Welcome to the Thankyous! This is the reason the last chapter took so long- it took me forever to finish it! Here it is! Everyone- I think. If I miss someone for something I am SOOOOOOOO sorry!
Before I forget this link http://www.mediaminer.org/fanart/view.php?id=58695 is a link to the pic my friend drew for me for the cover of DISCRIMATION.
Here's mine http://www.mediaminer.org/fanart/view.php?id=62831
name |
SSJ Tokya |
Coolfighter18 |
Burned Vamp |
Koyoko Mei |
Tainted Fire |
Lei Fang |
This story is ....... |
serina72585 |
GohanVidel |
blue fire |
Bura |
Crystal |
AGalaxiaGoddess |
Thea |
Marron Briefs |
Dark Flame |
Tessa-Chan |
Jeffrey |
Abigail |
Lily |
colorguard |
Liz |
T/M FAN!!!!!!!! |
Vegeta's too sexy for you |
JiYouNg |
Son Asanra |
Legolas Luver |
Heather |
Tessa-chan |
Starr |
Ironic Paradise |
Coolfighter18 |
Elisa ([email protected]) |
Lisa |
jasmine |
Meggy Weggy |
Marron4k |
mary ([email protected]) |
A girl on a mission,to find the remote..-.- |
Marronscool |
TMgurl |
Vegeta4k |
EVIL!!! |
Callie |
mary |
Jazzy_Jasmine |
Zeeke |
Meggy Weggy |
Nancy_Drew |
Ironic Paradise |
band_flag_nerd |
BluEydMnstr |
alinea |
Marron Chesnut |
Crystal Lily |
Jamers aka Jamie |
KittieKat |
DQallDaWay |
Sassy_Sista |
leona |
........ |
misty |
Mione G |
Nellie Chibi |
Black cat in the night |
Ginny |
Star-Gazer |
Silver-Pen aka Rouge |
Marron |
Zee |
Lady Tskuya |
Ali Mystic |
dizzy_lizzie |
akane-chan |
Mirai-Trunk's #1 Fangirl |
Clarrisa |
no more |
O2 |
Brarocks |
rory |
wowwy |
nicole mcintosh |
Saga Genesis |
#1 Goten's-Girl ([email protected]) |
Hikaris lil kittie |
Trunks Lover |
Midnight Mystery Angel |
ME |
Princess Peach |
Tiffany |
Muah! |
dbz_fan |
Miss.S |
Crimson Wish |
Silver Pen....uh oh... |
Tigeress419 |
Little Rose |
IsleofSolitude |
Yep All 105! And here are further thankyous!
Thank you to: Lei Fang who reviewed ALL MY CHAPTERS! Thank you sooooooooo much! You make me feel like I'm something!
Thank you to: SSJ Tokya, my 1st reviewer! Thankyou so much- you were there before anyone else!
Thank you to: blue fire my 100th reviewer! I was so proud when I got 100, you made my dream possible!
Thank you to: Tessa-Chan my 200th reviewer- I never thought it was possible! Thanks!
Thank you to: Marron Briefs my 300th reviewer- 300!!! Geeze that's amazing! Thank you for helping me toward it!
Thank you to: DQallDaWay: For being my best friend, yelling at me when I took to long, and beta reading a few of my chapters.
Thank you to: SSJ Tokya Burned Vamp Tainted Fire Lei Fang Lily Vegeta's too sexy for you Legolas Luver Starr Marron4k who reviewed eight time or more. Thank you and I'm so flattered that you would review so much!
Thank you to: SSJ Tokya Burned Vamp Koyoko Mei Lei Fang Tessa-Chan Lily Vegeta's too sexy for you JiYouNg Son Asanra Heather Starr Ironic Paradise Jamers aka Jamie Star-Gazer Lady Tskuya Ali Mystic rory Miss.S who had me on their favorite story list! Thank you for liking it so much!
Thank you to: Hikaris lil kittie Callie who had put me on their favorite author lists! I can't imagine why but thank you, you make me feel special!
Thank you to: Coolfighter18 leona who had both me on the favorite authors and favorite stories list. THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!