed interesting.
"No he's not," Mustang pushed through Riza back over to us. "He is Edward Elric lead journalist for the magazine Horror Fiction."
My mouth dropped. "Are you fucking serious. That's the best magazine. I have every issue. I didn't know you were him."
He shrugged trying to seem modest but I could tell it he was enjoying this so much. He did have every right to be hubris. Mustang soon pulled him away and started talking with him again a couple feet over. All I could think at that point was the fact that he was Edward Elric the writer for HF.
Horror Fiction was one of the most read magazines in the world. The name can be misleading because many things that are written in it are in fact true. It isn't the normal tabloid found at corner store, it was a once a month magazine that would report on anything horrifying in the world, but that isn't why people read it. It also told mysterious – yet still terrifying – stories. That's why everyone really read it, for the mystery articles. Sometimes the mysteries were left unsolved, while other times they were completely revealed in all gruesomeness. Making it a highly addicting piece of work.
And in this top of the line magazine, was a top of the line write. He had the most famous and well written articles, horror filled mysteries that were always solved. It's why everyone liked his work, because they knew it would always end with the answer. They were also a hundred percent true every time. Even if he had to get up close and personal, something I believe in very strongly.
Once, he was writing an article about a gruesome murderer who killed young women. They gave him the title Barry The Chopper. He would chop them up into little pieces and Ed was determined to find the killer even though the police couldn't. It was also humorous because Ed always makes fun of the police he has to work with, another thing I always can relate to. However, in the end, he'd always figure the case out himself. Ed was the only one who noticed a beautiful girl who acted a little too strangely. He followed her into a suspicious alley and Ed witnessed as the women took a wig off.
It was obvious that this was Barry The Chopper. Unfortunately for Ed, Barry noticed him. He pulled a butchers knife out of his car and charged Ed. I swear I felt like I was Ed as he described his fight for survival. His skill in writing was obviously the highest in any form of public reading. I'll admit he was better than me, it wasn't even an insult. When I read how he grabbed a pole nearby to block the bloodied butcher's knife I could see Barry charging me. I could imagine the fear he felt when he so skillfully and specifically wrote the blade swinging over his head.
He was knocked to the ground and found himself knowing the end was coming when a shot rang out. Turns out a police officer thought Ed was being suspicious, so he was following him and in the end he saved Ed's life. Although Ed wasn't the big hero triumphing over Barry himself, he was a major contributor in catching the murderer.
Now I watched this man who escaped death being tormented by the governor. Mustang was relentlessly teasing Ed about his height. He wasn't that short, taller than me but just not the average man. It was nothing to get upset about but perhaps it was just something Ed couldn't stand.
He eventually turned to me and mouthed the word help.
I smiled at him and mouthed back why,
He let kinda collapse upon himself and let his arms hang. Please.
I giggled modestly. What do I get out of it? Trying to be a little flirty.
He looked at my quizzically. What?
He must not have understood me. What do I get out of it?
"What do I get out of it!" I shouted.
Mustang just stared at me like I was a deranged monkey trying to climb a cactus. Ed just smirked like the devil and I knew he did that on purpose. I felt my hands form into fists.
"Come on Governor," Riza called smiling at the situation. "There are other people to meet."
She led him away and he just kept staring at me like I was utterly insane. When they left Ed strolled up to me. He wasn't smiling brightly, just a proud smirk for his accomplishment.
"You're a jerk."
Can a smirk get more arrogant…his did.
"I knew it would be enough to get him to stop." He tipped his head inside. "We never got those drinks."
"Get your own drink," I grumbled as I looked back towards the railing.
I wasn't really mad at all. Just was overacting a bit, seeing how far he'd go to make it right. A little female trick I've picked up when first meeting a guy.
"Very well."
Then he walked away like it was nothing. I immediately felt disappointed because he was the only fun thing about tonight. I let out a sigh and leaned on the railing. I now knew that he wasn't that into me at all. If he was he would've tried harder to make me happy, or fetched the drinks himself. Whatever, I just ruined the one chance I actually had at a good night.
"What in the world is that man doing?" Someone said loud enough for me to hear it.
I turned around to see everyone staring at a blond carrying the giant punch bowl. He kept bumping into people and apologizing. Well…he would tell them to get out of the way, but I could tell it was just the way he did it. He came back onto the balcony and I turned around and faced the other way. He set the bowl on the railing next to me and I turned my head surprised.
"Well I figured we'd run out of drinks a lot and I didn't want to keep going in, so I brought the punch bowl out." Still that ever present smirk was placed so gently on his face.
I found myself laughing even though I was completely embarrassed. "I can't believe you brought that out here."
"Why not, we needed drinks?" He said it so innocently and honestly it almost seemed like a completely logical argument. He held up two silver cups. "It's out here, so come on."
Once again, he made it just seem so logical I couldn't help myself laugh along while dipping the cup into the punch. He touched cups before drinking heartily, for we did have a whole bowl now with us.
I found myself enjoying everything about that night and I didn't once go back inside. We stayed outside on that balcony talking through the whole evening. I knew people would tell me I missed the real good evening the next couple days. I knew they would find me insane for being outside all night. But I couldn't care less, no matter what happened inside.
When people sat down for dinner, Ed was telling me about the time he got a cat out of a tree for a little girl, and the cat scratched him across the face. When Mustang made his speech to everyone, I was telling Ed about how I had to teach Elicia how to drive stick because that was the car we rented one time on a business trip. I explained how it was like facing my own Barry The Copper. Elicia The Absoutely God Awful Driver. I didn't even come up with that name, that was him. It was stupid humor that was just beyond hilarious that night.
It just kept going and going. Even when Mustang punched some politician that disagreed with him. Ed was showing me how he could dislocate his thumb and I returned his useless talent with my own talent of fitting my fist in my mouth. When Mustang was found hanging with his little possy group discussing how attractive the one waitress was instead of discussing his plans for the cities recently burned down library. I was laughing with Ed about how the punch bowl tipped over and landed on a statue making it look like the angelic boy had a hat. When Mustang was being threatened by Riza to stop eye groping the waitress, I was being kept warm by Ed's arm around me.
When everyone was inside, I was outside staring at all the stars in the sky. The ones that twinkled with the pride of being there forever and rained down over us all. With the bright moon watching over the night sky, lighting the darkness to keep it away. I was feeling the breeze that was full of new life and an energizing charge; getting the smell of all the flowers to mix and create a garden aroma that made me forget I was in a city.
When Havoc was inside all evening searching for me, I was outside with Edward Elric, having the most wonderful night of my life.
It didn't stop there. He finally said the words that I was waiting to hear. The five words that sang to me to like out of a lullaby.
"Wanna get out of here?"
He said it with such confidence and assurance that I couldn't have said no if I wanted. If it wasn't his voice alone that got me it was his eyes. Then he took my arm and he lead me out of there. I left a message on Elicia's phone saying I was leaving. She ditched me right away so it was only fair I got to ditch her in the end.
What made my night even better was when Ed suggested we walked instead of taking a taxi. A taxi ride is too short, and I wanted this night to last as long as it could. I looped my arm into his and leaned against his shoulder as we walked. There never was a lull in the conversation. It was always going on and we both contributed. He never just talked forever about anything, and I tried my hardest not to drift off on a topic about work. I had a habit of doing that.
I've never thought the city at night was so majestic. I was always afraid and scared of everything. The usual gloom of the yellow street lights turned into almost a golden pathway we were walking on. The creepy alleyways that would look like ominous dark voids now were simply something that wasn't even worth looking at. Cars that roared by didn't even disrupt the atmosphere we had assembled between us. Nothing would.
We reached my house and there wasn't a cliché awkward jingling of the keys as I waited for him to make his move. I simple turned to him and he put his hand up on my cheek. His confident yet reassuring smirk was present on his handsome face. But that wasn't what started me leaning in. It was the golden eyes. They drew me to him like a magnet and I would never be able to pull back. Who would want to?
My eyes closed as I felt his rough lips placed on mine. His arms moved down to my hips and I wrapped mine around his torso. I leaned my body into his and the kiss was deep and pure. We both stopped and pressed our foreheads together. I had to ask, there was no way I couldn't.
"Come inside?"
He half chuckled through a smile. Not a smirk, a smile. "Maybe some other time."
He placed a second quick yet gentle kiss on my lips before stepping back down the couple steps that lead up to my house. "I'll call you tomorrow okay?"
"You better." I narrowed my eyes jokingly.
He laughed before turning and swiftly walking away. I forced myself go inside not wanting to be caught watching him. I shut the door behind me and smiled relieving the moment that just occurred. I brought my hand up to my lips and ran my finger across the bottom one. They still tasted a little like him. I stepped away from the door and headed to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and waited.
Oh, Elicia was going to be so excited.
Well, I had nothing to say (this is FFG by the way), that is until Frey and I couldn't decide on a name for the chapter (which really was just me being really picky and him saying just put Mustang's party and I finally caved), and so sorry if that's not creative enough for you guys. Oh well, enjoy.