To all my readers….
After a year without updates, I have some good, and some bad, news for you. But first, I'm going to thank you all for sticking by me, reading, reviewing, and generally making writing this worthwhile. You guys boost my ego, float my boat, rock my world. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time on my unworthy fantasies. It is so much appreciated.
Now, onto the good and bad of it. Bad first.
As of right now, I am closing up Everlong indefinitely. I went back the other day and read through it all, and ended up despising myself for posting it online. Unfortunately, that's how I end up feeling about most of my work. Still, I'm not quite done with Dorthea, I don't think, and definitely not done playing with the poor, defenseless crew and bending them to my every whim. (Somewhere in the galaxy, Kirk is comatose, Bones is cursing about crazy fangirls, and Spock is running around trying to keep the ship in order while attempting to disappear out of my reach.) This brings me to the good news. Maybe. Depending on how you look on it.
Seeing as Dorthea and her sister are still buzzing around indignantly in my head, (Dorthea: FINISH MY STORY, DAMMIT! Eliza: Ugh. You suck. Just letting us sit here? What the hell kind of writer are you? Me: *on hands and knees* I'm so sorry… please, forgive me!) I can't just let them go on with no resolution. So. Now in my stock of unfinished stories, I have added a sort of rewrite. Everlong Revised. I would've preferred Everlong 2.0, but they took out the . in the title and it said Everlong 20 and that made no sense. It will essentially follow the same plot, but with a couple major changes. If you're interested, please, be my guest and go ahead and read that. I can't promise that I'll finish it (I think I have a complex…), but I definitely like this version much more.
While I can hope that you'll all forgive me (crawls over and begs for forgiveness while Dorthea and Eliza scoff) and give this new version a try, all I can do now is say:
You guys are awesome. Thanks again. Have fun. Enjoy literature. And….
Live long and prosper.
Taylor-V out.