Adam's Song.

Summary: One of the ducks has a secret.
Paring: None really.
Rated: T, because it deals with some pretty heavy stuff.
Disclaimer: Disney owns the Mighty Ducks Franchise. The title, Adam's song is a song by Blink182. This doesn't actually have to deal with the song, but it fits because of the title character. If I owned either Adam, Charlie or Gunnar Stahl, I'd be a happy girl. But, no. :(
Similar stories are entirely coincidental, apologizes before hand.
Length: One shot, could be more if your nice and review. (:

Anorexia. Something you think only happens to girls, right? Thats not true. Most people don't realize it happens in both genders.

Adam Banks was perfect. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect life. Nobody thought he was hiding something.

Adam didn't even know he had Anorexia, he never thought he could. He never noticed anything was wrong. The push from his father, caused him to feel so closed up inside. Never happy, always making his father upset.

Be like your brother. Take that Ducks jersey off, you're an embarrassment. Do better in school.

He could never do anything right.

He did it for control. He felt that was all he could do. Don't eat too much, work out, play hockey.

No one noticed, not even his beloved coach Bombay.


So what do you think? (:

Review, please. Even if you hate it.