Final chapter! Thankies for bearing with me, guys. Thnx for the comments too! ;) I hope this doesn't turn out to be kind of a weak ending. Chapter 7

Tai Lung dropped the doll immediately and stepped back from Po.

Tai Lung: Po was being mean to me!

Po sat up.

Po: No I wasn't! Tai Lung was the one that was causing the trouble!

Shifu looked from the panda to the snow leopard.

Shifu: This does not look good, you two. I do not care who started this. I do care though that someone was trying to finish it.

Viper slithered over.

Viper: Master, it wasn't just them. I was in on it too.

Crane, Monkey, and Mantis stepped out too.

Monkey: We were there too.

Tigress walked out holding Tigerlilly.

Tigress: Don't punish them, Master. They were just trying to help me. Tai Lung took away my doll and they were trying to help me get it back.

Shifu turned to Tai Lung again.

Shifu: I expected this from you. I can't have this behavior continuing in my classes. You are a very skilled student and I hate to have to punish you like this, but it must be done. You will be banned from this class until you know how to behave!

Tai Lung looked shocked and very angry.

Po: Okay, go ahead. How long am I going to be gone from class?

Shifu smiled.

Shifu: An important rule to kung fu is when to use it. You are only to use it when needed for defense only. Not for hurting someone. You did it to help Tigress and not to hurt Tai Lung, which I must say, was a pretty good cause.

Po smiled back. Tigress walked up to the panda and hugged her doll tightly.

Tigress: Thank you very much, Plump- I mean, Po.

Tigress bowed to him.

Po: You're welcome.

Maybe this class wouldn't be so hard after all, thought Po with a grin.