Disclaimer: You guys should be glad I don't own Disney; we'd all have warped childhoods.

WARNINGS: Alas this is Disney at its darkest, so people who are sensitive to certain things need to take heed of these. I will not tolerate people complaining about content when I am WARNING you that this fic is not focused on cupcakes and unicorns. SO beware of: implied character death, alternate ending, implied non-con, and one-sided slash.

Dismembered Movie of the Day: Aladdin, who is much too pretty for his own good. Features Jafar and Aladdin with mentions of Jasmine and Genie.

Word Count: 1, 551

Mourn for the Heroes

Chapter One: The Shame of Prince Ali

[The tradegy of life is not that man loses, but that man almost wins. -Heywood C. Broun]

It truly was a beautiful city, before the golden sands where stained crimson...

The room was made for a prince. Designed with lavish and tasteful decorations that could please any eye, the softest silk sheets draped over plush beds, treasures piled in every vast corner, and a breath taking view of the once wondrous city far below, it wasn't any wonder why anyone would want to leave. Unless, of course, the room wasn't really a room at all but rather a well disguised prison.

An ebony haired youth lay glumly on the luxuriant bed, dark defeated eyes staring out towards the balcony in a heavy longing. He was fitted in clothes more luxurious then the (only) articles he had previously owned. Though really it was only a pair of pants that clothed him; he remained shirtless, exposing a skinny frame that belayed years of malnutrition, but strengthened and built from an equal amount of time of running through the streets and scaling buildings for eluding the royal guards. His wrists were restricted by golden chuffs, a mockery of the same bracelets that bounded his dear friend Genie to an eternity of servitude. A fate he himself now seemed to be destined to.

"My, my sulking again? This act is really becoming tiresome boy." Spidery fingers slowly dragged rough pads up his expose back, lingering briefly at the base of his neck before continuing their sensual ascent. The appendages wrapped themselves around his hair, each strand securely tucked in their merciless grasp. Abruptly they viciously yanked back, wrenching a few strands from their roots and bringing stinging tears to his eyes. Defiantly, he still dared to meet his captors piercing gaze; the smoldering dark onyx freezing the blood in his veins and leaving him frigid. Empty. Hollow.

"Thinking about your lovely flower? I understand why you're still so hung up over her. After all she was quite the gem in this forsaken city…such a pity she had to die," Jafar mused callously; tilting Aladdin's head back even further for cruelty's sake. The boy gritted his teeth both against the stinging pain and his rage that the monster would speak of his princess so. The dark mage simply appeared amused at the youth's ire. A dark chuckle emitted from thin lips, Jafar's cold grin twisting and stretching wider over his long face.

"There's that temper. It's oh so amusing when you're mad at me. Though really, we both know her death was no fault of mine," he drawled lazily, suddenly releasing Aladdin from his brutal hold. Weeks ago, when he had been in the beginnings of breaking in his new pet, the fool would have thrown a punch, sloppy, wild, and livid. However the boy was a quick study, and learned that such actions would only lead to a painful end. Time had yet to heal the bruises and Aladdin was still mindful of the 'lessons' that entailed them.

But he had yet to fully yield. However that was fine with Jafar, he was a patient man.

"You killed her! It was you!" Aladdin protested vehemently, dark brown eyes flashing with suffocating grief. If Jafar had a heart he would have found such misery tragic, but alas he didn't, and it was rather delicious instead. He couldn't resist digging a little deeper into this trove of despair.

"But who found the lamp? Who was the one that dragged her into this little mess hmm? Surely not I, the simple opportunist here?" The sorcerer eagerly watched as his oily lies seeped into the overwhelming guilt. How the boy's shoulder's drooped in depression as the words wriggled themselves into his conscience. Oh this was too good to be true! The street rat was much too easy to manipulate, and Jafar had thought the Sultan a simpleton! With fake sincerity he cupped Aladdin's face, marveling in the silky, tanned skin beneath his dry, skeletal hands. Such a beautiful boy the slums of Agrabah produced; truly a diamond in the rough. "Her blood is on your hands." With a rough shake he released the street rat, pleased to see the boy glare in displeasure and rub the delicate jaw line.

"However, if it's any consultation to your conscience I would have killed her anyways. Beautiful she was, but the Princess was much too stubborn to be a decent wife," Jafar watched as Aladdin's look darkened.

"There are plenty more women out there willing to produce me a worthy heir." Aladdin's anger had reached eruption; as Jafar predicted, the boy had yet to fully learn his place.

Aladdin lunged, a tortured cry of primal rage pushing past soft lips as he envisioned his hands wrapped around the evil Sultan's neck. However he was immediately yanked back, the rattling of iron chains reminding him he was not to be going anywhere. Jafar smirked in cold satisfaction as Aladdin vainly struggled against his bonds, admiring the way the golden collar clasped around the boy's long tempting neck gleamed in the fire light. Jafar tisked at Aladdin's futile actions, shaking his head in mock dismay.

"You never learn do you?" Jafar took one step forward, a menacing smirk twisting his features. He watched in amusement as the boy's eyes widen in wary alarm. Jafar never broke his gaze from those soft eyes, ones that bled such pathetic innocence, even after leading such a rough life on the streets. There was something about that innocence that drew him to the boy, that bright naïve spark. Oh how he longed to crush it. To snuff it out with a well placed smack and caustic, biting lies coated in cobra's venom. The pain those eyes bled, the utter grief, and agony, and shame. Jafar suppressed a shudder. This was simply too rich.

"I suppose once again, I need to teach you your place boy," he spat. Yet despite the venom in his words, he allowed his actions to be deceitfully gentle. A cold hand trailed down the well-toned chest, lazily drawing patterns on the baby soft skin stretched over trimmed muscle. He drew to his full height, and, leaning towards the boy so his lips were placed near the shell of his ear, whispered sinisterly, "Which…is beneath me."

Ah the revulsion, the disgust, the fear that fluttered in those almond orbs, Jafar watched in pleasure as each one slowly, slowly chipped away at that beautiful innocence. Aladdin could barely contain his horrified shudder at Jafar's intentions, the unwanted memories of his disgrace rising to the surface.

Honestly Jafar preferred his women, lowly street rats, even one as pretty as this one, were normally of no interest to him. But he had discovered that simply killing the pest was not a fulfilling victory at all. In fact, now with the passing of the beloved Princess Jasmine, death was an escape Jafar had to deny Aladdin, a boy so distressed by her passing and the loss that Azra'il's hand was actually a welcome.

Oh how satisfactory the decision has been.

The boy wasn't horrible company to keep surprisingly. His cunning had given Jafar an interesting new view of Aladdin. To think, this rat he had so easily manipulate into his hands had almost outsmarted him. But it happened; the boy had almost made him waste his last wish on eternal imprisonment at the price of infinite power. And Aladdin had been so close, so very close to victory it disturbed Jafar how quickly it could have unraveled. Alas though, it was not to be, and the rest they say is a case of unfortunate history.

In light of the following events, Jafar found that his adversary needed a fitting fate, one binding and unforgettable. Hence the reason why he had used his third wish on the boy: to make him Jafar's eternal servant; bonded through life and death by a genie's cosmic magic. There was no escape for the rat, no more running, no jump to take. His friends were gone, the Sultan taken care of, and the Princess buried in the sands of time.

Now it was just Jafar, and his pretty little toy.


There was still defiance in the boy's wide eyes; despite the telltale trembling in the lean, muscled forearm Jafar's other hand grasped. The rat still did not beg, or cry, or plead for any sort of mercy as the evil Sultan loomed over his form with cruel and dark intentions most foul. No whimper drew forth from his lips as dagger like nails were possessively dragged a crossed the sun kissed skin, tantalizing in the path they took. The hatred was plain to see as Jafar took everything and more from Aladdin, whose unspoken promises of revenge was evident in the fisting of rough hands. But Jafar saw the innocence gradually wither, and he continued to steal without reprieve, promising Aladdin infinity of this torturous treatment in return.

"But don't worry, once you learn this will become better for the both of us," he whispered mockingly into quivering skin, the ragged breathing belaying the boy's terror and anger. He met those damned eyes, grinned languidly, and stole again, muffling the protesting cries. Yes, he had found his diamond in the rough.

Jafar loved beautiful things…they were absolutely exquisite when he broke them.

And now the city cries as it crumbles.

AN: "My favorite scene in all of Aladdin is the part in "Prince Ali Reprise" when Jafar, after stripping Aladdin of his Prince ruse, turns the boy upside-down, pinches his nose, violently shakes his face from side to side and then in an of act of contempt, mockery, and sadistic emotional manipulation, smacks him across his youthful little face. Such deliciously violent chemistry."

And from this quote this little ditty was born. I've always wanted to write a uber dark fic (or series), and when presented with the chance to corrupt Disney, the definition of all things magical and happily ever after, why I couldn't resist. And then I thought, why stop at Aladdin? It's only one of my numerous favorites that Disney has produced. So here we are. This is under WIP status because I had this brainchild basically only a couple of days ago, and Aladdin is the only one to have taken a solid form. Updates will be whenever I have inspiration, or when I am feeling overtly twisted. However on that note suggestions are welcomed.

I understand that not everyone may be comfortable with whatever direction a chapter takes, so please do heed the warnings, I'm putting them there for your benefit. I myself am only slightly comfortable with reading slash, I never thought I'd ever get around to writing it. I hope I made Jafar's reasonings somewhat logical, it was rather difficult to write out given he was so hung up over Jasmine ;). Please drop a review, I'd love to hear what you guys think and if this series is worth contining.

I shall now go run and hide, because steamboatwillie1928 is going to have my head for corrupting her favorite fandom like this.