Basically, Cinderpaw and Spottedpaw are in a modern-day ThunderClan camp (they have technology :D) and this takes place AFTER SUNRISE.

Me makes a cast list of the important characters for this story:

ThunderClan: Firestar- prank caller

Squirrelflight- has the power of....POKEMON!

Jayfeather- he commandeth the watereth and speakth like this...eth

Hollyleaf- Ha! she is evil and living in the caves

Lionblaze- no wait, he's not important. He's not in this too much either. He eats peanuts

Cinderpaw- Evil genius

Spottedpaw- Jayfeather's best friend and Death Note addict. Nickname= "V"

WindClan: Onestar- Spottedpaw's partner in crime

Breezepelt- Jayfeather's brother who eats almonds and is nicknamed "L"

ShadowClan: Blackstar- He's the police. Official case: catch Firestar

Flamepaw- he dodges your fireballs for free :P


Also, all of StarClan are in this!

Let the games begin!

Spottedpaw woke up and checked her cell phone. No texts. This was good, since she didn't know how to texts. No missed calls, either. Oh well. Spottedpaw decided to call Onestar and see if they had any "assignments"

"Hello, this is Onestar speaking. No, I do not have On star, or Poptarts."

(I do not own Onstar or Poptarts)

"Hey Onestar, it's Spottedpaw. Anything new?"

"Nope. Break day. Tomorrow we have to work with Blackstar though."

"Alright, thanks Onestar." BEEP!

Cinderpaw walked up to Spottedpaw. "Jayfeather wants to see you."

"Thanks," Spottedpaw mewed. Spottedpaw walked over to Jayfeather's den.

"V, thiseth is the worst storyeth evereth. I mean, come oneth, there's absolutelyeth NO detaileth," Jayfeather growled. "It's all Dialouge-eth."

"Really? Then how about this?" Spottedpaw asked. Spottedpaw began pacing around Jayfeather. Then she sorted the herbs. Then she paced again. Spottedpaw ran to the entrance of the camp and back. After that, Spottedpaw collected 10 leaves and placed them on Jayfeather's nest. Then she ate some water mint for her stomach ache and sat down in front of Jayfeather.

"Boringeth," Jayfeather growled before leaving to collect herbs.


Spottedpaw accepted the call. "Hello, this is Spottedpaw."

"Do you like waffles?"


"Do you like pancakes?"

"It's useless!" Spottedpaw spat.

"Do you like french toast?"

"Doo-doo-doo Can't wait to get a mouthful!" Spottedpaw screamed before turning her cell phone off. Then she walked over to the TV and watched Death Note. After that, she turned on her Nintendo DS and started talking to Blackstar on Picto-chat. When he left, Spottedpaw started making really weird faces on Picto-chat. Flamepaw got on after she made three smiley faces, posted a bunch of dots, and left. Spottedpaw shrugged and left a message to Firestar to ask him to stop playing the Waffles song. (Don't own that either) Then she grabbed her light saber and ran to the training hallow.

"Greeting Spottedpaw," Squirrelflight mewed. Squirrelflight used.....THUNDER BOLT! Spottedpaw broke the Thunder bolt. Spottedpaw rushed forward with her light saber.............................................

All was dark.

"What just happened?" Spottedpaw whispered. She was in the same place. Sandstorm was still there. The light saber, the training hallow, all of it.

Suddenly, a voice stirred her ear.

"Spottedpaw, my friend, I have made your sight go away. JUST LIKE JAYFEATHER! MUHAHAHAHA!" Tigerstar laughed evilly.

"That stinks," Spottedpaw hissed.

"What?" Sandstorm asked.

"Now I get to be a medicine cat. I lost my sight. Tigerstar took it," Spottedpaw mewed. She dropped the light saber and walked back to camp, relying on scent and memory. She made her way to the apprentices den and fell asleep.

"Welcome to the Path of Dreams" -a big sign.

Spottedpaw walked through the path until there was a fork in the road. Scenting both ways, she walked over to the path that smelled like StarClan and walked through.

She was greeted by the StarClan chorus.

"Greetings Spottedpaw. We greet you. Why are you here?" the chorus sang.

"I need to talk to Yellowfang," Spottedpaw growled.

Yellowfang got up from her tree and walked over to Spottedpaw. "What do you want?"

"I lost my sight, now I have to become a medicine cat! Now what?" Spottedpaw sobbed.

"You have three options," Yellowfang purred. "You can somehow die and join the StarClan chorus, become an elder and start a band, or become a medicine cat and still work with Onestar and Blackstar."

"I choose choice number...3!" Spottedpaw mewed. "Since this story is in my point of view, the other two options would be really boring anyway."

"I'll give you the knowledge of all the herbs. Now shoo."

Spottedpaw woke up to blackness. Wait a minute...what was that? Ooh, just the blackness. Who's that Pokemon? I don't know, all I can see is the blackness!

(I do not own Pokemon)

Spottedpaw scented her way to Jayfeather's den. Jayfeather was sorting blueberries.

"Umm....we Clans don't use blueberries for anything..." Spottedpaw muttered.

"They taste good though!" Jayfeather protested.

"Fine. By the way, Tigerstar made me blind, so now I'm your apprentice!" Spottedpaw told him.

"What about Leafpool?" Jayfeather pondered.

"She's a rouge now, remember?" Spottedpaw reminded him. "Anyway, I'm going to help Onestar and Blackstar figure out who the prank caller is. Bye!"

"My blueberries!" Jayfeather hissed.

(I forgot to mention no one knows that Firestar is the prank caller yet)

Spottedpaw and Onestar magically arrived in Blackstar's office. Blackstar got seats for them both, and they sat down and discussed their business.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Blackstar asked, putting on sunglasses.

"Let me check my laptop," Spottedpaw replied. Somehow, she was magically able to know what was on the screen, so Spottedpaw checked her email.

"According to L, Firestar is the prank caller." Spottedpaw informed them.

"Isn't your nickname V?" Onestar asked.



"Shh, this is a private office," Spottedpaw whispered. "Calm down. No one calls me V because only three people know I have this nickname. You two and Jayfeather."

"So how do we arrest Firestar?" Blackstar asked.

"You don't!" A mysterious figure answered. She wiped their memories and deleted Breezepelt's email.

"Ok, so who's the prank caller?" Blackstar asked.

"My only email is a mysterious figure saying 'Ha! I'm still alive!'" Spottedpaw informed them.

"So, let's go home and figure this out," Onestar suggessted.

"Good idea," Blackstar mewed. "By the way, there's a rumor that the Author has turned herself into a cat for this story. Any ideas on who it is?"

Nobody said anything, even though Spottedpaw was barely able to not laugh or smile.

"Alright, let's go home," Blackstar mewed. The three cats left to go talk to random cats from their Clans.

Spottedpaw toke a turn at the Sky Oak. Unfortunately, it was the wrong turn, so she ended up in the lake instead.

"I shall save you!" Lionblaze called out. Firestar raced to the lake and got Spottedpaw out of the lake.

"Are you okay?" Firestar asked.

"I'm the next medicine cat apprentice because I'm blind!" Spottedpaw hissed. "Other than that, yes."

"Good," Firestar mewed, and the three ThunderClan cats walked back to camp.

"Want a peanut?" Lionblaze asked.

"No," Spottedpaw replied. Lionblaze magically disappeared.

"Get any mysterious calls lately?" Firestar asked.

"Maybe," Spottedpaw told him before making another turn, this time the right turn, and went through a tunnel while Firestar went through a different tunnel.

Who went through the tunnel to the camp?

Where did the other cat go?

Why did Tigerstar take Spottedpaw's sight away?

Who wiped the memories of Blackstar, Onestar, and Spottedpaw?

Who are the members of the StarClan chorus?

Is the Path of Dreams still evil?

Why and how did Lionblaze disappear?

Why did Spottedpaw almost smile and laugh when the Author was mentioned?

How did Jayfeather obtain blueberries?

Will the blueberries become important?

Answer these questions if you wish by reviewing!

Until next time!
