Well, this is the last chapter…

And there's some parts that might be confusing in this. They're supposed to be like this. I'll answer everything in the sequel(s).

And one last thing that has nothing to do with this fic. I would really like to know what you want to find out in Endless Love (sequel to Shine). I'm trying to see if there are any questions you want answered that I left open, or if you just want to know stuff, so if you do, tell me. You can PM me or leave a review for Shine or Endless Love. I do read them all, and I will get back to anyone who PMs me.

Irony: Just as I was typing that, Endless Love came on my iPod…


"Lila!" I heard David scream as my eyes slowly opened.

"Ow…" I sighed. "I passed out. I didn't go deaf."

"Sorry…" David sighed. "What was that?"

"I don't know. All I saw was…" I flashed back to when I fainted, "I saw this weird light, and some…I don't know if I could even call whatever it was a 'man'…but anyway…I'll just call it 'it'…"

"Just tell me!"

"Ugh, sorry…It asked me if I wanted to go home…"

"And what did you say?" David asked, somewhat impatiently.

"Nothing. David, I think it was more like a vision than a dream…not that I'm psychic or something…"

It was just then that Adam yelled from across the island.

"Danny's unconscious! Come over here."

We ran over. Poor Danny was lying, looking dead.

"You sure he's not just asleep?" David asked, stupidly.

I rolled my eyes as I checked his pulse.

"He's alive. But barely." I sighed. "Does anyone know CPR?" Adam stood up.

"As long as it keeps him alive." I stroke Danny's pare face. Slowly, a tear fell from mine. I couldn't bear to be there suddenly. I had to leave. Before I could tell myself to stay, I was moving. I wasn't controlling my body anymore. Just like with the vision, or whatever it was...


"W-who are you?" I asked, scared. I didn't know where I was. I must have blanked out again.

"Don't worry, you're safe here," I heard a male voice whisper, calmingly. I couldn't see his face, only that he wore a long white tunic, and reminded me of a Greek God. It all seemed familiar, but what was it...?

"What do you want from me?!?" I screamed, running stupidly, only to realize I had nowhere to go.

"Don't worry. I'll solve all of your problems. Just trust me"

I laughed a very cold, half hearted laugh. "Sure. If you can solve my problems, prove it."

He lifted his arms a small light came from it. The light beam flew around and exploded with a small crackle, almost like a firecracker.

"What just happened?"

"I'll send you back." he sighed. "Then I will come down."

And like that, I was back, as if I had never left.


"ADAM! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!!!" Danny yelled, shoving Adam off his lips.

"Danny!" I yelled, hugging him. "You're okay!"

He gave me a confused look. "When was I not?"

"Dude, you almost died...I was giving you CPR," Adam answered. Before they could finish their argument, David walked back in, not that anyone knew he had left.

"You three are going home," he said, calmly.

"W-what?" I asked. "W-what about you?"

"Your friend is staying with me," this time I saw his face. He had curly blond hair and bright green eyes.


"It either he stays or you all stay," the guy, who's name I still didn't know, yelled.

"Lila, go. Danny and Adam should go too. I'll be fine," David kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too David. Now I just need to know one thing. Why do you need David?"

"Well, without all of you humans running around, I realized if I let you go, I'll need entertainment."

"Um…ew…" David made a disgusted face.

"Not THAT! I'm not freakin' gay…"

Adam cleared his throat. Whatever his name is ignored it.

"I'll let him go one day soon. After you're gone. But you have to go now."

I hesitated. A tear escaped from my eye. "Goodbye…" I muttered. David hugged me.

"Lila…don't worry…I love you. We'll be together one day. I promise." David comforted me as I destroyed his shirt.

You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby

That was our song. He sang it to me every night when we fell asleep. And his voice was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

And like that, it was gone.


So, there's the end of Lost and Found. I already have the sequel started, so I'll try to have that up soon. Just two questions for you.

1) What should the guys name be? (Whatever his name is)

2) Which title should I use for the sequel? Both work, I'm just not sure which to use…

Here's the description (might change but…)

Lila's back home and heartbroken. Without David, she's nothing. But when life takes its own course, she has to find David before he's out of her reach. Sequel to Lost and Found.

-Life After You

-Wherever You Are

If you have any other ideas, I'll take them into consideration. Just PM me or leave a review as usual. (If you PM me though, leave a review anyway:))

Anyway, thanks for reading this and sticking with me, even when I didn't update for months and months! Hopefully you'll like the sequels (yes, there will be more than one:)) and everything else I have planned for you.