Thank you for waiting everyone!

A/N: Wow, I lost track of time on this one. And I did some research on the lotus, it really does represent a lot of meaningful things. And I will mention some on that later on. But please enjoy this Chp!

Turning around the corner, Kanda scoffed at a bar sign. 'Might as well get a drink if the idiot is buying.' He mused silently. Lavi opened the heavy wooden plated doors giving Kanda a gesture as to go in. Kanda coughed as the musky smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke surrounded the bar and filled his nose. Unlike him, Lavi was happily walking over to the counter, already talking to the beautiful bartender. Who kept giving the red-head lustful smiles. Kanda's face contorted in disgust. "He's a freaking pervert alright".Kanda walked over, covering his nose as to keep the smell from getting into his head any further. Kanda grabbed the bar stool next to Lavi and grabbed his shirt, pulling him over to meet his face. The Japanese teen whispered in his ear.

"Look, maybe I should just go home."

"Eh? Why? You just got here. And there's no way your going home now. I brought extra cash this time and I'm ready to buy."

"Well now you can save up."

"I can't be trusted with this amount at a bar you know."

Kanda slowly let go of his shirt. It was true that the rabbit did not have much self-control. Or so he realised. Kanda thought about it for a moment, if Lavi were to be found dead the next morning, he'd probably be the blame... Kanda scowled, raising his hand for the bartender. The middle-aged woman put down the glass she was cleaning with a cloth and waked over.

"Red wine." Kanda said. Lavi smiled, mainly due to the fact that his new partner would be staying.

"I knew you couldn't leave me alone. Neh Yuu-chan?"

"Shut your mouth, its only a few drinks alright. And I don't want to caught at a police station tomorrow"


The bartender placed the small glass of the red wine on the table and Kanda instantly gulped it down. Its only a few drinks, questions and answers right? What could go wrong. Or so that's what the raven-haired boy thought.


Kanda stared at the empty glass before him. Touching the brim of the glass with his index finger, toppling it over slightly. His head was starting to throb and worse of all he was getting sleepy. Even the bartender seemed to be pissed off at Kanda for making her walk back and forth that she had to sit down at a table near by to rest. Another bartender took over, he stared at him with worried eyes. Kanda ignored the man and sloshed his drink around. "Stupid low tolerance. That idiot Usagi is still calm...", Kanda mumbled, trying to get off from his seat. He tripped over the chair and Lavi quickly grabbed a hold of the Japanese teen.

"Careful Yu. You might get injured if you walk." Kanda kept silent untill his phone started to ring. He reluctantly pulled it out, flipping it open and pressing the green button, the voice that sounded through his ear made Kanda scowl.

"I have to take this outside." Lavi gave him a nod, looking at him go through the door wearily. When Kanda was outside, he looked around cautiously, making sure no one would hear whatever he had to say to that man. "What do you want you bastard?"

"Hey now, is this how you talk to your ex's guardian?"

"Yes", said Kanda without hesitation.

"Ouch, your still an ass you know that"

"Shut it. You're still a drunkard."

"Oh, who is the one whose drunk now?"





Kanda snapped the phone shut, almost splitting it into two, a snarl tearing through his throat as he shoved the phone deep into his back pocket. "He better not show up in my face or I'll kick him in the balls…the perverted drunkard…"

Kanda cursed, leaning against the brick wall around the corner. That was the bastard who was his ex-lover's Master and guardian and even his own guardian's friend, Cross Marian. He is arrogant, a drunkard, a womanizer and worse of all, he has terrible money handling problems. It still bothers him as to why Allen stayed with this man for almost three years. Or even that he survived with this man for three years. Only problem was that he was a terrible influence, and usually brought back with two or three… hell even five women to the apartment. Which explains the reason as to the hatred towards women Kanda felt at the time when he was with the moyashi.

"Hey kid, do you wanna have a good time?" said a bald man, waving around a bottle of alcohol. Kanda looked down at the man, he was practically out of it. "He reeks of alcohol..."

"No I don't, now get out of my sight", Kanda said, kicking the man away. This happened too many times to him, even Kanda couldn't remember how many times this incident kept happening. 'Damn if I wasn't this drunk I would have knocked this guy out for sure...'

The man got up immediately and put Kanda's wrists against the wall. Kanda started to struggle but his efforts were in vain. "Damn it, this guy is strong".

"Hey kid, you better not mess with me in your condition. I may be drunk but my tolerance is extremely high. You should be happy that you caught my attention"

"Oh really. I couldn't sense anything since your fowl smell prevented me from doing so. You third-rate loser"

"What was that?!"

The man pulled back his arm and clenched his fist. Kanda who knew what was coming just closed his eyes. The darkness made him calm, but at the same time scared. The darkness nobody could enter, the one that nobody could flash some light into. But the light had always dawned on him when he least expected, his thoughts almost drifted to a painful flashback when...

"Back off pervert!!"

The bald man hit the brick wall and passed out. Kanda had a blank expression. It was dark but he could see there was quite a big dent on the wall where the man was. Lavi smirked and turned to smile at Kanda, who was still having a blank expression.

"Hey c'mon Yu, don't you know how to fight?", he insulted, patting Kanda on the back. Kanda quickly shrugged it off.

"Of course I know you idiot. You just came early"

"Oh? Then why did I see you close your eyes right before that guy was about to hit ya?"

Kanda gave him a death glare, which made Lavi jump back a little. It was true though, he would always close his eyes before stuff like that, but it wasn't like he was going to give up. Kanda started to walk back to the busy streets, Lavi started to catch up with him.

"Hey Yu, let's go to the park alright?", he said smiling, putting his hands behind his head. Kanda looked at him and nodded. The park was nice, it was more peaceful at night than during the day. How the moon's light would shine on the pond water. How it reflected all the lotus that were still closed. The lotus' beauty. The moon that complements the beauty of it all. 'How many lotuses do normal people see I wonder'. That would always be the question in his mind.

"Yah.. This feels nice right Yu? Just walking around the park at night.... but its sorta giving me goosebumps.", said Lavi, his steps becoming slower by the minute as he looked around carefully. Kanda stopped in his tracks, making lavi bump into him.

"Oi, why did you suddenly sto-"

Lavi turned to see the pond, it was a really memorable sight. And one point he noticed a budding lotus. It seems that was what Kanda was staring at. Then he noticed that Kanda was murmuring something, it was faint but Lavi could make it out.

"hasu no hana desu ne..."

Lavi stared at the Japanese teen, long enough to realise that he was smiling a little. Lavi's face flushed a little. "Uwa, Yu-chan's face when he's smiling is cute! Wait..." He quickly shook that thought out of his head and looked the the budding lotus.

"Yu-chan, you like lotuses don't you?" Kanda just sighed and looked at the red-head.

"So what if I do, they are just flowers. Its not like they represent anything meaningful in my life" Lavi just smirked, Kanda was really a terrible liar.

"You're wrong Yu", said Lavi pointedly. He sat on the bench beside Kanda and looked up in the sky.

"The lotus represents a virtue, its pretty meaningful to Asians especially Indians, Chinese and Japanese." That being said, Kanda sat down beside him.

"Oi, I thought you wouldn't be interested in stuff like this. But why do you know so much?", asked Kanda.

"Hm, I guess its an occupational disease?" Kanda blinked.

"You're a photographer, what kind of disease could you get other than taking pictures of everything"

"I told you before, I'm just working to pay off something I broke. My real job is being a Bookman."


"People who record unrecorded history, but that doesn't mean we don't need to know about the history that is recorded"

Kanda stared at Lavi for a moment, he may be an idiot but he does has some smarts. Lavi got up and started to stretch his back.

"Hah... that was a good walk. But I'm ready to go now. Hey Yu, I'm sure you can't walk to your apartment right? So why don't I drive ya?"

Kanda just agreed, it would be bad if he ran into trouble again too. Lavi just smiled and the both of them started to walk into the busy streets oncce again. They stopped before a silver car which seemed pretty new. Kanda just scowled, it had a drawing of a rabbit with an eye-patch on the side door. "How idiotic can this guy get?!".He didn't care anymore, Kanda looked at his watch. It was 1 am in the morning, he was tired, sleepy and pretty sure that he would be having a really bad hangover. He slammed the car door hard, put on the seat belt and gave Lavi his stupid address. As the red-head was driving, Kanda dozed off...

It wasn't long before Lavi stopped at the destination. The area was quite small but its looked friendly.

"Hey Yu, we're here..."

Lavi couldn't help but stare at the Japanese teen, who was making soft breathing sounds from his mouth. When he was always sleeping, he would look totally defenceless and innocent. The exact opposite of what he is like awake. "Defenceless is it.... oh shit".Lavi cursed silently, turning away from the sleeping boy. The red-head tuned in to the radio and quickly turned the volume to the max before coverng his ears. Kanda almost jumped out of his seat.

"What the hell was that for you idiot!?"

"Don't blame me! You were the one who drifted off."

Kanda instantly punched the man on the head and took off his seat belt.

"Why can't a simple pat on the shoulder be enough for you?"

"That's old-fashioned Yu-chan~", whined Lavi, rubbing his sore bruise.

Kanda opened the car door and stormed off.

"Good Night partner!", shouted Lavi, waving cheerily at the angry teen. Kanda couldn't help but blush a little. 'That idiot...'

As he stepped into his apartment, he immediately went to lay down on his bed and covered his face with a pillow.

"It was a fun night I guess..."

And with that, Kanda fell asleep.

*Hasu no Hana ハスの花 = Lotus
Ok Hope you enjoyed this! The 4th chapter it will be co-written with my friend so that it will be more interesting. So look forward to it.

Preview: (Not telling but there's a hint) Lavi walked into the office, only to realise Kanda was reading some of the magazines the company was in. He decided to give him a sneak attack when...