Another stupid Author's note!!

Which is important though!

Okay, I have a dilemma.

I know you are all going to hate me for this, but if you didn't know, all of my stories are on hold ('Abilities', 'Chocolate brown eyes', and yes – 'I will come for you' too!).

The problem I have is with the next chapter of this story when I come to it. I am torn between (I'M PRETTY MUCH TELLING YOU WHAT HAPPENS NEXT HERE – BEWARNED! Haha) whether to write a pretty graphic rape scene or well, not to. If I don't I was planning to write it separately later, but I don't want to disappoint you all.

Sooo, I came up with a plan!! Go me!

I have a poll on my profile, tell me what you think I should do and what you would like me to do. I'm going to go with the majority, so, yep, that's about it from me.

Hopefully I will stop this lunacy of not writing fanfiction soon.

Mia x